Terms used in central excise such as Land Use,Motorbus,Minimum Control Measures, Metropolitan Planning Area etc.
This post explains about terms used in central excise such as Local Public Agency , Light Rail,Long Range Plan ,Land Use,Motorbus,Minimum Control Measures, Metropolitan Planning Area,Mass Spectrometer,Master Thoroughfare Plan etc.
These terms used in international business are arranged in alphabetical order and you may add more information about terms used in export business at the end of this article, if you wish.
Terms used in central excise
LOS - Level of Service - 1) A set of characteristics that indicate the quality and quantity of transportation service provided, including characteristics that are quantifiable and those that are difficult to quantify. 2) For highway systems, a qualitative rating of the effectiveness of a highway or highway facility in serving traffic, in terms of operating conditions. 3) For paratransit, a variety of measures meant to denote the quality of service provided, generally in terms of total travel time or a specific component of total travel time. 4) For pedestrians, sets of area occupancy classifications to connect the design of pedestrian facilities with levels of service.
LPA - Local Public Agency - Any local governmental agency that has a planning function.
LPG - Liquid Petroleum Gas (Propane) - A fuel for heating grills, however can be used as a more efficient, more environmentally friendly home energy source.
LR - Light Rail - Electric rail transit system with 'light' volume of traffic capacity, as compared to heavy rail. May be on exclusive or shared right-of-way (R/W). Includes streetcars and trolley cars.
LRP - Long Range Plan - The long term transportation plan for metropolitan areas and states.
LRS - Linear Referencing System - The total set of procedures for determining and retaining a record of specific points along a highway. Typical systems used are milepoint, milepost, reference point, and link-node.
LRS - Local Road and Street Account - Provides an important source of revenue for both city and county highway departments. The funds are dedicated for engineering, construction or reconstruction of roads, streets, or bridges, as well as for the payment of bonds and interest to finance a project of this type.
LRTP - Long Range Transportation Plan - The long term transportation plan for metropolitan areas and states.
LTAP - Local Technical Assistance Program - A Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) technology transfer program that provides technical assistance and training to local highway departments in the US.
LU - Land Use - The purpose for which land or the structure on the land is being used.
MA Funds - Minimum Allocation Funds - Each state is guaranteed an amount to ensure that a state's percentage of its total apportionments and prior year allocations for the base programs equal 90 percent of the percentage of its estimated contributions to the Highway Account of the Highway Trust Fund (HTF). These funds are intended to achieve equity in funding levels among states.
MACOG - Michiana Area Council of Governments - The designated Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for the South Bend urbanized area.
MAD Funds - Minimum Allocation Donor Funds - States that contribute more to the Highway Trust Fund (HTF) than they receive back in Federal-aid highway programs (FAHP), receive a predetermined amount based on a comparison of a projection of all payments into the Highway Trust Fund (HTF) and the amount received in Federal-aid apportionments.
MAP-21 - A funding and authorization bill passed by Congress on June 29, 2012 to govern United States federal surface transportation spending.
MB - Motorbus - Rubber-tired passenger vehicle operating on city streets normally powered by internal combustion engines.
MC - Monroe County - In some BMCMPO documents like the TIP, MC is short for Monroe County.
MCATGSP - Monroe County Alternative Transportation and Greenways System Plan - Monroe County's bicycle and pedestrian network plan, which was adopted into the County's Comprehensive Plan.
MCCOG - Madison County Area Council of Governments - The designated Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for the Anderson urbanized area.
MCCSC - Monroe County Community School Corporation - The school corporation responsible for 20 schools within Monroe County including those schools located in Bloomington and its environs.
MCM - Minimum Control Measures - The Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) outlines a management program comprising six required program elements expected to result in significant reductions of pollutants discharged into receiving water bodies. These six elements are referred to as minimum control measures (MCM).
MGD - Millions of Gallons/Day - A measurement of a volume of liquid pumped, etc.
MINUTP - MINUTP - A workstation-based transportation demand modeling package developed by COMSIS. (PC version of UTPS)
MOU - Memorandum of Understanding - An agreement between two or more agencies that states what each other will do, for example sharing information.
MPA - Metropolitan Planning Area - Metropolitan planning areas must contain, at a minimum, the Census Bureau defined Urbanized Area (UZA) and the area expected to become urbanized in the next 20 years. The metropolitan planning area may extend to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) defined metropolitan statistical area.
MPO - Bloomington/Monroe County Metropolitan Planning Organization - In some BMCMPO documents like the TIP, MPO is short for BMCMPO.
MPO - Metropolitan Planning Organization - A metropolitan planning organization (MPO) is a transportation policy-making organization made up of representatives from local government and transportation authorities. The Federal legislation passed in the early 1970's required the formation of an (MPO) for any urbanized area with a population greater than 50,000. (MPOs) were created in order to ensure that existing and future expenditures for transportation projects and programs were based on a continuing, cooperative and comprehensive (3-C) planning process. Federal funding for transportation projects and programs are channeled through this planning process.
MRO - Medical Review Officer - Licensed physician responsible for receiving and reviewing laboratory results generated by an employer's drug testing program and evaluating medical explanations for certain drug testing results.
MS - Mass Spectrometer - Tool most generally used to find the composition of a physical sample by generating a mass spectrum representing the masses of sample components.
MS4 - Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System - A conveyance or system of conveyances which was designed to collect conveying storm water, which is not a combined sewer or Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTW). MS4 Systems include roads with drainage systems, municipal streets, catch basins, curbs, gutters, ditches, channels or storm drains owned by a state, city, or similar public bodies.
MSA - Metropolitan Statistical Area - A Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) is 1) A county or a group of contiguous counties that contain at least one city of 50,000 inhabitants or more, or 2) An urbanized area of at least 50,000 inhabitants and a total (MSA) population of at least 100,000 (75,000 in New England). The contiguous counties are included in an (MSA) if, according to certain criteria, they are essentially metropolitan in character and are socially and economically integrated with the central city. In New England, (MSA)s consist of towns and cities rather than counties.
MTP - Master Thoroughfare Plan - A section of the City's Growth Policies Plan (comprehensive plan) which identifies the functional classification of City roads and sets transportation priorities.
The above details describes about terms called in central excise such as Local Public Agency ,Light Rail,Long Range Plan ,Land Use,Motorbus,Minimum Control Measures,Metropolitan Planning Area,Mass Spectrometer,Master Thoroughfare Plan etc.
These phrases may help importers and exporters on their day to day business activities. The readers can also add more information about terms used in overseas trade below this post.Terms used in central excise such as Light-Emitting Diode ,Liquid Natural Gas,Low Emissions Vehicle etc.
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