APEDA financial benefits for Market Development Scheme
Agricultural Process and Export Development Authority provides various financial assistance to exporters to boost economy of Country. Under the head Market Development Assistance to their member exporters, export financial assistance for Feasibility Studies, Surveys, Consultancy and Database Up-gradation are provided.
Please read below the text from APEDA for your kind information and assistance:

Sub-Component 1
Development and dissemination of market information with base on products, infrastructure etc. : 100% to be implemented by APEDA
Sub-Component 2
Assistance for conducting feasibility studies etc.:
50% of the total cost subject to a ceiling of Rs 10.00 lakhper beneficiary in accordance with MDA/MAI guidelines.
Sub-Component 3
Assistance for conducting surveys, feasibility studies etc. for the common benefit of a number of exporters who may be the members of the Associations/Boards/ Apex Bodies etc/belonging to a group being assisted/serviced by Govt./Semi-Government Organisation
Assistance will be in line with the guidelines of MDA Scheme
Useful Information Links:
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