Terms used in shipping such as Container Terminal,Container Yard,CONTAINER,Containerization etc.
This post explains about terms used in shipping such as Container ship,Container Terminal,Container Yard,CONTAINER,Containerization,Containerizable Cargo,Container Type etc.These terms used in international business are arranged in alphabetical order and you may add more information about terms used in export business at the end of this article, if you wish.
Terms used in shipping
Container Seal Number:A number embossed on high-security seals for closing up containers which will serve identification purposes.
CONTAINER SHIP:A ship constructed in such a way that she can easily stack containers near and on top of each other as well as on deck. A vessel designed to carry standard intermodal containers enabling efficient loading, unloading, and transport to and from the vessel. Oceangoing merchant ship designed to transport a unit load of standard-sized containers 8 feet square and 20 or 40 feet long. The hull is divided into cells that are easily accessible through large hatches, and more containers can be loaded on deck atop the closed hatches. Loading and unloading can proceed simultaneously using giant traveling cranes at special berths. Container ships usually carry in the range of 25,000 to 50,000 deadweight tons. Whereas a general-cargo ship may spend as much as 70 percent of its life in port loading and discharging cargo, a container ship can be turned around in 36 hours or less, spending as little as 20 percent of its time in port. This ship type is the result of American design innovation. Specialized types of container ships are the LASH and SeaBee which carry floating containers (or “lighters,”) and RoRo ships, which may carry containers on truck trailers.
Container ship:Ship designed to take ISO (International Standards Organisation) containers in vertical cells within the ship's holds as well as on the deck. These ships generally rely on infrastructure on the wharf to load and unload the containers.
Container terminal : A docking, unloading and loading area within a port designed to suit the sizes and needs of container ships.
container terminal: A specialized facility where ocean container vessels dock to discharge and load containers, equipped with cranes with a safe lifting capacity of 35-40 tons, with booms having an outreach of up to 120 feet in order to reach the outside cells of vessels. Most such cranes operate on rail tracks and have articulating rail trucks on each of their four legs, enabling them to traverse along the terminal and work various bays on the vessel and for more than one crane to work a single vessel simultaneously. Most terminals have direct rail access and container storage areas, and are served by highway carriers.

Container Terminal:A facility which allows container vessels to berth alongside for the operations of loading and unloading of containers. Shippers deliver their export containers to the Container Terminal awaiting for loading onto container vessels whilst consignees at ports take delivery of containers from the Container Terminal after they are unloaded from the container vessels.
Container Terminal:An area designated for the stowage of cargoes in container; usually accessible by truck, railroad and marine transportation. Here containers are picked up, dropped off, maintained and housed. Usually where a vessel docks to load or discharge containers.
Container Terminal:The handling department for the loading, unloading, exchange and keeping of the container or goods in container transportation. It is consigned by the carrier or his attorney to do the following jobs: 1) The exchange and keeping of the container.2) The take-over of the less than container load in the container station.3) Arrange the anchoring of container vessels, load and unload containers, and compile pre-stowage plan for each voyage.4) Signature of associated freight documents.5) Compile and sign related documents of the entrance and transfer of the conveyance carrying containers.6) Examine and maintain the containers, conveyances and loading machines, and clean and suffocate empty containers.7) Receive, send, store and keep empty containers.8) Pile empty and heavy containers at the yard, and compile field assigning schedule.9) Other related jobs. The container terminal is usually composed of docks, foreland, yards, freight station, conning tower, maintenance department, gate and offices. Sometimes the yard or freight station can extend 5-15 kilometers to the transfer station in town.
Container Type:Containers are classified under different types, e.g., dry cargo, reefer, open top, flat-rack, open-side, etc.
Container Yard (CY or C.Y. ):A facility inside or outside the Container Terminal which accepts laden export containers from shippers or laden import containers for delivery to consignees.
Container Yard (CY):A materials-handling/storage facility used for storing full or empty containers unitized loads in containers. Commonly referred to as CY.
Container Yard (CY):The plot for exchanging, keeping and storing the containers. Some countries do not distinguish marshalling yard and container yard, and call both the yard. The container yard is a part of container loading area, and an area for taking over the containers in door to door way (actually taken over at the “gate” of the loading area).
container: A box made of aluminum, steel or fiberglass used to transport cargo by ship, rail, truck or barge. Common dimensions are 20' x 8’ x 8' (called a TEU or twenty-foot equivalent unit) or 40' x 8' x 8', called an FEU. Variations are collapsible containers, tank containers (for liquids) and "rag tops" (open-topped containers covered by a tarpaulin for cargo that sticks above the top of a closed box). In the container industry, containers are usually simply called boxes.
CONTAINER:(1) An open or enclosed structural unit designed for intermodal transport of commodities; many have standard corner fittings to secure them to highway chassis, rail cars, or ocean vessels, facilitating interchange among carriers in international trade (2) A single, rigid, sealed, reusable metal “box” in which merchandise is shipped by vessel, truck, or rail. Container types include standard, high cube, hardtop, open top, flat, platform, ventilated, insulated, refrigerated, or bulk. Containers (except for flat-rack vehicle rack and portable liquid tank types) have a closure or permanently hinged door that allows ready access to cargo. All containers have constructions, fittings, and fastenings able to withstand, without permanent distortion, all stresses that may be applied in normal service use of continuous transportation. Containers must bear the manufacturer’s specifications.
Container:A box designed to be loaded or unloaded from a chassis or flat bed trailer for loading on to a vessel or rail car or hitched to a tractor (truck), and can be stacked at a container depot. Containers come in 53, 48, 45, 40 and 20 foot lengths, and are anywhere between 8, 8.5, 9, and 9.5 feet in height. Width is eight foot. Containers also come in different designs depending on the type of cargo they are intended to carry. Open tops, refrigerated, ventilated, insulated, and tank containers are all examples of different types of containers. Flat racks, platform, and vehicle racks while intermodal equipment, should not be mistaken as containers.
Container:A standardised metal box usually 20ft or 40ft in length that can be relatively easily interchanged between trucks, ships and trains without having to unpack the goods inside. It’s unlikely that your goods will be shipped in anything else.
Container:A truck trailer body that can be detached from the chassis for loading into a vessel, a rail car or stacked in a container depot. Containers may be ventilated, insulated, refrigerated, flat rack, vehicle rack, open top, bulk liquid or equipped with interior devices. A container may be 20 feet, 40 feet, 45 feet, 48 feet or 53 feet in length, 8'0" or 8'6" in width, and 8'6" or 9'6" in height.
Container:A van-type body that can be relatively easily interchanged between trucks, trains and ships
Container:What is so called container is a large case for containing goods with specified intensity, stiffness and specifications. When using containers for transportation, we can load in the warehouse of the consigner, unload in the warehouse of the consignee, and need not bring out the goods from the container in the case of switching vehicles or vessels. It can be classified by the containing goods into smallwares container, bulk cargo container, liquid goods container, deepfreeze container, by the manufacturing material into wood container, steel container, aluminum alloy container, glass fiber reinforced plastic container, stainless steel container, by the structure into folded container, fixed container which includes airtight container, open container, framework container, by the weight into 30-ton, 20-ton, 10-ton, 5-ton and 2.5-ton container.
Containerizable Cargo:Cargo that will fit into a container and result in an economical shipment.
containerization: The technique of using a container to store, protect and handle cargo while it is in transit. This shipping method has both greatly expedited the speed at which cargo is moved from origin to destination and lowered shipping costs.
CONTAINERIZATION:A concept for the ultimate unitizing of cargo used by both steamship lines and air cargo lines. Containers allow a greater amount of cargo protection from weather, damage, and theft.
Containerization:Stowage of general or special cargoes in a container for transport in the various modes.
containerload shipments, although small shipments destined to same consignee are often consolidated. Container reloading from/to rail or motor carrier equipment is a typical activity.
The above details describes about terms called in shipping such as Container ship,Container Terminal,Container Yard,CONTAINER,Containerization,Containerizable Cargo,Container Type etc .These phrases may help importers and exporters on their day to day business activities. The readers can also add more information about terms used in shipping business below this post.Terms used in shipping such as Container,Container,container chassis,container crane,Container leasing
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