Turned down GST amount of rate on purchase or sale of Coaxial cables
What is the present GST rate on Coaxial cables? Present Indian GST charges on Coaxial cables? Goods and Service Tax rate for Coaxial cables?

This information helps to know more about Turned down GST amount of rate on Coaxial cables.
Coaxial cables falls under GST HSN code chapter 8544. The GST rate fixed on Coaxial cables by GST council on 18th May, 2017 was 28%. However, GST council Turned down GST amount of rate on Coaxial cables to 18% as per GST council meet held on 11th June, 2017.
GST rate fixed on Coaxial cables as per GST council meet on 18th May, 2017 is 28%
GST rate reduced on Coaxial cables according to GST council meet held on 11th June, 2017 is 18%.
The above details about Turned down GST amount of rate on Coaxial cables is only for information.
The validity of above information and amendments about Turned down GST amount of rate on Coaxial cables may be verified before any business dealing.
The Council has broadly approved the GST rates for goods at nil rate, 5%, 12%, 18% and 28% to be levied on certain goods. According to GST slabs, the most essential goods and services fall under the exempt list while Commonly used Goods and Services have been put in the lowest tax bracket of 5 per cent. Standard Goods and Services are in 12 per cent tax bracket, the government has kept a large number of items under 18% tax slab. only Special category of Goods and Services including luxury goods fall in the top tax bracket of 28 per cent. Luxury goods and services and certain specific goods and services attract additional cess than 28% GST
This article explains about Turned down GST amount of rate on Coaxial cables. Have you satisfied with this information on Turned down GST amount of rate on Coaxial cables?
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