The terms used in banking business such as Laundering,Money Market,Money Market Securities etc.
This post explains about terms used in banking such as Monetary Policy,Money Laundering,Money Market,Money Market Securities,Monopoly,Monthly Maintenance fee,mortgage,Mortgage or Loan Amortization,Mortgage,Multinational Company, Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board,Mutual Fund,Negotiable Instrument, NDS OM Administrator etc. These terms used in international business are arranged in alphabetical order and you may add more information about terms used in export business at the end of this article, if you wish.
The terms used in banking business
Monetary Policy: Monetary policy comprises all measures applied by the monetary authorities with a view to produce a deliberate impact on the nature and volume of money so as to achieve the objectives of general economic policy. It aims at regulating the flow of currency, credit and other money substitutes in an economy with a view to affect the total stock of such assets as well as to influence the demand of the community for such assets.
Monetary Reforms: When a new currency is introduced in a country due to hyperinflation or due to a deliberate policy measure (such as decimalization) it is termed as monetary reform.
money -- Anything generally recognized as a medium of exchange.
Money Laundering: When a customer uses banking channels to cover up his suspicious and unlawful financial activities, it is called money laundering.

Money market account:A savings account that generally earns higher rates than regular savings accounts and limits you to no more than a total of 6 automatic or preauthorized transfers, telephone transfers or payments (including check, draft and point-of-sale transactions, if checks or debit cards are allowed on the account) from a savings account each monthly statement cycle.
Money Market Instruments: Private and government obligations with maturities of one year or less.
Money Market Securities: Short-term securities with market prices more closely tied to the current interest rate than to a company's standing or to general business conditions.
Money Market: Money market is not an organized market like Bombay Stock Exchange but is an informal network of banks, financial institutions who deal in money market instruments of short term like CP, CD and Treasury bills of Government.
Money market: the market for short-term funding such as certificates of deposit and treasury bills. Money market securities typically have a maturity of less than one year.
Money order:A financial instrument, issued by a bank or other institution, allowing the individual named on the order to receive a specified amount of cash on demand. Often used by people who do not have checking accounts.
Monopoly: Monopoly refers to that market structure where there is only one seller in the market who controls the entire market supply and no substitute of the product is available in the market.
Monthly Maintenance fee:The fee charged to maintain a particular account, such as a checking or savings account. Bank of America offers many options to help avoid the maintenance fees on checking and savings accounts.
Moral Obligation Bond: A revenue bond that, in addition to its primary source of security, possesses a structure whereby a state pledges to make up shortfalls in a debt service reserve fund, subject to legislative appropriation. The state has no legal obligation to make such a payment, but market participants recognize that failure to honor the "moral" pledge would have negative consequences for the state's own creditworthiness.
Moratorium: R.B.I. imposes moratorium on operations of a bank; if the affairs of the bank are not conducted as per banking norms. After moratorium R.B.I. and Government explore the options of safeguarding the interests of depositors by way of change in management, amalgamation or take over or by other means.
mortgage -- A long-term loan obtained by individuals to buy a home that legally transfers ownership from the debtor to the creditor until the debt is paid.
Mortgage Back Security:A bond-type security in which the collateral is provided by a pool of mortgages. Income from the underlying mortgages is used to meet interest and principal repayments.
Mortgage Bond: A bond secured by a mortgage on property. The value of the property used as collateral usually exceeds that of the mortgage bond issued against it.
Mortgage or Loan Amortization: The number of years you have to pay back a mortgage or loan in full.
Mortgage: A home loan secured against real estate that you pay back with interest in a predetermined series of payments.
Mortgage: It is a kind of security which one offers for taking an advance or loan from someone.
Mortgage: Transfer of an interest in specific immovable property for the purpose of offering a security for taking a loan or advance from another. It may be existing or future debt or performance of an agreement which may create monetary obligation for the transferor (mortgagor).
Multinational Company: It is a large scale company which has its production base in several countries and the bulk of the production is produced in outside nations. This company produces more overseas than they do in its parent country. Increased trade and economies of scale have encouraged such type of companies in the recent years.
Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (MSRB): Registered under the Maloney Act in 1975, MSRB is designed to create rules and regulations for municipal bond trading among brokers, dealers, and banks.Investment Vocabulary
Municipals: Securities, usually bonds, issued by a state or its agencies. The interest on "munis" is usually exempt from federal income taxes and state and local income taxes in the state of issuance. Municipal securities may or may not be backed by the issuing agency's taxation powers.
Mutual Fund: A mutual fund is an investment that allows a group of people to put their money together for investment purposes. The money (also called the fund's assets) is held in trust by an investment company and invested into a combination of stocks, bonds or other securities. The unit price of a mutual fund will go up and down, depending upon the performance of the securities held by the fund.
Mutual Fund:These are investment schemes. It pools money from various investors in order to purchase securities.
NABARD: National Bank for Agriculture & Rural Development was setup in 1982 under the Act of 1981. NABARD finances and regulates rural financing and also is responsible for development agriculture and rural industries.
National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD): A self-regulatory organization that regulates the over-the-counter market.
National Income: In the simplest way it can be defined as ‘factor income accruing to the national residents of a country.’ It is the sum of domestic factor income and net factor income earned from abroad. Net national product at factor cost is called national income.
NBFC: Non-Banking Finance Companies.
NCD: Non-Convertible Debenture.
NDS OM Administrator (CCIL; NDS OM Admin):The Administrator (CCIL) is the person who creates and activates the GAH in the web-based system on the request of the PM and also authorizes the employees of GAH (GAH Users created by PM) to access the system by generating login and password.
Negative Carry: Negative carry occurs when the cost of borrowing to finance the holding of securities is in excess of the income on those securities. Compare also Positive Carry.
Negotiable Instrument: A commitment to pay a specific sum of money, most commonly in the form of a check or draft. For an instrument to be negotiable, it must be signed by the maker, must have a specific currency value, must be made payable to a person or organization, and must be payable on demand.
Negotiable: A term used to designate a security, the title to which is transferable by delivery. The term also indicates that the securities can be exchanged for cash or near-cash instruments.
Negotiated Sale: An arrangement in which the terms of a securities issue are made privately between the parties involved,without competitive public bidding.
The above details describes about terms called in banking such as Monetary Policy,Money Laundering,Money Market,Money Market Securities,Monopoly,Monthly Maintenance fee,mortgage,Mortgage or Loan Amortization,Mortgage,Multinational Company, Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board,Mutual Fund,Negotiable Instrument, NDS OM Administrator etc.These phrases may help importers and exporters on their day to day business activities. The readers can also add more information about terms used in overseas trade below this post.Terms used in banking business such as Minimum daily balance,Minimum Payment,Mixed Economy,Maturity etc
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