Terms used in business such as Earn-Out,Easy Monetary Policy E-Business,EBITA ,E-Commerce , Econometrics etc.
This post explains about terms used in business such as Dystopia ,Earnest Money , Earn-Out,Easy Monetary Policy ,E-Business,EBITA ,E-Commerce , Econometrics, Economic Cooperation Organization etc. These terms used in international business are arranged in alphabetical order and you may add more information about terms used in export business at the end of this article, if you wish.
Terms used in business
Dutch Auction - A type of auction which opens with a high asking price which is then lowered until someone accepts the auctioneers price, or until the sellers reserve price has been reached.
Duty - A tax imposed on imports by the customs authority of a country.
Duty Drawback Programs - A duty drawback program allows for the exporters of goods to obtain refunds on duties on materials made from imported goods.
Duty-free Purchase / Achat en détaxe :Purchase exclusive of " value-added tax" (VAT) that any foreign (third country) resident can make subject to certain conditions relating to his/her person, to the type of goods and to compliance with certain formalities.
DV1 / DV1 :DV1 is a customs document specifying the customs valuation. It is used in cases of import of goods from non-Community countries.
Dysphemism - The substitution of a neutral or positive word/phrase with a replacement word/phrase that has a more negative/pesimistic effect. The opposite or inverse of a dysphemism is euphemism. Both are widely used in press and public relations communications. Extreme examples are unethical at best, and criminally dishonest at worst.
Dystopia - The opposite of Utopia, a society in which conditions are characterised by human misery, depirvation, squalor, disease, etc. The term is said to have been coined by by John Stuart Mill in 1868 in a UK House of Commons speech criticizing the government's Irish land policy.
Earnest Money - Money paid in good faith as a deposit, usually for a property, to show that the buyer is serious about doing business with the vendor.
Earnest Money: Deposit or binder given with Agreement to Buy
earnings: a sum of money gained from employment, usually quoted before tax, including extra reward such as fringe benefits, allowances, or incentives. In business, income or profit from a business, quoted gross or net of tax, which may be retained and distributed in part to the shareholders.
Earn-Out - An arrangement in which an extra future conditional payment is made to the seller of a business in addition to the original price, based upon certain criteria being met.
East African Community (EAC) - The East African Community (EAC) is a regional organization composed of the Republics of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania, Republic of Rwanda and Republic of Burundi. The EAC provides a forum for cooperation on a broad range of topics including: trade, science and technology, wildlife management, investments and industrial development, and foreign affairs.
East African Cooperation (EAC) - The Commission for East African Cooperation (EAC), which comprised of Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania, was first formed in 1967 as the East African Community, but collapsed in 1977.
Easterlin Paradox - A theory that beyond satisfaction of basic needs, increasing wealth of a country does not produce increasing happiness, suggested by US professor of economics Richard Easterlin based on his research published in 1974.
Eastern standard time (EST) / Heure de la côte Est :The time used in the Eastern states of the USA and Eastern Canada.
Easy Monetary Policy - A policy which enables the public to borrow money easily, at low interest rates, in order to expand the economy by investing the money in business activities.
EBA / ABE :Euro Banking Association. This association of banks was initially set up to enable the settlement of transactions in ECU, via the E.C.S. (Euro Clearing System). The system has since been modified to deal with transactions in Euros. The EBA manages the E.C.S., which allows its 62 member banks to exchange flows. Net settlements are carried out in cash at the end of the day, on the EBA account, held in European Central Bank pounds.
EBITA (Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation & Amortization): All interest, tax, depreciation and amortization entries in the Income Statement are reversed out from the bottom line Net Income (It purports to measure cash earnings without accrual accounting, canceling tax,jurisdiction effects, and canceling the effects of different capital structures.)
EBITDA - This alphabet soup stands for Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization. This is one of the basic accounting terms that gets talked about more when you are trying to understand how much the company is worth. The theory is that it lets you compare apples to apples among different companies because it neutralizes the effects of various tax structures and borrowing.
EBRD / BERD :The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, set up in 1991, is a financial institution whose goal is to assist the economic reconstruction of Central and East European countries.
E-Business - Electronic Business. Using the internet to conduct business or enable businesses to link together.
e-business: the conduct of business on the Internet, including the electronic purchasing and selling of goods and services, servicing customers, and communications with business partners.
EC / CE :The EC acronym represents the European Union's trademark. The EC trademark proves that a product fulfils the health, safety and technical requirements. The EC trademark is only valid in the European Union framework.
ECB / BCE :The European Central Bank lays down the Euro zone policy in the field of interest rates and exchange policies with other countries. Its chief task is to maintain price stability within the Euro zone. It is independent of national governments and has taken the place of the E.M.I (European Monetary Institute), which was established as a forerunner of the E.C.B.
Eclectic Paradigm - A theory of the multinational firm that posits three types of advantages benefiting the multinational corporation: ownership-specific, location-specific, and market internalization advantages.
E-Commerce:It stands for electronic commerce, which is a process of purchase and sale of goods and services on line. Because of the- internal facilities, persons now residing at” home, can choose any product, buy it and pay for it based on this system (on line) i,e buying and selling are done electronically. The basic difference between e-commerce and commerce is that transport cost is totally ignored in case of e-commerce. It is the latest technological development in the field of commerce. The main methods of e-commerce are the also prevalent. Three types of commerce are:1.Business to business (b2b) 2.Business to commerce (b2c) 3.Consumers to consumers (c2c).
Econometrics - Using mathematics and statistics to study the economy.
Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) / Union Economique et Monétaire (UEM) :A set of institutions and arrangements set up under the 1992 Maastricht Treaty to create a single European currency.
Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) - A regional group consisting of sixteen West African nations. It is a free trade area for agricultural products and raw materials, and a preferential trade area for various industrial products.
Economic Cooperation Organization (ECO) - An intergovernmental regional organization established in 1985 by Iran, Pakistan and Turkey for the purpose of promoting economic, technical and cultural cooperation among the Member States. In 1993 the ECO included seven new members: Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, Republic of Azerbaijan, Republic of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic, Republic of Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Republic of Uzbekistan.
Economic Crisis:It refers to the downward turning point in the prosperity of a country. It is a breakdown in industrial or financial situations. This breakdown may be caused by war, threat of war, crop-failure .and other disasters or by the inevitable after effect of some exaggerated boom period.
Economic Exposure - Change in the value of a corporation’s assets or liabilities as a result of changes in currency values.
Economic Freedom - Economic freedom occurs when individuals and businesses make most of the economic decisions in an economy.
The above details describes about terms called in business such as Dystopia ,Earnest Money , Earn-Out,Easy Monetary Policy ,E-Business,EBITA ,E-Commerce , Econometrics, Economic Cooperation Organization etc. These phrases may help importers and exporters on their day to day business activities. The readers can also add more information about terms used in business trade below this post.Terms used in trade such as Domestic Liquidity , Double Indemnity,Double-dipping,Downtime,Draft,Drayage etc.
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