Import product code of machinery etc not elsewhere mentioned in chapter 84 for typeset, making pr plates etc


What is the HS code for Composing Machines?What is HTS code  for Phototypesetting? Mention Harmonized Tariff system code of Composing Machines. What is the Product code for import of PhototypesettingHow to get commodity code to export Composing Machines.     Export goods code for Phototypesetting. Import goods code for Plates and Cylinders. Goods code 844250  is for which merchandise?HS CODE  844240  stands for which product?Product code 844230  against which commodity?Commodity code 844210  meant for which product?

Click here to find Import Export product code (HS code) of your goods
Product HS code chapter 84 nuclear reactors, boilers, machinery and mechanical appliances, computers

8442  machinery etc not elsewhere mentioned in chapter 84 for typeset, making pr plates etc

844210  Phototypesetting and Composing Machines
844220  Machinery, Apparatus and Equipment for Type-setting or Composing
844230  Other Machinery, Apparatus, Equipment, for Type-founding or Type-setting
844240  Parts of Machinery and Apparatus for Type-founding or Type-setting
844250  Printing Type, Blocks, Plates and Cylinders; Blocks Prepared for Printing


How to import Composing Machines and other goods mentioned above

Procedures to export Composing Machines and other goods mentioned above


Click here to know GST rate on Goods and Services

GST Exemption list of goods and services

Find HSN number or Service tariff code for GST

GST registration guidelines

Indian GST Laws

How to export your goods? 

Learn International trade online free.
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How to settle dispute in Exports and Imports? 
Import clearance procedures and formalities 
Bank finance to exporters as pre shipment finance 
Tips to exporters on Documentation 
How does Letter of Credit work?


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This post explains:

What is the Product code for import of PhototypesettingHow to get commodity code to export Composing Machines.     Export goods code for Phototypesetting. Import goods code for Plates and Cylinders. Goods code 844250  is for which merchandise?HS CODE  844240  stands for which product?Product code 844230  against which commodity?

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