Terms used in business such as Force Majeure,Foreign Bottom,Foreign Branch, Foreign Exchange Rate,Foreign Exchange etc.
This post explains about terms used in business such as Floating rate,Floor Price,Floor Trader,Force Majeure,Foreign Bottom,Foreign Branch,Foreign Exchange Rate,Foreign Exchange,Foreign Trade Zone etc. These terms used in international business are arranged in alphabetical order and you may add more information about terms used in export business at the end of this article, if you wish.
Terms used in business
Floating Exchange Rate - An exchange rate system in which currency values are allowed to fluctuate according to supply and demand forces in the market without direct interference by government authorities.
Floating rate: an interest rate that is not fixed and which changes according to fluctuations in the market
Floor Limit - In retailing, the highest amount of money for a sale for which a debit or credit card can be used by a customer without authorisation from the customer's bank.
Floor Price:It is the minimum price of a commodity determined by a government. A floor price is determined to save the interests of producers of raw materials.

Floor Trader - Also known as a Local. An investor who is allowed on the trading floor of a stock exchange, to buy and sell shares, etc., for their own account.
Floor: a lower limit on an interest rate, price, or the value of an asset.
Flotation - The process of financing a company by selling shares on the stock exchange for the first time.
Flow chart: a graphic representation of the stages in a process or system or the steps required to solve a problem.
Flyback - Also known as a Callback. A series of screening interviews for a job during which a person, usually a student, is interviewed several times, often on the same same day, by the prospective employer.
Flynn Effect - Research showing that the results of IQ (Intelligence Quotient) tests in various countries (i.e. internationally) have risen consistently over several decades, (after political scientist James R Flynn).
FMCG - Fast Moving Consumer Goods (see Fast Moving Consumer Goods above and/or FMCG in the acronyms section)
Focus List - A list of companies, recommended by an investment firm, whose shares are worth buying or selling.
Font size / Corps (d'un caractère) :The size of a character expressed in points, the unit of typographic measurement. The higher the font size, the larger the character. For a letter using the “Times New Roman” typeface, for example, a 12-point font assures good readability.
Footer - In a report or document, a line or block of text that appears at the bottom of every page which is printed from a computer.
Footfall - The extent or measure of numbers of people who visit a business or shop or other retail/leisure/entertainment venue during a given period of time. Footfall is a crucial factor in retailing methods, and also in promotion and advertising which focuses on the physical presence - on foot - of consumers at a particular location.
Force Field Analysis - A technique developed by Kurt Lewin to support positive factors and decrease negative factors, as the result of a change in an organisation.
Force Majeure - A clause in a contract which exempts the contracting party (e.g., insurer) from liability in the event of an unforeseen intervention or catastrophe which prevents fulfilment of contractual obligations, such as war, act of God, etc. The term force majeure is French, meaning loosely 'superior strength'.
Force Majeure - The title of a common clause in contracts exempting the parties for non-fulfillment of their obligations as a result of conditions beyond their control, such as Acts of God or war.
Forecast - a prediction of future financial transactions. Forecasts are often used to help plan a more accurate budget.
Forecast: a prediction of the value of a variable in a statistical study
Foreign Aid - A grant of money, technical assistance, capital equipment, or other assistance typically extended by richer nations to poorer nations.
Foreign Base Company Income - In the U.S. tax code, a category of Subpart F income that includes foreign holding company income and foreign base company sales and service income.
Foreign Bonds - Bonds that are issued in a domestic market by a foreign borrower, denominated in domestic currency, marketed to domestic residents, and regulated by the domestic authorities.
Foreign Bottom - An ocean vessel built or registered in a foreign country.
Foreign Branch - A foreign affiliate that is legally a part of the parent firm. In the U.S. tax code, foreign branch income is taxed as it is earned in the foreign country.
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act - A federal law created in 1977 that prohibits companies from bribing foreign government officials and political figures in order to create business.
Foreign Debt - Money owed by a nation to foreign investors, banks, or governments.
Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) - The act of building productive capacity directly in a foreign country.
Foreign Equity Requirements - Investment rules that limit foreign ownership to a minority holding in a company.
Foreign Exchange - Currency of another country, or a financial instrument that facilitates payment from one currency to another.
Foreign Exchange Broker - Brokers serving as matchmakers in the foreign exchange market that do not put their own money at risk.
Foreign Exchange Dealer - A financial institution making a market in foreign exchange.
Foreign Exchange Markets - Networks of commercial banks, investment banks, and other financial institutions that convert, buy, and sell currencies in the global economy.
Foreign Exchange Rate - The price of one nation's currency in terms of another nation's currency. The foreign exchange rate is specified as the amount of one currency that can be traded per unit of another.
Foreign Exchange Risk - The risk of unexpected changes in foreign currency exchange rates. Also known as currency risk.
Foreign Exchange Service - Provides subscribers with the capability of local dialing in a remote exchange via private line service.
Foreign Exchange:It is the mechanism or the ways and means through which the payments of international trade are conducted. The rates of exchange are the prices of the various national currencies in terms of other national currencies.
Foreign Exchange-Open End - The end of a foreign exchange circuit at which subscriber has a dial access to a distant telephone company central office.
Foreign Remittances - The transfer across national boundaries of any kind of funds.
Foreign Sales Corporation (FSC) - In the U.S. tax code, a specialized sales corporation whose income is lumped into the same income basket as that of a domestic international sales corporation.
Foreign Tax Credit (FTC) - In the U.S. tax code, a credit against domestic U.S. income taxes up to the amount of foreign taxes paid on foreign-source income.
Foreign Trade Zone - A physical area in which the government allows firms to delay or avoid paying tariffs on imports.
Foreign-source Income - Income earned from foreign operations.
Forex - Also called FX, refers to Foreign Exchange, in which foreign currencies are bought and sold.
Forfaiting - A form of factoring in which large, medium- to long-term receivables are sold to buyers (forfaiters) that are willing and able to bear the costs and risks of credit and collections.
The above details describes about terms called in business such as Floating rate,Floor Price,Floor Trader,Force Majeure,Foreign Bottom,Foreign Branch,Foreign Exchange Rate,Foreign Exchange,Foreign Trade Zone etc. These phrases may help importers and exporters on their day to day business activities. The readers can also add more information about terms used in business trade below this post.Terms used in trade such as Fixed asset,Fixed Costs,Fixed Parity ,Flame , Flexecutive,Float,Floating etc
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