Brought down GST tariff rate on Mustardsauces
Is GST rate on Mustardsauces reduced? What is the present GST rate tariff on Mustardsauces? How much GST tax payable on Mustardsauces?

The below information details about brought down GST tariff rate on Mustardsauces
Mustardsauces falls under GST HSN code chapter 2103. The GST rate fixed on Mustardsauces by GST council on 18th May, 2017 was 18%. However, GST council lowered down GST tariff rate on Mustardsauces to 12% as per GST council meet held on 11th June, 2017.
GST rate fixed on Mustardsauces as per GST council meet on 18th May, 2017 is 18%
GST rate reduced on Mustardsauces according to GST council meet held on 11th June, 2017 is 12%.
The above details about brought down GST tariff rate on Mustardsauces is only for information.
The validity of above information and amendments about brought down GST tariff rate on Mustardsauces may be verified before any business dealing.
I hope, this article can enlighten you on basic idea on brought down GST tariff rate on Mustardsauces. You can express your views on brought down GST tariff rate on Mustardsauces.
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