Terms used in business such as Stockholm Syndrome,Stop List/Stoplist, Storyboard , Strapline,Strategic Management etc


The terms used in business such as Stockholm Syndrome,Stop List/Stoplist, Storyboard , Strapline,Strategic Management etc



This post explains about terms used in business such Staycation, Stet, Stipulation,Stockbroker,Stockholm Syndrome,Stop List/Stoplist,Storyboard , Strapline, Strategic Management etc. These terms used in international business are arranged in alphabetical order and you may add more information about terms used in export business at the end of this article, if you wish.


The terms used in business


Staycation - US term for spending one's vacation at home or near to one's home.


Stealth Marketing - Also known as Buzz Marketing. A method of advertising a product where customers don't realise they are being persuaded to buy something, e.g., people recommending a product on Internet Chat Forums, without others realising that the person actually works for the company or manufacturer selling the product.


Steering Committee - Also called Steering Group. A group of people who are responsible for monitoring a company's operations or project progress, by ensuring it complies with company policies, resources and costs are approved, etc.


Stenographer - A shorthand typist. From Greek: Stenos (narrow) and Graphie (writing)

The terms used in  business such as Stockholm Syndrome,Stop ListStoplist, Storyboard , Strapline,Strategic Management etc

Sterling - The basic monetary unit of the UK, e.g. the pound.


Stet - Latin for 'let it stand', a term from printing, which extends to proof-reading and copy-checking, editing, etc., to indicate that a word or section marked for deletion (crossed through) within a document or other media is to be retained.


Stevedore - Also called Longshoreman. A person who works on the docks, loading and unloading cargo.


Sticker Shock - A US term for the feeling of surprise or shock experienced by some customers when they see that the price of an item they were thinking of purchasing is much higher than they expected.


Stipend - A fixed, often modest, payment, usually made on a regular basis, to someone, e.g. an apprentice, for living expenses during a training period.


Stipulation:  To make a special demand for something as a condition of an agreement


Stock - An investor's share of ownership in a company which entitles them to equity in the company, dividends, voting rights, etc.


Stock Exchange - An organised market place where shares in companies are traded by professional stockbrokers.


Stock Ticker - A display which automatically updates and shows the current prices and volumes of traded shares on the Stock Market.


Stock Sale:  A form of acquisition whereby all or a portion of the stock in a corporation is sold to the purchaser (Sellers like this type of deal because their profits get taxed at the capital-gains rate rather than the income-tax rate,  which is often considerably higher.  Buyers do not generally like stock sales as the new owner of the corporation becomes liable for the previous liabilities of the corporation. In addition, a sale of only the assets of the business allows the new buyer to depreciate most of them over five or ten years and eventually recoup most or all of the purchase price. )


Stock:Stock is any fractional amount of the consolidated capital of a company. Having no distinctive number, it can be bought in any quantities. It also means goods in stores kept for sale and raw materials from which anything is made.


Stockbroker - A person or company who buys and sells shares, bonds, etc., on behalf of others, in return for a fee.


Stockholder’s Equity - This is one of the basic financial statements that shows a company's total assets less liabilities at a specific point in time.


Stockholm Syndrome - The effect in which hostage victims form emotional attachment or fondness towards their captors. The Syndrome is named after the 1973 'Norrmalmstorg Robbery' - an armed raid on Kreditbanken at Norrmalmstorg in Stockholm, Sweden. The bank's employees were held hostage from 23-28 August, during which time some of the victims became emotionally attached to their captors, even defending them after being freed. The term Stockholm Syndrome was first used by criminologist/psychiatrist Nils Bejerot, when assisting police during the siege, referring to the Syndrome in a news broadcast. It was defined in more detail by psychiatrist Frank Ochberg to aid the management of hostage situations. While Stockholm Syndrome chiefly and originally refers to hostage situations the term extends to other forms of 'traumatic bonding', not necessarily dependent on a hostage situation, more broadly describing the somewhat counter-intuitive tendency among certain folk for strong emotional connections to develop within an abusive relationship. At a slightly milder but nevertheless still very worrying level we see the same principle extending to abusive employment situations and other 'working' relationships, where badly-treated and exploited workers can develop strangely positive feelings towards abusive bosses/employers. Whether driven by fear, dependence, gratitude (for limiting the level of abuse), survival impulse, or various other possible factors, the Stockholm Syndrome remains puzzling and paradoxical at any level, and yet a very real human tendency in certain situations.


Stocktaking - a regular process involving a physical count of merchandise and supplies actually held by a business, completed to verify stock records and accounts.


Stop List/Stoplist - Excluded people, organizations, or other items, typically for reasons of disqualification for failing to meet standards or terms stipulated by the organization responsible for the exclusion. This might be customers excluded from a supply by a provider, or people prevented from membership or involvement with an organisation. Often a stoplist refers to customers 'on stop' because of poor credit rating or payment history, and notably payment default. More technically a stoplist may refer the words excluded ('stopwords') in computerized generation of a concordance, which in publishing refers to a detailed cross-referenced index of key words from a text or book or report, etc. Another example might be a schedule of banned substances or ingredients. Basically a stoplist may refer to a roster or schedule of potentially acceptable items/entities/people excluded or barred for reasons of not meeting qualifying standards.


Stop Word/Stopword - A word or term excluded from a word listing or index, notably from a computer-generated concordance in publishing where the exclusion of common words enables time-consuming cross-referencing processes to move faster.


Storyboard - Used in films, TV programs, etc., drawings or photographs which are illustrations of the scenes which are to be shot.


Straight Rebuy - When a business or individual orders the same goods, in the same quantity from the same supplier.


Strapline - A subheading in a newspaper or magazine. A slogan attached to a well known brand.


Strategic Industry - An industry which is considered essential to the economy of a region or country.


Strategic Management - The process of predicting and assessing a company's opportunities and difficulties, and making decisions so the company can achieve its objectives and gain a competitive advantage.


Streisand Effect - The term refers to a situation where something becomes hugely publicized as a result of attempts to keep it private, banned, censored or forbidden. The expression derives from a 2003 legal case brought by entertainer Barbra Streisand to remove an online image of her house in Malibu, California, published innocently in a collection of 12,200 photographs by photographer Kenneth Adelman and Pictopia.com, as part of a California State-approved project to record California coast/erosion. The photograph in question, although tagged as 'Streisand Estate' was not visible to search engines as such, and featured several other properties. Streisand's house accounted for 3% of the image. It was not taken with a high definition lens so no great detail could be discerned. Prior to the case the image ('3850') had been viewed six times, which we might safely assume to be mostly or all by Babra Streisand and her representatives. After Streisand's legal action hit the news, image 3850 became extremely famous, was viewed millions of times, and was reproduced widely along with extensive personal details about Barbra Streisand. Later in 2003 the court ruled against and awarded defence costs against Streisand. Integral to the Streisand Effect is embarrassment and loss of reputation for the suppressor. Examples of the Streisand Effect have become far more common in the age of the internet and social media, which together can generate public awareness and keen interest on a global scale in a matter of hours. There are some pre-internet examples of censorship/banning orders fuelling massive publicity and demand, which retrospectively deserve the Streisand Effect term, including several pop music recordings banned by authorities (Frankie Goes To Hollywood's Relax, for example), and banned books (DH Lawrence's Lady Chatterley's Lover, for example). More recent examples from the internet age include many private injunctions attempted by celebrities attempting to suppress embarrassing news stories, which propel the 'secret' stories onto newspaper front pages very quickly indeed, and go completely wild on the web. Politics, unsurprisingly is full of examples of the Streisand Effect, notably events such US/UK attempts to suppress Edward Snowden's 2013 leaks about US/UK state surveillance; BBC suppression/denial in 2012 of the Saville child abuse scandal story; and the exposure of J K Rowling as the author behind pseudonym Robert Galbraith's book The Cuckoo's Calling. The term Streisand Effect is said to have been coined and initially popularized by Mike Masnick of Techdirt in January 2005.


The above details describes about terms called in business such as Staycation, Stet, Stipulation,Stockbroker,Stockholm Syndrome,Stop List/Stoplist,Storyboard , Strapline,Strategic Management etc. These phrases may help importers and exporters on their day to day business activities. The readers can also add more information about terms used in overseas trade below this post.Terms used in trade such as Spot Check,Spot Market ,Stamp Tax ,State Of The Art,Statistician etc

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