The information provided here is part of Online Training Course on howtoexportimport
What is vessel sailing?
I do not think, no export personnel will be there in the export industry who never spoken about ‘vessel sailing’. Vessel sailing is a simple term and easy to understand. Some of you may think - why do I explain about such a simple term ‘sailing of a vessel’ in export trade? Although the term sailing of vessel is a simple term, I understand the importance of sailing of vessel carrying exported goods. I hope, beginners of export industry can learn about the importance of sailing of vessel in export trade.

Once your cargo moved out from your factory, necessary export customs formalities are completed. The goods are stuffed in to container and moved to ‘port of loading’, in case of CFS/ICD. The container is unloaded at the yard of docks, where the vessels to the concerned ports calls.
What happens, once a vessel arrives at port?
Once the vessel births at the docks of loading port, import containers meant for the said port are unloaded. Now, the container carrying your goods will be loaded along with the other containers meant to be carried to different ports where this particular ship calls. Once after loading all required containers, the vessel leaves the docks of said port and moves towards the next port of calling. Once after movement of vessel from a particular port, we call that the vessel sailed from this particular port.
It is important for any exporter to collect “sailing details” from the carrier of goods for various purposes – tracking payment from buyer based on mutual contract, availing export benefits etc.etc. The exporter need to update on sailing details to his buyer to make him alert on arrival of goods to follow necessary import formalities at port of destination. Once cargo sailed from the port of loading, a sailing details is prepared. Sailing details contains the name of the feeder vessel if any, date of sailing of vessel, expected time of arrival (ETA) at port of discharge or transshipment port if any, planned vessel at transshipment port, expected to discharge (ETD) at transshipment port and expected time of arrival (ETA) at final destination.
If the export contract is on Letter of Credit basis or the export payment is effected on the basis of goods ‘shipped on board’, the ‘on board details’ are very important for the exporter, to track their payment.
I hope, I could explain about vessel sailing, easy to understand.
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The above information is a part of Export import business Course online
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