Terms used in export custom clearance such as as UPS FTZ Facilitator, Voluntary Tender,Wharfage,Your Seller's Role as Exporter



Terms used in export custom clearance such as as UPS FTZ Facilitator, Voluntary Tender,Wharfage,Your Seller's Role as Exporter etc.


This post explains about terms used in custom clearance such as UPS FTZ Facilitator, Voluntary Tender,Wharfage,Your Seller's Role as Exporter,Your Role as Consignee, Validated Export License etc.These terms used in international business are arranged in alphabetical order and you may add more information about terms used in export business at the end of this article, if you wish.


Terms used in custom clearance


UPS FTZ Facilitator: With UPS FTZ FacilitatorSM, importers and exporters have the ability to use UPS to transport international shipments "in-bond" to and from a global Free/Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ). This service is available for shipments using all variations of UPS Worldwide ExpressSM and UPS Worldwide ExpeditedSM. This contractual, fee-based service allows the shipment of goods to and from an FTZ without using other transportation providers. Using UPS as a single source enables importers and exporters to increase visibility and tracking. The service also reduces the chance for errors and costs associated with utilizing multiple transportation providers.Importers will choose FTZ Facilitator Import to direct shipments to be delivered in-bond to a designated FTZ, rather than being cleared through customs. Exporters will choose FTZ Facilitator Export to ship goods in-bond from an FTZ to an international destination.


US Import Services:The Rochester, NY Kodak import team responsible for the Customs clearance of goods into the US or admission of good into a US KODAK Foreign Trade Zone.


Validated Export License:A document issued by the U.S. government authorizing the export of commodities for which written export authorization is required by law. Two types exist: an Individual Validated License (IVL) and a Special License.


Value for Customs Purposes Only: The U.S. Customs Service defines "value for Customs purposes only" as the value submitted on the entry documentation by the importer which may or may not reflect information from the manufacturer but in no way reflects Customs appraisement of the merchandise.


Vendor:Same as Seller or Supplier.


Terms used in export custom clearance such as as UPS FTZ Facilitator, Voluntary Tender,Voluntary Tender: A request from an importer to submit additional duties owed to U.S. Customs and Border Protection, where submission is initiated by the customer.


Warehouse/Foreign Trade Zone Fee: A fee assessed to the customer when a request is made by the importer to file a warehouse or Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ) entry. These types of entries are non-routine and must be requested by the importer to UPS Supply Chain Solutions.


Wharfage: A charge assessed by a pier or dock owner for handling incoming or outgoing cargo.


Your Role as Consignee:You hereby agree that Pitney Bowes will designate you (or the recipient of the GSP Item that you may designate) as the "Consignee" of the GSP Item or, at its discretion, will designate one of its service providers as the "Consignee" to facilitate the customs clearance of GSP Items. This is likely to apply mainly to GSP Items that are shipped from the UK to a location outside the European Union. Pitney Bowes is authorized to state your country of residence or that of your "Consignee" as the country to which the GSP item is being exported. You are responsible to: (A) ensure that your purchase and importation of the GSP Item complies with all laws and regulations of the country into which the GSP Item is being imported, (B) file a completed customs entry and related documents with the customs authorities of the country into which the GSP Item is being imported, and (C) pay the assessed import duties and other taxes due upon importation of the GSP Item. You hereby grant to Pitney Bowes (and, its third party service providers) authorization to act as your agent(s) (with permission to further delegate their authority) and to retain customs brokers and/or freight forwarders for the purpose of transacting customs business with all relevant customs and revenue authorities on your behalf, including, but not limited to, (a) making any declaration and/or completing any filing on your behalf in connection with the export of the GSP Item from the UK and/or the import of the GSP Item into the country into which the GSP Item is being imported (b) arranging for the exportation and/or importation of the GSP Item, assigning Harmonized System classification codes, other commodity codes to each commodity, paying and accounting for duties and taxes on your behalf, and managing any dispute with such authorities including without limitation regarding customs classifications, applicable duties and/or taxes. In addition, you agree that Pitney Bowes may authorize the customs brokers and/or freight forwarders selected by Pitney Bowes to make, endorse, sign, declare and/or swear to any customs, entry, withdrawal, declaration, certificate, bill of lading and/or any other documents required by law or regulation in connection with the exportation and/or importation and/or transportation of the GSP Item that is shipped or consigned to you or your designee for shipment out of the United Kingdom and into any other country. You acknowledge and agree that assigning Harmonized System classification codes requires expertise and that you will defer to the expertise of Pitney Bowes and its third party service providers in performing this task and will not question the Harmonized System classification codes so assigned by Pitney Bowes and its third party service providers.



Your Role as Foreign Principal Party in Interest: You (or the recipient of the GSP Item that you purchase, if someone other than you) are the Foreign Principal Party in Interest in connection with the exportation and importation of the GSP Item. You will authorize Pitney Bowes or, at its discretion, one of its service providers as an agent to facilitate the export and customs clearance of the GSP Item. If applicable, this will include requesting any necessary export control licenses required under the US Export Control Regulations (15 Code of Federal regulations Part 730 et. seq.). Under a routed export transaction, you are responsible for ensuring that your purchase, exportation, and importation of the GSP Item comply with all applicable laws and regulations. Your purchase and consent to these Terms during checkout constitutes formal notification to your Seller that you are assuming responsibility for the export shipment of the GSP Item pursuant to a routed export transaction. Without limiting the foregoing, you agree: (i) to comply with all applicable US export laws and regulations, including, but not limited to, the requirements of the Export Administration Act of 1979, as amended, and the Export Administration Regulations promulgated thereunder (ii) that all products and technologies that you purchase and direct your Seller to send to Pitney Bowes shall only be exported, re-exported or otherwise transferred, directly or indirectly, in accordance with these laws and regulations; (iii) that you will not export, re-export, or otherwise transfer, directly or indirectly, or request Pitney Bowes to export, re-export, or otherwise transfer, any products and technologies to any destination or to any person if this would be prohibited, in whole or in part, by any US law or regulation or would otherwise be prohibited by any US government entity or agency; and (iv) to notify immediately eBay and Pitney Bowes in writing if you or one of your affiliates are or become listed in any Denied Persons List or if your export privileges or the export privileges of any of your affiliates are otherwise denied, suspended or revoked, in whole or in part, by any US government entity or agency. Additionally, as the importer of the GSP Item, you are responsible for ensuring that your purchase, importation, possession, or use of the GSP Item, or that of your consignee, complies with all laws and regulations of the country into which the GSP Item is being imported.



Your Seller's Role as Exporter: Your Seller is responsible for shipping the GSP Item to a facility located within the United Kingdom (the "UK Shipping Center"). Pitney Bowes will designate your Seller as the "Exporter" of the GSP Item that you purchase or, at its discretion, will designate itself or one of its service providers as the "Exporter" in lieu of your Seller to facilitate the customs clearance of the GSP Item upon its receipt at the UK Shipping Center. This is likely to apply mainly to GSP Items that are shipped from the UK to a location outside the European Union. To the extent applicable, your Seller has authorized Pitney Bowes (and, to the extent necessary, its third party service providers) to act as your Seller's agent(s) to retain customs brokers and/or freight forwarders for the purpose of transacting customs business with all relevant customs and revenue authorities on behalf of your Seller, including, but not limited to, making export declarations classifications and managing any dispute with such authorities including regarding customs classifications, applicable duties, and/or taxes, and performing any other act that may be required by law or regulation in connection with the exportation and/or transportation of GSP Items out of the United Kingdom and into any other country.The authorities, authorizations and approvals granted by you in this Section 3 shall also apply if eBay and/or Pitney Bowes exercise their right under Section 11 to return the GSP Item to your Seller; provided that Pitney Bowes may designate you or the Seller as the importer of the goods. Pitney Bowes shall not be under any obligation to claim a refund of any excise duty paid on your behalf or on behalf of the Seller.



Your Seller's Role as US Principal Party in Interest:Your Seller is responsible for shipping the GSP Item to a facility located within the United States (the "US Shipping Center"), where Pitney Bowes will process the GSP Item for international shipment. Your Seller is the US Principal Party in Interest. The routed export transaction will effectively shift export liability from your Seller to you and your forwarding agent, as described in these Terms. The routed export transaction is subject to EAR and all parties to the transaction must comply with EAR to the extent each participates in the export of your item. Your Seller is liable for the accuracy of information that your Seller provides about the GSP Item. Your Seller has agreed to provide accurate and complete information about GSP Items and to respond timely to any requests for information from eBay and/or Pitney Bowes. Such information is required for compliance with US export and customs clearance requirements.


The above details describes about terms called in custom clearance such UPS FTZ Facilitator, Voluntary Tender,Wharfage,Your Seller's Role as Exporter,Your Role as Consignee, Validated Export License etc.These phrases may help importers and exporters on their day to day business activities. The readers can also add more information about terms used in custom clearance below this post.

Terms used in export custom clearance such as Shipper's Export Declaration,Shipping point,Stuffing Location,Tariff,Terms of Sale,Transportation Handling Fee

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