Export schemes for Market Development from APEDA
Sub-Component 1
Supply of material, samples, product literature, development of website, advertisement etc. for publicity and market promotion for fairs/events organized /sponsored by APEDA:
100% to be implemented by APEDA

Sub-Component 2
Publicity and promotion through preparation of product literature, publicity material, advertisement, film etc. by APEDA: 100% to be implemented by APEDA
Sub-Component 3
Brand publicity (Product specific Indian Brands) through advertisement etc. Brand promotion for those brands which are of Indian origin, advertisement in international print/ electronic media etc.: 25% of the total cost subject to a ceiling of Rs 50.00 lakh in a year on reimbursement basis subject to auditing of the accounts. Not to be extended to an exporter beyond 3 consecutive years. Norms for providing assistance would be framed by APEDA with approval of Department of Commerce.
Sub-Component 4
Export promotion by APEDA for undertaking activities like buyer-seller meet, product promotion, exchange of delegations, participation in exhibitions/fairs/events etc. 100% of the cost for APEDA For exporters, assistance would be provided in the pattern of MDA guidelines
Sub-Component 5
Generic publicity of APEDA scheduled products 100% of the cost for APEDA
Sub-Component 6
Market facilitation centre in major trading hubs of world
Showrooms / Warehouses would be setup in leased or rental accommodation for identified products at identified centers identified on the basis of marketing studies/surveys. Such showrooms/warehouses may be set up by one or more eligible agencies and for one or more product categories. Under the component 75%, 50% and 33% of leasing/ rental charges in the first, second and the third year, respectively, would be provided as assistance. There would be a ceiling of Rs.100.00 lakhs for each market/product per annum.
However, in cases of multi product showroom/warehouse(s) the ceiling would be Rs.500 lakhs for each market per annum.
APEDA, after the review of the performance and impact made by such interventions, may allow financial support of 25% of leasing / rental charges per year for a further period not exceeding three years.
Sub-Component 7
Assistance for development and establishment of brand image of selected high value added processed food products in the overseas markets for generic products only and be done in partnership with IBEF, where ever possible. 100% for APEDA
7 (a) Display in international Departmental Store:
Tie up with local distributors /major stores shall be used as a tool for promoting generic products.. International Departmental Stores chains would be identified on the basis of marketing studies/surveys.
7 (b) Publicity Campaign and Brand Promotion:
Intensive publicity campaigns for identified product/products in the identified market through various means would help in creating a brand identity for Indian products in International markets. The eligible exporter may also undertake publicity campaigns for establishing the Indian brand.
7 (c) The criteria for selection of “high value added” products is as follows:
(i). The major ingredient (raw material) of the end-product (that is exported) needs to be an APEDA scheduled product
(ii). The end-product being exported needs to be in consumer pack with product content of 1000 grams or less
7 (d) The list of end products eligible for this component are listed below:
• Alcoholic beverages: Wine
• Cereal & Pulses preparations in retail packs: Macaroni, Pasta, Noodles, Pies, Cake, Cookies, Bakery products, Custard, Namkeens, RTE (including frozen parathas, ready to serve Pulav / Biryani, ready to serve dals, etc).
• Cocoa products in retail packs: Chocolate
• Dairy products in retail packs: Butter, Butter oils/Ghee, Cheese, Cream, Ice cream, paneer, RTE etc
• Other processed Fruits & Vegetables in retail packs: Juices, Jams, Jellies, IQF products, RTE food such as Samosas, cutlets, Ready to serve vegetables, Mixed nuts & raisins etc.
• Poultry products in retail packs: RTE products etc
• Processed meat in retail packs: Sausage & canned meat, RTE etc
• Confectionery & Sweet meats in retail packs: Desserts, Frozen dessert, Sweets such as Rasgulla, Kalajamun, Sandesh, etc.
Other processed items in retail packs: Margarine, BBQ sauce, Mayonnaise, Peanut butter, etc
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