The information provided here is part of Export Import Training course online
The following are the list of abbreviations commonly used in business. These abbreviations include abbreviations used in Export, abbreviations in Import, list of antonyms in shipping trade, abbreviations used in freight forwarding business and commonly used terms in customs brokering. Popularly used abbreviations in banking, commonly using tax abbreviations and other list of generally used business terms are also included in this article. If you would like to add up more abbreviations to this article which is commonly used in your region, you may write at bottom of this article. Please make sure, you are adding only ‘commonly using abbreviations’ in business, as this category is meant for import and export.
S & H/exct Sundays and Holidays excepted in lay days
S&OP--Sales and Operations Planning
S&P--Standard & Poors
S&U--Sales and use (tax)
S. (sgd) Signed
S.C.Q. Special Commodity Quotation
S.D.B.L. Sight Draft and Bill of Lading included
S.E. Subject to Enquiry
S.F.A. Shipping and Forwarding Agent
S.G. ( Specific Gravity
S.H.E.X. Sundays and Holidays Excepted
S.H.I.N.C. Sundays and Holidays Included
S.P. Safe Port
S.P.A Specified Particular Average
S.P.R.--Statements of Procedural Rules
S.S.H.E.X. Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays Excepted
S.S.I.N.C. Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays Included
S.T.C. Said to Contain
S.THR. Side Thruster

S/a "Safe arrival or subject to approval,SocieteAnonyme(limited company France)
S/B Shipping Bill
S/D---Shipping Date ; Sea Damaged
S/I Sum Insured
S/N Shipping Note
S/O---Shipping Order
S/R ---Shipping Request
S/R B/L Signing and Releasing Bill(s) of Lading
S/S Steamship
S/T---Short Ton
SAARC South Asian Association for Regional Co-operation
SAAR--Seasonally adjusted annualized rate
SAAS Software-as-a-Service
SACPs - Special Agricultural Credit Plans
SAC--Special agent in charge
SACU Southern African Customs Union
SAD - Single Administrative Document
SADC South African Development Community
SAE Stamped Addressed Envelope
SAFE State Administration of Foreign Exchange (of China)
SAG--Separate affiliated group
SAI Special Assistance Initiative
SAIC State Administration for Industry
SAL Structural adjustment loan facility (of the World Bank).
SALY--Same as last year
SAM Social Accounting Matrix
SAMIS - Service Area Monitoring and Information
SAM--Shared appreciation mortgage
SAMS--Systemic Advocacy Management System
sanr Subject to approval no risk
SAP - State Agricultural Plan
SAP Structural Adjustment Program
SAPs Structural Adjustment Programs.
SAPTA South Asian Preferential Trade Arrangement
Sar Limited company (Italy)
SAR Special Administrative Region
SARFT State Administration of Radio, Film and Television
SARSEP--Salary reduction simplified employee pension plan
SAR--Stock appreciation right
SAR--Summary annual report
SAR--Suspicious Activity Report
SAS Statistical Analysis System
SA--Seasonally adjusted
SAS--Statement on Auditing Standards
SATC State Administration of Taxation of China
SATESC--Servicewide Abusive Transaction Executive Steering Committee
SB/SE--Small Business/Self-Employed Division
SATI State Administration of Textile Industry
SATSHEX SATurdays, Sundays, Holidays Excepted
SATSHINC SATurdays, Sundays, Holidays INCluded
SB Safe Berth
SB Short Bill, payable on demand or sight
SBA--Small Business Administration
SBC--Summary of benefits and coverage
SBDC--Small Business Development Centers
SBI - State Bank of India
SBIR--Small Business Innovation and Research (program)
SBJPA--Small Business Job Protection Act of 1996
SBLC StandBy Letter of Credit
SBLC--Small Business Legislative Council
SBLF--Small Business Lending Fund
SBLI--Savings bank life insurance
SBM - Specified Bovine Material(s)
SBM Soya Bean Meal
SBO - Specified Bovine Offal
SBO--Small business owner
SBRB--Small Business Research Board
SBS Safe Berth
SBT Segregated Ballast Tanks
SBWOTA--Small Business and Work Opportunity Tax Act of 2007 (P.L. 110-28)
SC - Scheduled Caste
SCA Sea Cargo Automation SGS Society General de Surveillance
SCA--Service Center Advice
SCB - Scheduled Commercial Bank
SCB State Cooperative Bank
SCBA Social Cost Benefit Analysis
SCBM--Simplified cost based method
SCCB--Service Center Collection Branch
SCIN--Self-canceling installment note
SCM Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures (WTO)
SCM Supply Chain Management
SCM--Services cost method
SCORE--Service Corps of Retired Executives
SCP Simplified Clearance Procedure
SCP--Self-correction program
SCR Specific Commodity Rate
SCRIPS--Service Center Recognition/Image Processing System
SCs - Securitisation Companies
SCS Size Class Strata
SD (or SID) Single Decker
SD Sight Draft, Short Delivery
SDA State Drug Administration
SDA--Self-directed brokerage account
SDA--Special depreciation allowance
SDBL Sight Draft with attached Bill of Lading
SDBL Sight Draft, with Bill of Lading attached
SDB--Small disadvantaged business
SDCF--Seller's discretionary cash flow
SDDS - Special Data Dissemination Standards
SDLIA--Split-dollar life insurance arrangement
SDLs - State Development Loans
SDPC State Development Planning Commission
SDR - Special Drawing Rights
SD--Standard deviation
SDT Special and Differential Treatment
SDVOB-- Service-disabled veteran owned business
SEA Single European Act
SEBI - Securities and Exchange Board of India
SEBs State Electricity Boards
SEC Securities and Exchange Commission
SECA--Self-Employment Contributions Act
SEC--Securities and Exchange Commission
SEED Support for East European Democracy
SEERAD - Scottish Executive: Environment and Rural Affairs Department
SEE--Special enrollment exam
SEHID--Self-employed health insurance deduction
SEK SwedishKroner
SELA Latin American Economic System
SELFDISCH SelfDischarger
SEM Single European Market
SEM--Search engine marketing
SEM--Shared-equity mortgage
SEO--Search engine optimization
SEPA--Single Euro Payments Area
SEP--Simplified employee pension
SERP--Supplemental executive retirement plan
SERP--Systemwide Electronic Research Program
SESA--State Employment Security Agency
SET The Stock Exchange of Thailand.
SETC State Economic and Trade Commission
SEVP--Student exchange visitors program
SEZ Special Economic Zone
SF Stowage Factor.
SF Superficial Feet
SFC State Financial Corporation
SFCs - State Finance Corporations
SFH--Single family home
SFMS - Structured Financial Messaging System
SFR Swiss Franc
SFR--Substitute for return
SF---Square Feet, Super Foot
SG&A Sales, General, and Administrative expenses
SGL - Subsidiary General Ledger
SGLI--Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance
SGS - Société Générale de Surveillance SA
SGS Pre-Shipment Inspection Company Based in Switzerland
SHEX Sundays, Holidays EXcepted
SHEX Sundays/Holidays Excluded
SHGs - Self-Help Groups
SHINC Sundays, Holidays Included
SHMS -Ship Handling/ Marine Simulator
SHPRES---Shipping Response
SI - Statutory Instrument
SICB State Industrial and Commercial Bureau
SIC--Standard industrial classification
SID Single Deck
SIDA Swedish International Development Agency.
SIDBI - Small Industries Development Bank of India
SIDC State Industrial Development corporation
SIDO Small Industries Development Organisation
SIFI - Systemically Important Financial
SIFL--Standard Industry Fare Level
SIFMA--Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association
SIFR--Stolen identity refund fraud
SII Shanghai Information Investment
SILIC Severely indebted low-income country
SILMIC Severely indebted low-middle-income country
SILO--Sale-In, Lease-Out
SIM -Simulator
SIMIC Severely indebted middle-income country
SIOP Sales Inventory and Operations Plan
SIPC--Securities Investor Protection Corporation
SIPO State Intellectual Property Office (of China)
SIPS - Systemically Important Payment System
SIP--Single identifiable property
SIR Stores Issuance Requisition
SIRF--Stolen identity refund fraud
SISI Small Industries Service Institute
SI-SPA Systems Improvement Scheme
SITC Standard International Trade Classification
SITP - Scheme for Integrated Textile Parks
SITPRO Simplification of International Trade Procedures Board
SITW--State income tax withholding (sometimes SIT)
SIV Structured investment vehicle
SIVs - Structured Investment Vehicles
SJ--Sales journal
SJSRY Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rojgar
SKD---Semi Knock-Down
SKU--Stock keeping unit
SLA(IC) - Sundry Liabilities Account (Interest
SLAC Shipper’s Load And Count
SLAF - Second Liquidity Adjustment Facility
SLA--Share lending agreement
SLB - Securities Lending and Borrowing
SLBC - State Level Bankers’ Committee
SLCO Saudi Light Crude Oil
SLE--Single lease expense
SLI Shipper’s Letter of Instruction
SLIAC--Streamlined Installment Agreement Calculator
SLOB--Separate line of business
SLR - Statutory Liquidity Ratio
SMA--Separately managed account
SMA--Simple moving average
SMB--Small- to medium-sized business(es)
SME Small and Medium-sized Enterprise
SMEC--Specified minimum employer contribution
SMEs - Small and Medium Enterprises
SME--Small- to medium-sized entities
SMG Standing Monitoring Group
SMI--Supplemental medical insurance
SMLLC--Single member limited liability company
SMO - Special Market Operations
SMP--Special multiperil policy
SMSA--Standard metropolitan statistical area
SMT Surface-Mounted Technology
SMTP Sub-manifest Transit Permit
SN Satellite Navigation - A form of position finding using radio transmissions from satellites with sophisticated on-board automatic equipment
SNA System of National Accounts
SNCB SocieteNationaledeCheminsdeFerBelgique(Belgian Railways)
SNCF SocieteNationaledeCheminsdeFer(French Railways)
SND--Statutory notice of deficiency
SNF--Skilled nursing facility
SNT--Supplemental needs trust
SO Seller's option
SOA--Service-oriented architecture
SOB Shipped On Board
SOB--Son of BOSS
SOC Shipper Owned Container
SOD Shipped On Deck
SOE State-Owned Enterprise
SOEC Statistical Office European Community
SOF Statement of Facts
SOHO--Small office/home office
SOIR--Schaeffer Open Interest Ratio
SOI--Statistics of Income
SOL--Statute of limitations
SOM II Second Senior Officials' Meeting
SOM Swedish Official Measure
SO--Settlement officer
SOX Sarbanes-Oxley
SP Safe Port
SPAC--Special-purpose acquisition company
SPA--Significant participation activity (see also immediately below)
SPB St. PetersBurg
SPC Supreme People's Court (of Mainland China)
SPD--Summary plan description
SPEC--Office of Stakeholder, Partnerships, Education and Communication
SPE--Special purpose entity
SPF--Special procedures function
SPMCIL - Security Printing and Minting
SPOC--Single point of contact
SPPA--Significant passive participation activity
spr Sunprotectinrequired
SPRGF Self-Sustained PRGF/
SPR--Securities position report
SPS Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (WTO)
SPV - Special Purpose Vehicle
SR - Statutory Regulate
SR & CCC---Strikes, Riots, and Civil Commotions Clause
SR Short run.
SR&CC Strike Risk & Civil Commotion
SREP - Supervisory Review and Evaluation
SRF Supplemental Reserve Facility
SRLY--Separate return limitation year
SRM Specified Risk Material
SRM--Supplier relationship management
SRO--Self-regulatory organization
SRPM--Stated redemption price at maturity
SRWTO Small road & Water Transport
SS and C Same Sea and Country coast
SS Steamship
SSARS--Statement on Standards for Accounting and Review Services
SSA--Shared services arrangement
SSA--Social Security Administration
SSBCI--State Small Business Credit Initiative
SSBC---Sinking, Standing, Burning and Collision
SSBIC--Specialized small business investment company
SSC Staff Selection Commission
SSCM--Simplified service cost method
SSD Supplementary Statistical Declaration
SSDERA--Social Security Domestic Employment Act of 1994
SSDI--Social Security disability insurance
SSD--Social Security disability
SSD--Solid-state drive
SSG Special Safeguard (WTO)
SSHEX Saturdays, Sundays, Holidays EXcepted
SSHINC Saturdays, Sundays, Holidays INCluded
SSI Small-Scale Industries
SSI--Supplemental security income
SSN Standard Shipping Note
SSN--Social Security number
SSNVS--Social Security Number Verification System
SSOP--Second surgical opinion program
SSR--Settlement Status Report
SSS - Securities Settlement System
SS--Safety stock
SSSBEs Small Scale Service & Business
SS--Surviving spouse
SSTP--Streamlined Sales Tax Project
SST--Streamline Sales and Use Tax Agreement
SSUTA--Streamlined Sales and Use Tax Agreement
SSVS--Standards for Valuation Services
ST - Scheduled Tribe
St Sales (during time period t)
ST Schedule Tribe
ST Special Treatment (WTO)
ST Short Tons
STARBOARD Right side of a ship when facing the front or forward end.
Stat.--Statutes at Large
STC Said To Contain
STCG--Short-term capital gain
STCP--Student Tax Clinic Program
STCRC - Short-Term Co-operative Rural Credit
STD--Short-term disability
STE State Trading Enterprises
STEM Subject To Enough Merchandise
STERN The aformost or after part of a ship
stet no change
STJ--Special Trial Judge
STO Specific Trade Obligation
STOLI--Stranger-originated or stranger-owner life insurance
STOs - State Treasury Offices
STP Software Technology Park
STPCT -Specialized Training Programme- Chemical Tankers
STPLGT -Specialized Training Programme-Liquified Gas Tankers
STPOT -Specialized Training Programme-Oil Tankers
STR - Suspicious Transaction Report
STRIPS - Separate Trading for Registered Interest
ST--Short term
STTR--Small Business Technology Transfer (program)
SUB Subject (to). Depending upon as a condition
SUB--Supplemental unemployment benefit
SUTA--State unemployment tax act
SVB Special Valuation Branch
SVC - Standing Veterinary Committee
SV--Salvage value
SWAD Salt Water Arrival Draft
SWA--State Workforce Agencies
SWDD Salt Water Departure Draft
SWG Second Working Group on Money
SWIFT - Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunication
SWIFTAIR dedicated courier service operated by the Post Office (Royal Mail)
SWL Safe Working Load
SWOT--Strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats
SWT--State witholding tax
You can track your shipment here: Click here for air cargo tracking Click here for sea cargo tracking
The above are the list of abbreviations commonly used in business. These abbreviations include abbreviations used in Export, abbreviations in Import, list of abbreviations in shipping trade, expansions used in freight forwarding business and commonly used terms in customs brokering. Popularly used abbreviations in banking, commonly using tax abbreviations and other list of generally used business terms are also included in this article. If you would like to add up more abbreviations commonly used in your region, you may write such enlargements below. Please make sure, you are adding only ‘commonly using abbreviations’ in business, as this category is dealt with international trade.
The above information is a part of Import Export Training course online
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