Terms used in shipping such as Container Yard,Delivery,Direction finder,Daily pro rata,Deadweight,Deadweight capacity etc.
This post explains about terms used in shipping such as Cut-Off Time,Customshouse Broker ,Container Yard,Delivery,Direction finder,Daily pro rata,Deadweight,Deadweight capacity,Deviation clause,Development Assistance etc. These terms used in international business are arranged in alphabetical order and you may add more information about terms used in export business at the end of this article, if you wish.
Terms used in shipping
Customshouse Broker - The U.S. Customs Service defines a CHB, or Customs Broker, as any person who is licensed in accordance with Part III of Title 19 of the Code of Federal Regulations (Customs regulations) to transact Customs business on behalf of others. Customs business is limited to those activities involving transactions with Customs concerning the entry and admissibility of merchandise; its classification and valuation; the payment of duties, taxes, or other charges assessed or collected by Customs upon merchandise by reason of its importation, or the refund, rebate, or drawback thereof. (See 19 CFR 111.1(b) and (c).)
Cut-Off Time:The latest time cargo may be delivered to a terminal for loading to a scheduled train or ship. Additionally, for our purposes, the latest documents can be submitted to a steamship line without being subject to fines or not loading.
CV - Constructed Value
CVD - Countervailing Duty
CW - Cash With Order
CWC - Chemical Weapons Convention

CWO (CASH WITH ORDER):A method of payment for goods where cash is paid at the time of order and the transaction becomes binding on both buyer and seller.
Cwt.:Hundred weight (United States, 100 pounds; U.K.,112)
Cwt.:Hundredweight (100 pounds in U.S.A.; 112 pounds in the U.K.).
CXT - Common External Tariff
CY/CFS:Cargo loaded in a full container by a shipper at origin, delivered to a CFS facility at destination, and then devanned by the carrier for loose pick-up.
CY/CY:Cargo loaded by the shipper in a full container at origin and delivered to the carrier's terminal at destination for pick-up intact by consignee.
CY:Container Yard - place or depot where individual containers are held prior to loading on board a ship and after unloading from the ship. Can be inland or at the dock-side.
CY:Container Yard. The location designated by the carrier for receiving, assembling, holding, storing, and delivering containers, and where containers may be picked up by shippers or redelivered by consignees.
CY:Container Yard.The designation for full container receipt/delivery.
D - District Office
d – Draught
D & H:Dangerous and Hazardous. Also see "Dangerous Goods".
D&H:Abbreviation for "Dangerous and Hazardous" cargo.
D. - Delivery, Delivered
D.A.A. - Documents against acceptance
D.B. - Day Book, Deals and battens (timber trade)
d.b. - Deals and battens (timber)
D.B.A.:Abbreviation for "Doing Business As." A legal term for conducting business under a registered name.
d.b.b. - Deals, battens and boards
D.D. - Damage done
D.D.C. - Damage done in collision
D.D.E. - Direct data entry
d.d.o. - Despatch discharging only
D.F. - [check Dead Freight]
d.f. - Dead freight
D.F. - Direction finder
d.l.o. - Dispatch loading only
D.O.T.:Department of Transportation
d.p. - Direct port
d.p.r. - Daily pro rata
D.R.C. - Damaged received in collision
D.T.B.A. - Days to be agreed, date to be advised
D.T.I. - Department of Trade and Industry
d.w. – Deadweight
D.W. (DEADWEIGHT):The maximum carrying capacity of a ship expressed in tons of cargo, stores, provisions, and bunker fuel.
D.W.A.T. - Deadweight all told
d.w.c. - Deadweight capacity
D.W.C. (DEADWEIGHT CARGO):Cargo of such weight and volume that a long ton (2,240 lbs) is stowed in an area of less than 70 cubic feet.
d.w.t. - Deadweight tonnage
D/A - Deposit account, Days after acceptance, Documents against acceptance, Discharge afloat, Deductible average
D/A - Disbursements Account - Account rendered by a ship's agent at a port to the shipowner for all sums paid out in respect of the ship's call at the port such as pilotage, towage, any cash advance to the master, supply of provisions and stores and the agency fee. Receipts known as vouchers support the account,
D/A - Documents Against Acceptance
D/C - Deviation clause
D/d - Days after date, Days' date
D/D - Demand Draft, Delivered at Docks, Damage Done
D/N - Debit note
D/O - Delivery order
D/P - Documents against payment
D/R - Deposit receipt
D/s - Days after sight
D/V - Dual Valuation
D/W - Dock warrant
DA - Development Assistance
DAC - Development Assistance Committee
DACON - Data on Consulting Firms
DAEs - Dynamic Asian Economies
The above details describes about terms called in shipping such as Cut-Off Time,Customshouse Broker ,Container Yard,Delivery,Direction finder,Daily pro rata,Deadweight,Deadweight capacity,Deviation clause,Development Assistance etc. These phrases may help importers and exporters on their day to day business activities. The readers can also add more information about terms used in shipping business below this post.Terms used in shipping such as Customs Invoice,Customs of the Port,Customs Tariff,Customs Union,Customs
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