HS CODE 270710 stands for which product? Product code 270720 against which commodity? Commodity code 270730 meant for which product? Export goods code for Naphthalene. Import goods code for Creosote Oils. Merchandise code for Phenols. Goods code for 270740 for which merchandise?
Click here to find HS code (HTS code) of your product
Product HS code chapter 27 mineral fuels, oils, waxes and bituminous sub
2707 oils etc from high temp coal tar, sim aromatic etc
270710 Benzene
270720 Toluene
270730 Xylenes
270740 Naphthalene
270750 Other Aromatic Hydrocarbon Mixtures
270760 Phenols
270791 Creosote Oils
270799 Other Products of Distillation of High Temperature Coal Tar
How to import Benzene and above specified.
Procedures to export Benzene and above specified.
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Indian GST Laws
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Import clearance procedures and formalities
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Tips to exporters on Documentation
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How does a Running bond work?
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How does Bill of Lading work in Sight LC
Transferability of Bill of Lading
Transhipment - A redefinition
Triangular shipment
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Importance of Bill of Lading
This post explains:
What is the HS code for Benzene? What is HTS code for Benzene? HS name for Benzene? Mention Harmonized Tariff system code of Toluene. What is the Product code for import of Toluene. How to get product code for export of Toluene. How to find commodity code to import Xylenes. How to get commodity code to export Xylenes.