Terms used in trade such as Fulfilment House,Full Duplex Operation,Full-Time Contract , Gainsharing,Game Theory etc


Terms used in business such as Fulfilment House,Full Duplex Operation,Full-Time Contract , Gainsharing,Game Theory etc.



This post explains about terms used in business such as Frontier Market,Fronting Loan,FTSE,Fulfilment House,Full Duplex Operation,Full-Time Contract , Gainsharing,Game Theory,Gantt Chart etc.These terms used in international business are arranged in alphabetical order and you may add more information about terms used in export business at the end of this article, if you wish.


Terms used in business


Frontier Market - A frontier market is a country in a subset of emerging markets that are smaller and less developed. There are many opportunities and risks for investors in frontier markets. Opportunities include higher potential growth, low correlation, and diversification. The risks however involve currency fluctuations, lack of regulation, and volatile commodities.


Fronting Loan - A loan between a parent company and foreign subsidiary that is channeled through a financial intermediary.


FTE :Full Time Equivalent.


FTSE - An abbreviation of the Financial Times Stock Exchange (Index), commonly referred to verbally as 'footsie'. There are various FTSE indices (indexes), including most notably the FTSE 100, which is the index of the top 100 shares on the London Stock Exchange, whose movement is regarded as an important indicator of national (and wider) economic health and buoyancy. The FTSE 100 represents about 80% of the market capitalization of all shares listed on the London Stock Exchange, which is interesting considering over 3,000 companies are listed in total. For Pareto enthusiasts (the '80-20 Rule') that's 3.3% of listed companies, accounting for 80% of total market value of companies listed on the London Stock Exchange, which is even by Pareto standards an extreme ratio of concentration. When economic commentators say the "...the footsie is up/down (a number of points)..." this is a reference to the relative movement of share prices among the companies listed in (usually) the FTSE 100. The 'footsie' is owned and operated by FTSE Group, which is basically a provider of economic information and data services, especially about stock and commodity exchanges. FTSE Group was until 2012 50% owned by Pearson Group (owners of the Financial Times newspaper group) and 50% by the London Stock Exchange, the latter buying full ownership from Pearson in 2012. It is not likely that the 'Financial Times' origins of the FTSE abbreviation will be strongly Terms used in  business such as Fulfilment House,Full Duplex Operation,Full-Time Contract , Gainsharing,Game Theory etcacknowledged in future, given its change of ownership.


Fulfillment/fulfilment - In the context of business and retailing, fulfilment refers to the processing of a (consumer or commercial) customer's purchase/order - i.e., a 'sale'. Fulfilment is generally considered to happen after the order is placed and usually payment is made, completing on confirmation of safe and correct delivery to the customer. Payment/invoicing is generally separate from the fulfilment process/provider. In most cases fulfilment entails the warehousing, stock management, product 'picking', order assembly/compiling, packaging and delivery, then confirmation of safe delivery, of products/orders for which payment has already been made. Fulfilment may be an internal activity of the selling organization, or may instead be contracted to an external provider of fulfilment services. Fulfilment has an entirely different meaning in the context of human emotional wellbeing, in which it refers to feelings/situations of personal happiness and life-balance, achievement and wellbeing itself, without stress, pressure or other negative effects.


Fulfillment: the process of responding to customer inquiries, orders, or sales promotion offers.


Fulfilment House - A provider of order-processing fulfilment services to a 'selling' company, typically processing sales/orders of the selling company, through to the delivery of products to the purchaser. Specific activities of a fulfilment house generally include warehousing, stock control, order picking, packaging, distribution/delivery to the customer (and confirmation thereof), and typically a degree of direct customer communications, and potentially handling returns.


Full Duplex Operation - An arrangement for data transmission where transmission is allowed in both

directions simultaneously.


Full-Time Contract - FT. A permanent or ongoing contract of employment in which the employee works at least the standard number of hours in a working week, usually 35.


Fully drawn advance - is a long term loan with the option to fix the interest rate for a period. These loans are usually secured and can be used to fund a new business or equipment.


Fundraising: Events staged to raise revenue.


Fungible - Describes goods or commodities which can be exchanged for something of the same kind, of equal value and quality.


Future: a contract to deliver a commodity at a future date (also known as futures contract).


Future: a contract to deliver a commodity at a future date.


Futures market: a market for buying and selling securities, commodities, or currencies that tend to fluctuate in price over a period of time. The market's aim is to reduce the risk of uncertainty about future prices.


G-7 - A formal organization of 7 highly industrialized democracies: Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States.


G-8 - The G-7 countries plus Russia.


Gaffer - In the entertainment industry, a member of a film crew who handles the lighting equipment.


Gagging Clause - An informal term which has become generally used in formal business/employment language, a 'gagging clause' is a clause in an employment contract, or more commonly a termination contract, which prevents an employee from disclosing certain information about the company or employing organization (typically extending to related organizations/interests) to the press, union officers, authorities, etc., and by implication also extending to the police. Often an employer agrees or enforces a payment with/upon the employee to secure the signature to the gagging clause or contract which contains it. While the contract may in some instances be mutually fair and agreeable, often the mechanism is used unjustly and forcibly by employers against departing 'whistleblowers' because the organization fears exposure of faults, problems, liabilities, and potentially criminal behaviour/behavior, etc. A 'gagging clause' is commonly instead and euphemistically called a 'compromise agreement' by employers keen to obscure their operational failings and the shame of using such an instrument.


Gagging Order - A legal order issued by a court to prevent the public reporting of a court case.


Gainsharing - Also called profit sharing. An incentive system which enables employees to have a share in a company's profits.


Gambling:Gambling signifies operations undertaken blindly and ignorantly by speculators in the hope that they will reap rich rewards there. from. The transactions dealt in include deliberate manipulations of the market. The term is especially applicable in the securities market where shares and stocks are dealt in.


game plan: a strategy worked out in advance.


Game Theory - Sometimes called Games Theory, this is a potentially highly complex branch of mathematics increasingly found in business which uses the analysis of competing strategies (of for example market participants) and their effects opon each other to predict and optimise outcomes and results. Relates strongly to cause and effect and chaos theory. Game Theory may also arise in military strategy.


Gamekeepers and Poachers ('gamekeeper turned poacher') - A metaphor referring to employees who are respectively supportive or destructive towards their employing organization, and especially to those who become disaffected and negative due to poor treatment, and convert from being a supportive positive loyal hard-working member of staff ('gamekeeper') to being obstructive, resistant, non-cooperative, argumentative, etc., ('poachers'), and in extreme cases actually committed to sabotaging or destroying the employer, which may also include going to work for a competitor, especially exploiting valuable knowledge of products, markets, methods, customers, other contacts, etc., so as to target and win customers from the previous employer ('poaching').


Gantt Chart - Developed by Henry Gantt in 1917. A type of bar chart which illustrates the scheduled and completed work of a project. It shows start and finish dates, compares work planned to work done and tracks specific tasks.


Gap Analysis - Enables a company to assess the gap between its actual performance and its potential performance, by comparing what skills, products, etc. are available to what is required to improve performance, output, etc.


The above details describes about terms called in business such as Frontier Market,Fronting Loan,FTSE,Fulfilment House,Full Duplex Operation,Full-Time Contract , Gainsharing,Game Theory,Gantt Chart etc. These phrases may help importers and exporters on their day to day business activities. The readers can also add more information about terms used in business trade below this post.Terms used in business such as Free Port,Free Trade Zone,Free on truck,Free on rail,Freeware,Freight Forwarder etc

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