HS code for molasses Cane and others

How to get commodity code to export Cane Molasses.   HS CODE  170310  stands for which product? Product code 170310  against which commodity? Commodity code 170310  meant for which product?  Export goods code for Cane Molasses.  Import goods code for Cane Molasses.  Merchandise code for Cane Molasses.   Goods code for 170310  for which merchandise?

Click here to find HS code (HTS code) of your product
HS code chapter 17 sugars and sugar confectionery

1703  molasses from the extraction or refining of sugar

170310  Cane Molasses

170390  Molasses (Excluding Cane Molasses)



How to import cane or beet sugar & chem pure sucrose and above specified.

Procedures to export cane or beet sugar & chem pure sucrose and above specified.



Click here to know GST rate on Goods and Services

GST Exemption list of goods and services

Find HSN number or Service tariff code for GST

GST registration guidelines

Indian GST Laws

How to export your goods?


Learn International trade online free.
How to get Export Orders? 
How to settle dispute in Exports and Imports? 
Import clearance procedures and formalities 
Bank finance to exporters as pre shipment finance 
Tips to exporters on Documentation 
How does Letter of Credit work?


Validity period and Revalidation for MEIS and SEIS

Re-export of defective or unfit goods under MEIS

Procedure to upload documents by CA, CS or Cost Accountant to claim MEIS and SEIS

Port of Registration of Scrips for MEIS and SEIS under FTP 2015-20

Common Procedural features applicable to MEIS and SEIS underFTP 2015-20

Proof of landing to claim MEIS, Merchandise Exports from India Scheme

Procedures to claim under MEIS scheme under Export of goods through courier or foreign post offices

How to apply for MEIS scheme, Merchandise Exports from India Scheme

Women Centric Products supported under MEIS

Products and markets supported under MEIS Scheme as per foreign trade policy 2015-20

Schemes difference betweenFTP2009-14 and FTP 2015-20

Country groups falls under MEIS scheme under foreign trade policy of India 2015-20

Foreign Trade Policy of India 2015-2020



How to export goods from India?

Export benefit schemes in India

Export procedures and documentation

How to import goods to India?

Find ITC code of your product

Indian Budget 2016-17, Duty changes in Excise, Customs and ST

Export benefit schemes from Export Promotion Councils



This post explains:

What is the HS code for Cane Molasses? What is HTS code  for Cane Molasses?  HS name for Cane Molasses? Mention Harmonized Tariff system code of Cane Molasses.  What is the Product code for import of Cane Molasses. How to get product code for export of  Cane Molasses.  How to find commodity code  to import Cane Molasses.

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