Slimmed down GST payable rate on All diagnostic kits and reagents business
Is GST rate on All diagnostic kits and reagents reduced? What is the present GST rate tariff on All diagnostic kits and reagents? How much GST tax payable on All diagnostic kits and reagents?

This information helps to know more about slimmed down GST payable rate on All diagnostic kits and reagents.
All diagnostic kits and reagents falls under GST HSN code chapter 3822. The GST rate fixed on All diagnostic kits and reagents by GST council on 18th May, 2017 was 18%. However, GST council Trimmed GST levied rate on All diagnostic kits and reagents to12% as per GST council meet held on 11th June, 2017.
GST rate fixed on All diagnostic kits and reagents as per GST council meet on 18th May, 2017 is 18%
GST rate reduced on All diagnostic kits and reagents according to GST council meet held on 11th June, 2017 is 12%.
The above details about slimmed down GST payable rate on All diagnostic kits and reagents is only for information.
The validity of above information and amendments about slimmed down GST payable rate on All diagnostic kits and reagents may be verified before any business dealing.
The Council has broadly approved the GST rates for goods at nil rate, 5%, 12%, 18% and 28% to be levied on certain goods. Commonly used Goods and Services at 5%, Standard Goods and Services fall under 1st slab at 12%, Standard Goods and Services fall under 2nd Slab at 18% and Special category of Goods and Services including luxury - 28%. The most essential goods and services attract nil rate of GST under Exempted Categories. Luxury goods and services and certain specific goods and services attract additional cess than 28% GST.
This article explains about slimmed down GST payable rate on All diagnostic kits and reagents. Have you satisfied with this information on slimmed down GST payable rate on All diagnostic kits and reagents?
GST rate payable for goods or service, click here
Click here to know GST exemption list of goods and service
Find HSN number or Service tariff code for GST
GST registration guidelines
Indian GST Laws
How to export your goods?
How to get Export Order?
GST Registration Guidelines
CGST Act, Delegation of powers
CGST Act, Power to issue instructions or directions
Service of notice in certain circumstances, CGST Act
Apportionment of credit and blocked credits, CGST Acts
Rounding off of tax, CGST Act
Anti-profiteering measure, CGST Act
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Payable GST on Reaction initiators
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GST imposed rate on Mixed alkyl benzenes and mixed alkyl naphthalene
Trimmed GST levied rate on sale or purchase of All diagnostic kits and reagents
Nil rate tariff of GST on sewage sludge
nil rate on sale of Municipal waste
Zero rate of GST on sale of clinical waste
Rate of GST on Pickling preparations on metal surfaces
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Different application Forms for registration under Goods and Service Tax Act (GSTIN)
Application for registration under GST Act to obtain GSTIN
GST registration and returns filing procedures for PSUs and Government entities
Re-registration of GST, Goods and Service Tax.
Cancellation of registration of GST