Posted on
26 April 2023 Category : Export incentives and benefits
coir industry and to motivate exporters/ persons/ enterprises to put
in more efforts for further development of trade and industry.
2.6.2 Activities
(I) This is an annual event for recognizing the outstanding
performance in various fields giving awards in 35 categories
related to coir industry and covering following activities:-
Categories No. of categories
1 Export of various product categories 12
2 Domestic market Development in coir sector 6
3 Research and Development in coir sector 3
4 Coir MSMEs 3
5 Coir Cooperatives 4
6 Best State Level Coir Enterprises 1 each for all
7 Coir Cluster Development 1
8 Coir Entrepreneurship Development 5
Total 34 + State Level
The details of awards under various categories are given in
Annexure – I.
2.6.3. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA – The details of eligibility criteria for
deciding awards in different categories are given in Annexure – II.
(i) Coir Board shall place advertisements through appropriate media
inviting entries for awards and the applications will have to be
submitted in the formats along with documents as prescribed by the
Coir Board. Awards shall be decided based on the applications
received against such notifications.
(ii) Application can also be submitted online along with scanned copy of
the required documents subject to submission of the application in
hard copy. However, any one of the mode need be received within the
prescribed time.
(iii) All export/sales figures should be supported by audited statement of
accounts or certificate from a Chartered Accountant. In the case of Cooperative
Societies/Govt. bodies, statement of accounts as approved by
the General Body or Board of Directors will also be accepted.
(iv) A committee will be constituted by the Chairman, Coir Board to
examine the application received and to recommend suitable awardees
as per the guidelines. Wherever necessary, the Committee constituted
to recommend award shall undertake field visits and the applicant
shall extend all facilities for the inspection of units to assess
performance. The committee may also outsource experts from the
relevant fields to assist as and when required.
(v) If found necessary, the Committee shall constitute sub-committees
with or without outside experts for deciding awards, particularly in the
R&D categories.
(vi) If required by the Committee, the applicants should demonstrate the
functioning of the machinery/ production process for which the award
is claimed, at the premises of the Board at their own cost or if approved
by the Committee at the premises preferred by the applicant.
(vii) There shall be no bar on the winner to receive more than one award
during the same year or in succession.
(viii) Separate application along with supporting documents has to be
submitted for applying for awards in different categories.
(ix) Completed applications should reach the Secretary, Coir Board, Coir
House, M G Road, Kochi-16 along with necessary supporting
documents on or before the stipulated date and time.
(x) Incomplete applications, applications not accompanied with
documentary evidence as required under the scheme and applications
received late will be summarily rejected.
(xi) In case, any of the award winners denies the award after
announcement, the applicant (a company or individual) shall not be
considered for any of the Awards in future.
(xii) The awards will be granted in the form of trophies and certificates.
(xiii) The decision of Chairman, Coir Board with regard to the eligibility for
the award, number of awards etc. shall be final.
Annexure I
Category / Name of Award Award
1 Largest Exporter of Coir & Coir Products One
2 Best Exporter of Coir Floor Covering Products One
3 Best Exporter of Coir Yarn One
4 Best Exporter of Coir Geo-Textile One
5 Best Exporter of Coir pith and related products One
6 Best Exporter of Rubberized Coir Products One
7 Best Exporter of Curled Coir One
8 Best Exporter of Handloom Coir products One
9 Best Exporter among Medium Scale Enterprises One
10 Best Exporter among Small Scale Enterprises One
11 Best Exporter among Micro Scale Enterprises One
12 Largest exporter to new Market One
1 Domestic Market Development of Coir Yarn & Coir
2 Domestic Market Development of Traditional Coir
Product (Mats, Matting, Rugs, Carpets etc,)
3 Domestic Market Development of Non-traditional Coir
Procucts (Coir Geo textiles, Coir pith & Allied
products and Coir composites.)
4 Best Dealer in Domestic Market for finished
products other than rubberized coir Products
5 Domestic Market Development of Rubberized Coir
6 Largest fresh investment in Coir Industry One
1 Research & Development efforts in Product
2 Research & Development efforts in Process
3 Research & Development efforts in developing Coir
processing machineries
1 Best Domestic Sales of Micro Enterprises One
2 Best Domestic Sales of Small Enterprises One
3 Best Domestic Sales of Medium Enterprises One
1 Best Coir Fibre/Yarn Manufacturing Co-op. Society One
2 Best Coir Product Manufactures Co-op, Society One
3 Best Coir Mats & Matting Manufacturing Co-op,
4 Best performance of Apex Coir Federation One
1 Best state leval Coir Enterprise(1 award each for all
1 Best performance of Coir Cluster One
1 Best Young Coir Entrepreneur One
2 Best Women Coir Entrepreneur One
3 Best SC/ST Coir Entrepreneur One
4 Best Coir Entrepreneur From North Eastern Region One
5 Largest Fresh Investment In Coir Industry One
(Rs. in lakh)
Schemes 2012-
1 Delegation,
0.77 40.00 70.00 84.00 95.00 289.77
2 Participation
l seminars,
10.69 35.00 50.00 60.00 70.00 225.69
3 Participation
l fairs /
, catalogue
shows and
l fairs and
BSMs for
187.80 214.56 224.00 260.00 300.00 1186.3
4 Publicity
1.72 30.00 70.00 84.00 95.00 280.72
5 Internationa
27.91 56.00 80.00 96.00 112.00 371.91
6 Coir industry
1.55 15.00 30.00 41.00 53.00 140.55
Physical Target - export of coir and coir products
Year Quantity (MT) Value (Rs. in
2012-13 350000 970.00
2013-14 367500 1100.00
2014-15 385800 1230.00
2015-16 405000 1400.00
2016-17 425000 1600.00
The funds will be released to the Coir Board on quarterly basis on
certification of utilization of funds released earlier. The funds will be
utilized by the Coir Board on the activities specified in the Action Plan for
implementation of the Scheme during XII Plan.
F. No. 5(1)/2014-Coir
Operational Guidelines For Development of Production
Infrastructure Scheme
1. Introduction
1.1 The principal thrust of the Development of Production Infrastructure
Scheme of the Ministry of MSME being implemented through the Coir Board, a
statutory body under the administrative control of Ministry of MSME, is on
development of infrastructure for the sustainable development of coir sector.
The scheme envisages provision of financial assistance for setting up new coir
units and modernization of existing units for the sustainable growth of the coir
sector. Due to the extension of coconut cultivation to non-traditional coconut
producing states, coir industry also expanded its activities to such states with
the assistance of the Coir Board for development of infrastructure for setting of
coir units.
1.2 The scheme is in operation since 7th Five Year Plan. During XI the Plan
period the quantum of assistance eligible to the unit was at the rate of 25% of
the cost of equipment and infrastructure facilities subject to a maximum of
Rs.6,00,000/- for new units and Rs. 2,00,000/- for modernization of existing
unit. In the case of units producing multiple items the maximum amount of
subsidy admissible is Rs. 9,00,000/- The existing parameters of the financial
assistance under the scheme continued during the first 2 years of XII Plan.
The scheme was got evaluated through an independent agency. Keeping
in view the recommendations of the evaluating agency and all related factors, it
is proposed to continue the Scheme during the XII plan period also with existing
parameters to achieve the objectives of higher productivity, modernization,
technology upgradation, cost efficiencies and competitiveness of the coir sector.
2. Objectives
• Provide modern infrastructure facilities to the production units resulting
in improvement of productivity and quality
• Establishment of new „State of the Art? Coir Processing Units
• Spread of the industry to potential areas
• Enhanced utilization of available raw material
• Creation of more employment opportunities, especially for women in
rural areas
• Attracting new generation entrepreneurs to the industry
• Modernisation of existing units
• Production of high value customer oriented products
• Make the Coir Industry competitive
• Adoption of eco friendly production techniques
• Achieve the target of a pollution free coir industry with technological
3. Nodal Agency
3.1 Coir Board, Kochi is the Nodal Agency. The scheme will be implemented
through the Regional/ Sub-regional offices of the Coir Board. Technical
intervention, wherever necessary, will be provided by Central Coir Research
Institute (CCRI) and Central Institute of Coir Technology (CICT) and other
institutes engaged in the development and promotion of coir industry. The
scheme will be periodically monitored by Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium
Enterprises (MSME).
3.2 The Regional/ Sub Regional Officers will receive the applications, process
and assess the quantum of assistance as per the guidelines and forward them
to the Nodal Agency with all relevant documents complete in all respects for
obtaining sanction of the competent authority for release of assistance to units
after obtaining all records.
4. Scheme Interventions
4.1. Individuals, Co-operative societies, NGOs, SHGs, Associations and
machinery manufacturers are the stakeholders involved in the implementation
of the scheme. Increase in productivity and economies of scale can be achieved
only through infrastructure development by installing modern machinery for the
production of high value customer oriented products for the sustainability of
the industry in the coming years.
4.2 With the introduction of Coir Udyami Yojana (CUY), for implementation
by the Coir Board, financial assistance is provided for setting up of coir units
with a project cost up to Rs. 10 lakhs in the country. Subsidy will be provided
@ 25% of the project cost subject to a maximum of Rs. 6 lakh for setting up of
De-fibering Unit, Rs.4 lakh for Automatic Spinning Unit and Rs.5 lakh for
others, including Coir Pith Unit. For a Composite or a Multiple Unit, the
maximum monetary ceiling of assistance would be Rs. 9 lakh.
4.3 For calculation of subsidy amount, the cost of building will be restricted
to a maximum of Rs. 8 lakh for De-fibering and coir pith units and Rs. 6 lakhs
for others including Automatic spinning Unit. In respect of proposals for
modernization of the existing units, only the cost of new machinery/equipments
and new work shed to be put up will be taken for arriving at the amount of
subsidy limited to Rs. 2 lakhs per unit. Land cost will not be included in the
project cost for the new as well as existing units. The non-conventional energy
resources/ diesel generator/ diesel engine/ expenditure towards separate power
line drawn for the functioning of the unit from the rural feeder will be included
in the project cost for computing the subsidy.
4.4 Disbursal of subsidy will be ensured by the Coir Board within a period
of 21 days as per the citizen charter from the date of receipt of application
completed in all respects in the Coir Board Head Office from the Regional
Office/Sub Regional Office. The Regional Officer/ Sub Regional Officer/Incharge
of the respective region is authorized to receive the application with all
relevant documents and the same will be processed and scrutinized by him. The
concerned Regional Officer/ Sub Regional Officer/In-charge of the Coir Board
will conduct an inspection and will verify and assess the quantum of assistance
and forward the application to Coir Board Head Quarters for obtaining the
sanction from the Competent Authority. The subsidy will be directly remitted to
the beneficiary?s Bank account from Head Office. For this purpose the
beneficiary has to furnish his bank account details to the Board. He also has to
furnish all agreements and documents relating to insurance policy, pre-receipt
to Coir Board, Head Office on getting an in principle sanction letter from the
Board. The whole procedure will be completed within 90 days. All such cases
where the subsidy amount is not distributed within 90 days will be reported to
the Board by the RO / SRO concerned along with the reasons for delay. All
applications to be made available to file online with user id to the unit holders.
The status of application will be published in Coir Board website to maintain
5. Eligibility
5.1 All new coir processing units registered with Coir Board under Coir Industry
(Registration) Rules, 2008 and registered with the DIC of the respective region of
the entire coir sector of the country with project cost exceeding Rs.10/- lakh
each or more than the ceiling fixed in Coir Udyami Yojana Scheme are eligible
for assistance under the scheme. The details are as follows:
(i) Coir Units desiring to avail of the assistance under the scheme should be
registered with the Coir Board under the Coir Industry (Registration)
Rules, 2008 and also with the Industries Department of the State in which
the Unit is located.
(ii) Assistance under the scheme will be extended to entire coir sector of the
(iii) The units with a project cost above Rs.10/- lakh or more than the ceiling
of CUY scheme only will be considered for assistance under the scheme.
(iv) Power connection or generator should be available at the location of the
coir unit.
(v) The Regional Officer/ Sub Regional Officer/In-charge of the respective
region is authorized to receive the application with all relevant documents
and the same will be processed and scrutinized by him. The concerned
Regional Officer/ Sub Regional Officer/In-charge of the Coir Board will
conduct an inspection and will verify all the documents and assess the
quantum of assistance and forward the application completed in all
respect to Coir Board Head Quarters for obtaining the sanction from the
Competent Authority.
(vi) The work sheds shall conform to meet the essential civil requirements of
the project.
(vii) The equipment and motors eligible for assistance under the scheme shall
not be below the standards prescribed by BIS/Board?s Research Institutes
from time to time.
(viii) There will be an overall ceiling of financial assistance of Rs. 9/- lakh for
units producing multiple items of coir for computing subsidy. The coir
units which are producing single items like coir fibre, curled coir, coir
yarn, coir pith, coir mats, coir matting, coir composite products etc. will be
treated as separate units producing these items and the ceiling of subsidy
fixed for the respective items will be applied in these cases.
(ix) The ceiling prices of different items of machinery will be fixed by Coir Board
from time to time after making a fair assessment of probable cost of all
components used in the production of machinery items.
(x) The machinery/equipments procured should be as per the standards
prescribed by the BIS/Coir Board and at the option/choice of
entrepreneurs with valid receipts/invoice from the open market.
Machinery can also be imported for setting up high-tech coir processing
units for which the unit shall substantiate the reason for import of
(xi) The machinery suppliers will have to give a performance guarantee for a
period of at least one year against supply to the beneficiaries and the copy
to be retained with beneficiary while availing the financial assistance
under the Coir Board scheme. In the case of imported machinery, the
units shall produce the invoice, shipping bill etc. certified by Customs
Authorities/DGFT/Banks with performance certificate from the supplier.
(xii) For the calculation of subsidy amount, the cost of building will be
restricted to Rs.8.00 lakh for Defibering and Coir Pith Units and Rs.6.00
lakh for others including Automatic Spinning Unit.
(xiii) In respect of projects for modernization, the cost of new
machinery/equipments/generators and work shed to be put up will only
be taken for arriving at the project cost for calculation of the amount of
(xiv) Land Cost will not be included in the project cost.
(xv) The subsidy under the scheme will be available to entrepreneurs who have
not availed any other Central / State government subsidy like PMEGP,
CUY etc. for the same purpose for which a self declaration has to be
submitted by the unit holder.
(xvi) In the case of original documents pledged with banks, the copies duly
attested by Manager of banks to be submitted while submitting the claim.
(xvii) The application will be considered on first come first served basis on
receipt of it at RO/Sub-RO and Head Quarters of Coir Board subject to the
receipt of proper documents.
6. Quantum of Assistance
The details of assistance provided under the scheme are given below.
Sl. No. Type of Unit New units Modernisation
of units
25% of the cost
of equipment
25% of the
cost of
facilities subject
to a maximum
of (Rupees)
of equipment
subject to a
maximum of
Coir Fibre Extraction Unit
(Defibering Unit/
Decorticating Unit)
6,00,000 2,00,000
(ii) Automatic/mechanized Coir
Yarn Spinning Unit
4,00,000 2,00,000
(iii) Curled Coir Production Unit 5,00,000 2,00,000
(iv) Rubberised Coir Production Unit 5,00,000 2,00,000
Coir Product Manufacturing
Unit (Semi automatic loom unit)
5,00,000 2,00,000
Coir Product Manufacturing
Unit (Automatic/Powerloom
5,00,000 2,00,000
Coir pith product
manufacturing unit
5,00,000 2,00,000
(viii) Coir Rubber backed/ Rubber
Molded product
manufacturing unit
5,00,000 2,00,000
(ix) Coir Rubber Latex backed Mats
& Matting product
manufacturing unit
5,00,000 2,00,000
Coir Composite
Product Manufacturing
5,00,000 2,00,000
(xi) Coir Needled felt production unit 5,00,000 2,00,000
(xii) Coir Pith Manure/ briquette /
Block Production Unit
5,00,000 2,00,000
Coir Garden Articles & allied
products production Unit
5,00,000 2,00,000
(xiv) Coir Mats/Matting/Carpets/
Printing /Finishing/Packing
5,00,000 2,00,000
(xv) Coir PVC Tufted Mats
Production Unit
5,00,000 2,00,000
(xvi) Automatic coir fibre/yarn
dyeing unit
5,00,000 2,00,000
(xvii) Coir geotextiles/Matting
Production Unit (Anugraha
5,00,000 2,00,000
(xviii) Coir mats & mattings
Production Unit (Anupam loom,
pneumatic control)
5,00,000 2,00,000
(xix) Any other coir processing unit as
declared by Coir Board that the
unit is exclusively for production
of coir and allied products.
5,00,000 2,00,000
7. Procurement / Cost of Machinery under the Scheme
7.1 All machinery required for setting up the coir processing unit shall be of
prescribed BIS / Coir Board standard specifications and reputed make and in
the case of import of machinery for setting up of high value coir products using
high-tech machinery, all relevant documents regarding the import of machinery
from the Customs Authorities/ DGFT/Bank along with Performance Guarantee
letter of the machinery should be produced and a certificate stating that these
machinery will be used only for coir processing. The details of the machinery
and the approximate cost required for each unit for grant of financial
assistance under the scheme are given in Annexure-I. The estimated cost will
be revised by the Coir Board from time to time, based on the field situation and
increase in cost of inputs for fabrication of the machinery.
7.2 In the case of installation of non –conventional energy resource, power
generator sets/ diesel engines/ separate electrical power line from the rural
feeder, financial assistance will be considered along with the project cost for
existing and new units.
7.3 Any addition/modification to the range of machinery for each type of
units due to technological advancements, innovation, new processing
technologies, product diversification will be added to the list subject to the
justification by the unit holder.
8. General Instructions
8.1 The grant as admissible under the scheme will be disbursed to the
entrepreneur only after the unit goes into production, as reimbursement
subsidy on capital expenditure.
8.2 The unit shall submit the application in the prescribed format for grant
of financial assistance for new units under the scheme within 12 months from
the date of commencement of production of the unit. The date of
commencement of production should be supplemented by the MSME
Registration Certificate issued by the General Manager, District Industries
Centre of the respective area. However, the Chairman, Coir Board may condone
the delay in submitting the applications on a case to case basis subject to the
appeal and reasons established in writing.
8.3 New unit is a unit which is registered under the Coir Industry
(Registration) Rules, 2008 but had not completed 12 months from the date of
commencement of production. The applications received and pending with the
Coir Board upto 31.03.2015 will assisted as per the old guidelines. Revised
operational guidelines will be applicable only for units which apply for financial
assistance on or after 01.04.2015.
8.4 The entrepreneur availing of the grant under the scheme shall not
mortgage the assets except to the financial institutions from where he had
availed loan for the establishment of the unit.
8.5 The grant received under the scheme should be recoverable from the
entrepreneur through legal means.
i. Where the assistance under the scheme has been obtained by
misrepresentation of facts or by furnishing of false information; or where the
machineries and premises of the unit are used for other purposes than the
assistance availed for during the currency period of the assistance. i.e., for 3
ii. Where the unit goes out of production within 3 years from the date of
commencement of production, except in case where the unit remains out of
production for short periods extending to 6 months due to reasons beyond its
control, such as shortage of raw material, power, natural calamities etc.
8.7 A unit which has availed financial assistance would be eligible for
financial assistance under modernization only after successful running
of the unit for a minimum period of 3 years. The assistance under
modernization scheme will be limited to the new work sheds that are to be put
up and new equipments/handling equipments/vehicles/generators etc. for the
8.8 In case of any disputes with regard to grant of subsidy under the scheme,
the decision of Chairman, Coir Board shall be final.
8.9 The infrastructure includes work shed, soaking tank, drying yard, well
and pump set, generator, separate power line from the rural feeder, handling
equipments, vehicles, etc. The accessories include the motor, starter, capacitor,
main switch, fuse, trailers, handling equipments used inside the premises of
factory, etc.
8.10 Coir Board will prescribe detailed guidelines / forms for procurement of
machinery, setting of units, submitting of application for assistance, processing
of applications in the Regional Offices / Coir Board Headquarter, etc., for
smooth implementation of the scheme by reducing delay in releasing the
assistance and also to make it more transparent.
9. Maintenance of list of Applicants
List of applicants should be maintained at Regional Office/ Sub Regional
Office and Head Quarters of Coir Board and also on the Coir Board Website. A
data bank should be created in the Coir Board.
10. Monitoring and Evaluation
The Joint Director (Planning), Coir Board will be the Nodal Officer. The
monitoring of the units will be undertaken by the Regional/ Sub Regional
Offices of Coir Board on regular intervals. The Performa for monitoring is given
at Annexure- II. The Mid-term appraisal of implementation of the scheme will be
got done through reputed external agencies. Scheme will also be regularly
monitored by nodal Ministry
Annexure - I
Type of the Unit Approximate
1. Coir Fibre Extraction Unit
A. Defibering unit
i. Crusher
ii. Soaking Tank
iii. Defibering machine – 2 No. Rs. 3,75,000/-
iv. Revolving Screener including motor
v. Turbo Double Cleaner
vi. Conveyor System with motors
vii. Hydraulic Bailing Press - 35 kg
viii. Hydraulic Bailing Press - (100-150-kg Cap)
ix. Conveyors for shifting the husk to the
crusher, Soaking Tank, Soaking yard, Defibering
Machine, Screener, Pith disposal, etc.
x. Electrical Accessories
xi. Well and Pumpset
xii. Diesel Generator / Diesel engine- Expenditure
towards drawing power line from rural fielder
exclusively for the unit
B. Decorticating Unit
i. Crusher
ii. Squeezer
iii. Soaking Tank
iv. Decorticator – 2 Nos. @ Rs. 5, 40,000/-
v. Screener
vi. Hydraulic Bailing Press (35 Kg )
vii. Hydraulic Bailing Press - (100-150-kg)
viii. Conveyors from Crusher to Squeezer,
decorticator to screener and disposal of coir
ix. Electrical Accessories excluding motor
x. Well and Pumpset
xi. Diesel Generator / Diesel engine- Expenditure
towards drawing power line from rural fielder
exclusively for the unit
2. Automatic / Mechanised Coir Yarn Spinning Unit
3. Curled Coir Production Unit
(i) Curling machine 3 Nos. @ Rs.4,00,000/- per
(ii) Hackling machine
(iii) Mechanized Winding Machine
(iv) Well & Pump set
(v) Diesel Generator/Diesel Engine/Expenditure
Drawing power line from rural feeder
exclusively for the unit.
4. Rubberised Coir Production unit
(i) Untwisting machine (double head)
(ii) Sheet machine
(iii) Feeder machine 1.4 meter width
(iv) Latex sprayer
(v) Cutting machine 2.2 meter
(vi) Drum Press
(vii) Hydraulic Press – 7 day light
(viii) Vulcanizing Chamber – 40 mattresses
(ix) Band saw machine
(x) Ball Mills – 1000 litres.(3 nos.)
(xi) Tilting Machine
(xii) Stitching / Quilting machine
(xiii) Boiler and Accessories
(xiv) Diesel Generator / Diesel Engine/ Expenditure
towards drawing
Power line from rural feeder exclusively for the
3,50 000
5. Coir Product Manufacturing Unit (Semi Automatic Loom Unit)
(i) Bobbin winding machine
(ii) Cops winding device
(iii) Semi automatic loom
1 mtr. width
1.5 mtr. width
2 mtr. width
4 mtr. width
(iv) Dye Vat
50 Kg.capacity
100 Kg.capacity
(v) Well & Pump set
(vi) Diesel Generator /Diesel Engine/ Expenditure
towards drawing
Power line from rural feeder exclusively for the
6. Coir Product Manufacturing unit(Automatic/Power Loom unit)
(i) Bobbin winding machine (4 heads)
(ii) Cops winding machine
(iii) Powerloom – PLC operated
1 mts. width
1.5 mtr.width
2 mtr. width
4 mtr. width
(iv) Dye vat SS (T 316)
50 Kg. Capacity
100 Kg. Capacity
(v) Well & Pump set
(vi) Diesel Generator / Diesel Engine/Expenditure
towards drawing
Power line from rural feeder exclusively for the
7. Coir Pith Product Manufacturing unit
(i) Rotary Sieving Machine
(ii) Reciprocatory Sieving Machine
(iii) Pith Block Making Machine
(iv) 650 Grams Block Making Machine
(v) Coir pith Grow Bag Making machine
(vi) Pith Washing Machine
(vii) Pith Squeezing Machine
(viii)Material Handling Equipment
(ix) Testing Equipment (P H Meter, Drying oven,
Weighing balance, etc.)
(x) Electrical Accessories, motor & Drying yard
(xi) Well & Pumpset
(xii) Diesel Generator / Diesel Engine/ Expenditure
towards drawing
Power line form rural feeder exclusively for the
8,00 000
8. Coir Rubber Backed /Rubber Molded Product Manufacturing Unit
(i) Hot Press (3 day light)
(ii) Mould sets of 3 (MS or SS) -6 Nos.
(iii) Rubber Mixing Mill
(iv) Diesel Generator / Diesel Engine/
Expenditure towards
Drawing power line from rural feeder
exclusively for the unit
9. Coir Rubber Latex Backed Mats & Matting Product Manufacturing
(i) Automatic Foaming unit
(500-1000 litre capacity – S.S. – 2 Nos.)
(ii) Spreading unit (Ball Mill, Planitory Mixer )
(iii) Hot Air Vulcanizing drying chamber ( 4 mtr. width)
(iv) Diesel Generator/ Diesel Engine/ Expenditure
Drawing power line from rural feeder exclusively for
the unit
10. Coir Composite Product Manufacturing Unit
(i) Bail Opener / Fibre Cleaning Machine
(ii) Coir Needled Felt Plant (including sheet forming
1 mtr.
1.5 mtr.
2.2 mtr.
(iii) Felt Impregnating Machine (2.2 mtr.width)
(iv) Resign Kettle (50 ltr. Capacity)
(v) Dies/ Coual Plate
(vi) Hot Compression Hydraulic Press (3-5 day light)
1 mtr. x 1 mtr.
8 ft. x 4 ft.
(vii) Edge Drimming Machine ( 8x4 ft)
(viii) Boiler and Accessories
(ix) Dust Collector
(x) Diesel Generator/ Diesel Engine/ Expenditure
towards drawing
Power line from rural feeder exclusively for the unit
11. Coir Needled Felt Production unit
(i) Bail Opener / Fibre Cleaning Machine
(ii) Coir Needled Felt Plant (including sheet forming
1 mtr. width
1.5 mtr. width
2.2 mtr.width
(iii) Band saw
(iv) Weighing Balance
(v) Dust Collector
(vii) Diesel Generator / Diesel Engine / Expenditure
towards drawing
Power line from rural feeder exclusively for the unit
12. Coir Pith Manure Production Unit
(i) Revolving Screener
(ii) Lab Equipment for the production of pith plus
(iii) Deep freezer / cold room
(iv) Sprinkler / Pipeline and accessories
(v) Packing Equipment
(vi) Handling Equipment
(vii) Well and Pump set
13. Coir Garden Articles Production Unit
(i) Bail Opener / Fibre Cleaning Machine
(ii) Coir Needled Felt Plant (inclusive of forming unit)-
minimum 75 cm Width
(iii) Hydraulic Hot Press
(iv) Automatic Stirrer for mixing rubber latex (50 ltr.
(v) Hot Air Drying Chamber / Vulcanizer
(vi) Edge Cutting Machine
(v) Diesel Generator / Diesel Engine / Expenditure
towards drawing
Power line from rural feeder exclusively for the unit
14. Coir Mats / Matting/ Carpets / Printing / Finishing / Packing Unit
(i) Shearing Machine (2 mtr. width)
(ii) Dust Collector
(iii) Air Compressor for printing (2 nos)@ 1 lakh
(iv) Colour Mixing Equipment
(v) Air Pipeline, Spray guns, Printing Plat forms etc.
(vi) Automatic Coir Mat Bleaching Plant
(vii) Hot Air Drying Chamber with two sets of trollies
(viii) Coir Rugs Webbing Machine
(5 nos. @ Rs. 40,000/- per machine)
(ix) Diesel Generator/ Diesel Engine / Expenditure
towards drawing
Power line from rural feeder exclusively for the unit
15. Coir PVC Tufted Mats Production unit
(i) Coir tufting unit with all accessories ( 2 mtr. width)
(ii) Boiler with accessories
(iii) Chiller with accessories
(iv) Diesel Generator / Diesel Engine / Expenditure
towards drawing
Power line from the rural feeder exclusively for the
16. Automatic Coir Fibre / Yarn Dyeing /unit
(i) Mechanical hoist
(ii) S.S. Dye Vats (2 Nos.)
(iii) Hydro Extractor – 100 Kg.
(iv) Accessories
(v) Dryer
(vi) Boiler and Accessories
(vii) Well & Pump set
(viii) Diesel Generator / Diesel Engine /Expenditure
towards drawing
Power line from rural feeder exclusively for the unit
17. Coir Geotextiles / Matting Production Unit (Anugraha Loom Unit)
(i) Warping Machine (2 mtr. width)
(ii) Anugraha Loom
1 mtr. width – 2 nos. @ Rs. 35,000/-
1.5 mtr. width- 2 nos. @ Rs. 45,000/-
2.00 mtr. width – 3 nos. @ 60,000/-
(iii) Dye Vat S.S. (T316)
50 Kg. Capacity -2 nos.
100 Kg. Capacity – 2 nos.
18. Coir Mats & Matting Production Unit (Anupam Loom, Pneumatic
(i) Warping Machine (2 mts. width)
(ii) Anugraha Loom
1 mtr.width – 2 nos. @ Rs.35,000/-
1.5 mtr.width – 2 nos. @ 45,000/-
2.00 mtr. width -3 nos. @ 60,000/-
(iii) Dye Vat S.S. (T 316)
50 kg. Capacity – 2 nos.
100 kg. Capacity- 2 nos.
(iv) Diesel Generator / Diesel Engine /
Expenditure towards
Power line from rural feeder exclusively for the unit. 4,00,000
Note 1. All rates are exclusive of motor, accessories, taxes, duties, delivery
charges etc.
2. The charges of generator, power generating equipments, transformers,
handling equipments like power lifter, tractor etc. will be on actual billed by
EB/Reputed Suppliers/Dealers.
3. The beneficiaries will have the option to go for motors with higher
capacity for specific needs. However the cost admissible to the machine will
be restricted to the ceiling prescribed by the Board from time to time.
Annexure II
Proforma for monitoring the coir units assisted under
Development of Production Infrastructure Scheme of Coir Board
1. Name of the Unit :
2. Proprietorship/ Partnership/Company/Others :
3. Name of the Contact Person / Owner :
4. Year of Establishment :
5. Coir Board Registration Number :
6. MSMED Acknowledgement Number :
7. Job of Unit :
8. Products purchased :
9. Date of receipt of Assistance received :
from Coir Board
10. Assistance for new unit/ modernization :
11. Total Investment :
12. Additional Investment, if any made during
the year ………………
13. Details of additional Infrastructure created if
any :
14. Power connection Number :
15. Number of workers engaged :
16. Total Production during the year : Rs.
17. Total wages paid during the year : Rs.
18. Loss of production, if any during the year
: Rs. Reason for loss of production
(Raw material scarcity/ power shortage/
labour shortage/ bank finance shortage etc.)
19. Assistance received was utilized for :
20. Any other information :
Signature of the proprietor with
Place :
Date :
Signature of the verifying official of (Regional
Office / Sub-Regional Office, Coir Board)
Countersigned by RO/Sub-RO.
1. Coir Units desiring to avail of the assistance under the scheme
should be registered with the Coir Board under the Coir
Industry (Registration) Rules 2008.
2. The assistance under the scheme is extended to the entire coir
sector of the country.
3. The unit with a project cost of above Rs.10/- lakhs or the ceiling
more than specified in CUY scheme will be considered for
assistance under the scheme.
4. Power connection should be available at the location of the coir
5. The financial assistance under the scheme will be provided @
25% of the total project cost excluding the cost of the land
subject to a maximum as follows.
Types of Units Ceiling for
consideration of
1 Fibre unit Rs.6,00,000
2 Automatic Spinning
3 Coir Pith Unit &
6. For a composite or a multiple unit, the maximum monitory
ceiling of assistance is limited to Rs.9/- lakhs.
7. The work shed shall conform to the type of design prescribed by
the Board and also to meet the essential civil requirements of the
project. The design for work sheds of various types of coir units
should be as per the essential requirement of the unit. The ceiling
for computation of the subsidy is as follows:
Types of Units Ceiling for consideration of subsidy
1 Fibre unit Rs.8,00,000
2 Coir Pith Unit Rs.8,00,000
3 Others Rs.6,00,000
8. Further subsidy under the scheme is available for modernization
of the existing unit so as to increase productivity and quality only
after a period of 3 years of availing any assistance under DPI
scheme. The scheme provides assistance for modernization of
existing coir units. As far as modernization is concerned
assistance under the scheme will be limited to new work sheds
and new equipments for the unit. Assistance will be provided @
25% of the total project cost limited to Rs. 2/- lakhs.
9. The subsidy will be sanctioned by the Board after observing
the following formalities.
i. The Regional Officer/ Sub Regional Officer/In-charge of the
respective region is authorized to receive the application with
all relevant documents and the same will be processed and
scrutinized by him. He will allot serial number for the receipt
of each application in chronological order.
ii. The concerned Regional Officer/ Sub Regional Officer/Incharge
of the Coir Board will conduct inspection along with
an official designated by Coir Board will verify and assess the
quantum of assistance and forward the application to Coir
Board Head Quarters for obtaining the sanction from the
Competent Authority.
iii. The application for subsidy duly recommended by the
RO/SRO will be scrutinized and placed before a Screening
Committee consisting of the following officers at Head Office.
1. Joint Director (Planning) – Chairman
2. Director, CCRI or representative - Member
3. Senior Accounts Officer - Member
4. Development Officer (ID) - Convener
The Committee will meet on periodical basis and
recommend the proposal of financial assistance to
Secretary/Chairman, Coir Board for approval.
iv. The assistance will be released through the Bank account of
the beneficiary and through online transfer wherever core
banking facilities are available by RO/Sub- RO on receipt of
all post subsidy documents like joint insurance and
necessary agreements.
10. In the case of leased land/ building the lease deed should be
for a minimum period of 10 years with permission to operate
coir unit and to undertake any constructions required for the
11. All legal documents in vernacular should be accompanied
with legal opinion from a advocate empanelled in any
nationalized banks stating that the land documents are in
order for availing subsidy from the Board.
12. In the case of imported machinery, the invoice, shipping bills
etc. endorsed\certified by Customs Authorities or
DGFT/Bank should be produced.
13. The copies of all documents in support of the financial
assistance should be inspected and attested by the RO/SRO
with inspection report and certificate recommending
quantum of assistance, etc.
14. The RO\SRO\Officer in charge while recommending subsidy
has to prepare and attach checklist for all documents
required. in the prescribed form along with other documents,
which are included in their recommendation.
15. The RO/SRO concerned will submit monitoring report at
least once in a year in respect of all the coir units availed
subsidy from Board.
16. The Board shall ensure disbursement of subsidy within a
period of 21 days from the date of receipt of application from
the Regional Office concerned which is completed in all
17. The Board shall ensure the mid-term appraisal and
evaluation of the implementation of the scheme by engaging
a reputed agency.
18. The beneficiary unit shall execute an agreement on nonjudicial
stamp worth Rs.100/- to the effect that they bound
to the terms and conditions for the extension of financial
assistance under the scheme.
19. The beneficiary unit shall cover the same under fire and
general insurance policy for a total amount not less than the
financial assistance extended by Coir Board under the
scheme. The unit shall continue with the insurance coverage
for a minimum period of five years from the date of release of
financial assistance.
20. A second inspection of 10 % of the total number of cases
recommended will be held by the Officer deputed from Head
Office by Secretary, Coir Board.
21. Any dispute arising out of the implementation of the
Executive Instruction, the matter will be referred to the
Chairman, Coir Board and his decision shall be the final.
Annexure III
Checklist for processing of Application for Financial Assistance
under DPI scheme of Coir Board
1. Application form I/ II
(Whether complete in all respect)
Yes No
Date of receipt of application (as per the Inward Register)
2. Whether Coir Board Registration attached (attested copy)
Yes No
3. Whether MSMED acknowledgement copy attached (attested copy)
Yes No
4. Whether copy of the land document certified by notary attached
Yes No
5. If lease land, land document attached
Yes No
6. Whether the drawing of the building, estimate, sanction of local
authority is in order (this document may be kept with
Yes No
7. Whether Valuation Certificate from Chartered Engineer in respect of
building is attached
Yes No
8. Whether multiple products/ single
product unit (details)
9. Whether the machinery is
10. Whether the receipt for the payment and bill/ invoice enclosed for
all machineries and equipments (Attested copy in case of
bills\receipts with Bank)
Yes No
11. Whether certificate to the effect that the unit has not availed/
applied for any assistance under any Central Govt. Scheme is
Yes No
Verified all the documents and found correct/genuine and
attached as above.
Date :
Annexure IV
Inspection report
1. Name of the Unit :
2. Location and full address :
3. Constitution (Proprietary/
Partnership/Company) :
4. Registration No. under Coir
Industry Registration Rules 2008 :
5. MSME acknowledgement
No. and date
6. Date of commencement of production :
7. Whether land is own/ lease
If on lease, state period of lease :
8. Whether the accessories of the
machinery and equipment are as
per the BIS standards :
9. Eligibility as per norms :
10. Details of loan if any availed for
setting up of unit.
11. Whether the construction of workshed is as per the
prescribed type and design approved by local authorities
12. Specific
recommendation of the
(a) Building(s)
(b) Machiner
y *
(c) Others(Specify)
13. Date of inspection of the unit ……………………………….
14. Checklist of machinery along
with specification attached : Yes/ No
15. Whether the details of application made online and
User ID given, if yes, the details thereof : Yes/
Amount Recommended Rs.
: Actual
Signature of the Officer in the Signature of RO
joint inspection team
Annexure V
This is to certify that the building constructed in survey
no………….. village………………taluk …………….
State ................. as per the plan approved
by ………………… (competent authority) is as per the requirement
for installation of machinery, storing of raw materials and finished
goods etc. and is for the exclusive use of coir processing only. The
valuation certificate as per the details given below is attached
1. Name of the Chartered Engineer:-
2. Details of Building (Area & other details):-
3. Cost of the building as per valuation certificate:-
Signature of the applicant
Place: Name & address of the
Verified and found correct/ not correct
Designation (RO/SRO/OIC)
Note: This is to be attached along with the application.
Annexure VI
Certificate of Utilisation of Machineries/ Equipments
This is to certify that the following machineries/ equipments
procured are being utilized exclusively for manufacturing/
processing of coir mentioned in the MSME acknowledgement
issued by DIC …………………………………….. (area) only.
Item Bill no. & date Cost (Rs.)
Name &
Place: Name of the
Designation (RO/SRO/OIC)
Note: To be attached along with the application
Annexure VII
This is to certify that the power generator installed/ separate
power line drawn from the rural feeder is exclusively for the use of this
coir unit located in survey no ………… village ……………… taluk
……………. District …………………….. State in the name of
…………………. Unit.
Copies of the bills and vouchers of generator and statement of
expenditure certified by competent authority is enclosed.
Station: Signature:
Date: Name :
Name of the Unit
Signature :
Name :
Designation :
Note: To be attached along with the application
Annexure VIII
Certified that the Unit (Name ……………………) located in survey
no…………village………………taluk…………….District …………………..
State ....................... has not availed any financial assistance under
any Central/State Government Schemes Viz .PMREGP,CUY,MSE-CDP
scheme etc.
Place: ....................... Signature:
Date: Name :
Name of the unit:
Note: To be attached along with the application
Annexure IX
Certified that the financial assistance recommended/sanctioned
to M/s…………………… located in survey no…………village
………………taluk……………. District………………… State……………..
amounting to Rs……………… is as per the terms and conditions for
extension of financial assistance to coir units under Development of
COIR VIKAS YOJANA is one of the schemes of COIR BOARD. The extract of below information is from the web portal of Coir Board. You may visit the said website to have more details.
Operational Guidelines of Plan Scheme
“Coir Vikas Yojana”

The Scheme „Coir Vikas Yojana? earlier it was known as Coir Plan
(General) Scheme which provides development of domestic and export markets,
skill development and training, empowerment of women,
employment/entrepreneurship creation and development, enhanced rawmaterial
utilization, trade related services, welfare activities for the coir
workers, etc. The scheme has the following components during the 12th Plan:-
1. Skill Upgradation and Mahila Coir Yojana(MCY)
2. Export Market Promotion (EMP)
3. Development of Production Infrastructure (DPI)
4. Domestic Market Promotion (DMP)
5. Trade and Industry Related Functional Support
Services (TIRFSS)
6. Welfare Measure (Group Personal Accident
Insurance Scheme)
1. Introduction
1.1 The Coir Industry is a labour intensive and export oriented industry
employing more than seven lakh workers predominantly women. The
decentralized operations in the coir industry without adequate training of
spinners, weavers and artisans engaged in value added product
manufacturing have been posing problems particularly for ensuring the
desired level of quality in the ultimate products. Inferior quality may
ultimately turnout to be detrimental to the concerted efforts towards overall
development of the industry and also its survival, particularly it being a
traditional product, in the present context of unprecedented competition on
account of cheap synthetic substitutes, globalization and liberalization. Skill
development is, therefore, the most essential pre-requisite for the overall
development of the industry and to accelerate the spread of the industry into
non-traditional areas.
1.2 Development of skilled manpower in coir industry through appropriate
training programmes is one of the major activities of the Coir Board.
Continuous improvement in the quality of certain products is essential to
sustain the demand for coir products and also for improvement in prospects of
coir products in a world, which is becoming more and more quality conscious.
In order to achieve the above objectives, the Board has been organizing,
quality improvement camps and entrepreneurship development programmes.
1.3 80% of the workers employed in coir industry are women, particularly in
the pre-product sectors. Mahila Coir Yojana (MCY) is the first woman oriented
self-employment scheme implemented by the Coir Board since 1994. The
scheme envisages provision of subsidy of 75% of the cost for purchase of ratts
/ machineries to the trained women artisans.
1.4 Training and quality improvement programmes including MCY are part
of ongoing central sector scheme and for its continuation from XI to XII Plan, it
has been got evaluated through independent agency. Based on the
recommendations in the Evaluation Report and keeping in view the growing
demand of skilled manpower, some parameters of the existing scheme have
been modified. Details of the plan scheme „Skill Upgradation & Mahila Coir
Yojana Scheme? to be implemented during remaining years of XII Plan are
given in subsequent paras.
2. The Scheme
2.1 The Scheme, “Skill Upgradation & Mahila Coir Yojana” consists of two
distinct components. Viz. (a) Skill Upgradation, (b) Mahila Coir Yojana The
Objectives of the scheme are to:-
• train personnel in the cadres of Supervisors/ Instructors/ Artisans and
to meet the requirement of skilled man power for the development of coir
• help in transfer of technology to non-traditional areas through
development of skill of coir workers.
• provide coir yarn spinning ratts, coir processing equipments, machinery
items, etc. with a subsidy of 75% under Mahila Coir Yojana.
• provide self employment to rural woman artisans in regions producing
coir fibre and enabling them to get better returns through improvement
of productivity and quality. Providing them with a better work
environment and elimination of drudgery involved in the traditional
methods of spinning and product manufacturing.
• encourage new entrepreneurs both in traditional and non-traditional
areas under Entrepreneurship Development Programmes to venture into
coir industry and trade and thereby accelerate the development of the
industry in the existing and new areas.
• aim at inculcating quality consciousness among the workers at grass
root level and to educate them on proper methods of producing standard
quality fibre, yarn and products.
• create awareness among the coconut growers, entrepreneurs etc. to set
up coir based units and to modernize the existing units for better
productivity, quality and also enhance earnings.
• contribute to generate employment in rural areas of the coconut
producing States.
3. Nodal Agency
3.1 Coir Board, Kochi is the Nodal Agency. The scheme will be implemented
through the Regional/ Sub-regional offices/ training centres of the Board. The
scheme will be monitored by Coir Board and the feedback (Monthly/
Quarterly/ Half yearly and Annually Report) will be regularly furnished to the
Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises by the Head Office of the
Board. Technical intervention, wherever necessary, will be provided by Central
Coir Research Institute and Central Institute of Coir Technology and other
institutes engaged in the development and promotion of coir industry.
4. Scheme Implementation
4.1 Skill Upgradation
4.1.1 Coir Industry is a traditional industry engaging more than seven lakh
workers, out of which 80% are women. Due to the expansion of coconut
cultivation to non-traditional areas, availability of coconut husk has increased
manifold during the past few years. Since the increased production of coconut
husk can be utilised for income generation and economic advancement of
rural work force, the promotion of coir industry in the non-traditional areas
assumes significance. To train a new generation of skilled workers required by
the Industry both in the traditional and non-traditional areas of coconut
cultivation, the programme, “Skill Upgradation” has been formulated.
4.1.2 The Coir Board will continue to impart training in processing of coir to
artisans and workers engaged in the coir industry through its training centres,
i.e., National Coir Training and Design Centre (NCT&DC), Kalavoor, Alleppey
and Research-cum-Extension Centre, Thanjavur, and Field Training Centres
of Regional Officers/ Sub Regional Officers of the Board located at various
parts of the country. The Board will conduct training activities at a number of
Field Training Centres as per the convenience of coir workers. The Field
Training Centres will be run with the help of NGOs/Co-operative
Societies/Associations and SFURTI Clusters/SPVs etc. engaged in coir
4.1.3 The in-house training programmes organized by Coir Board at its
training centers exclusively for orientation training on the basis of the request
from trade and industry and Govt. sponsored agencies are not provided with
stipend. All other field level training programmes are stipendiary. The details
of training programme course of Coir Board are given in Annexure-I. The Coir
Board will also design different training programmes according to the need of
the industry. The duration of these training programmes will be decided based
on the requirements of the skill to be imparted.
4.1.4 The stipend per trainee for the skill development programmes will be
limited to Rs.1000/- per month and in the case of training programmes of less
than one month duration, stipend will be disbursed on prorata basis. The
honorarium for the trainer will be limited to Rs. 6,000/- per month. An
amount of Rs.400/- per head per month will be provided as financial
assistance to the training sponsoring agency to meet the operational cost of
the training for raw material, power charges, other incidentals etc. on
submission of a self certification of Expenditure from the Sponsoring Agency
which will be verified and passed by the Regional/Sub Regional Officer for
effecting the payment. In the field level training centres organized by Coir
Board through sponsoring agencies, the Regional/ Sub Regional Officers shall
verify the attendance registers and the stipend will be calculated on pro-rata
basis of their attendance certified by the trainer and the sponsoring agency.
The amount of stipend will be disbursed by the Regional/Sub Regional Officer
on verification of all relevant records. They shall also receive acquaintance
certified by the Sponsoring agency and the trainer and counter certified by the
Regional Officer for settlement of stipend account. The amount of stipend will
be directly transferred to the account of the trainee or through crossed
cheques in the name of the trainee. The payments towards honorarium to the
trainers and reimbursement of operational expenses shall be made through epayments
or crossed cheques to the training agency.
4.1.5 The selection of trainees for in-house training at NCT&DC will be made
by inviting applications through advertisements in print and electronic media
and through recommendation from the authorities of the coir producing States.
An official Committee of Coir Board will be constituted for the selection of the
trainees. The selection of trainees for regular courses will be after conducting
written tests. In the case of Orientation Traininization of
international Conferences/ Seminars in India wherein the foreign
participants/foreign speakers are 50% or more of the total
participants/speakers. Items of expenditure for which assistance may be
considered are specified below:
Eligible items Scale of Assistance
(a) Foreign Resource
Air Travel
100% of airfare subject to a maximum of
Rs. 1.50 lakhs for foreign resource persons.
The number of foreign resource persons to
be supported per event would be
Production Infrastructure Scheme of Coir Board. This unit will be
monitored for the next three years by this office and if any deviations
noticed from the agreement furnished by the unit that will be reported
to the H.O and General Manager, DIC and suitable action will be
Signature :
Note: To be furnished along with the recommendation of the
application for financial assistance
Annexure X
Checklist of the Assessment Committee constituted for assessing
the Quantum of Financial Assistance under Coir Board Scheme
A. Verification of the following documents
1. Application
2. List of documents
3. Certificate of GM,
4. Bills, invoices,
5. Land Document
6. Building Estimate
- Verified found
correct/ not correct
- Verified found correct/ not
- Verified found correct/ not
- Verified in order/ not in order
- Verified in order/ not in order
- Verified found correct/ not
C. Valuation of the Building/ Machinery/
a. Total value of civil infrastructure
Soaking tank
b. Total value of machinery
c. Total value of accessories
d. Value towards generator/ special feeder
C. Quantum of Assistance
(25% of total)
D. Assistance limited as per norms of the
: Rs…………………..
(limited to Rs.8 lakhs)
: Rs……………………
: Rs……………………
: Rs……………………
: Rs……………………..
: Rs……………………..
a) Rs.6 lakhs in coir
fibre extraction unit
b) Rs.4 lakhs in case of
automatic spinning
c) Rs. 5 lakhs in case of
coir pith processing
units and others
Annexure XI
The committee constituted for the purpose of assessing the
quantum of assistance under Development of Production
Infrastructure Scheme of Coir Board have verified all the documents
and recommended that Rs………………… is recommended for
consideration of approval being the 25% of the infrastructure
developed by M/s ……………………………… a fibre units/ automatic
spinning unit/ pith processing unit/ others.
Officer in the Officer in charge, RO Sr.
AO / JD (P)
joint inspection team
Annexure XII
An agreement made this ……………between
…………….registered with Coir Board under Coir Industry registration
rules 2008, vide the Registration No………………… having registered
office at ……………………………here in after called „Coir Unit?
represented by………….on the one part and the Coir Board (Govt. of
India), Kochi-682 016 (hereinafter called Coir Board) represented by
its Secretary on the other part.
Whereas the Coir Board under the Scheme “Development of
Production Infrastructure” is giving assistance to Coir Units for
construction of worksheds and for purchase of equipments/
modernization of equipments and infrastructural facilities herein after
called Work shed/ Equipments/ Mordernisation of equipments
whichever is applicable.
Whereas the coir units has applied to the coir Board for
assistance under Development of Production Infrastructure for
construction of workshed/ purchase of equipments/modernizations of
Whereas the Coir Board has pleased to sanction assistance of
Rs…………/- (Rupees…………………………………………………only) as per
order No. ……………dated……..issued by the Coir Board hereinafter
referred to as the “ Said Order” copy of which is attached hereto and
shall together with other communications that may be issued in
continuation thereof form part of this agreement as if incorporated
herein subject to the conditions hereinafter appearing and subject to
the conditions contained in the said order to which the Coir unit has
agreed. The Coir unit covenants that the land set apart for
constructing workshed is owned by the Coir Unit and free from
2) The Coir Unit hereby undertakes and agrees that the grant amount
would be utilized only for the purpose for which it is granted and for
no other purposes and in accordance with the terms of the said order
within the time stipulated in the Said Order.
3) The unit shall use the premises and the shed constructed under
the scheme exclusively for the purposes of the unit. The shed
three or
50% of the total resource persons of the
event, whichever is lower.
(e) Assistance for production of publicity materials
With a view to encouraging the exporters/enterprises to promote
coir products through product brochures/catalogues for use abroad
the exporters/entrepreneurs of coir would be assisted under this
scheme @ 25% of the total approved cost, subject to an upper ceiling
of Rs.25,000/-. This would be subject to meeting the following
1. The assistance would be extended only for the production of
exclusive catalogues/brochures on coir and coir products.
2. The beneficiary should intimate his intention for producing
brochure/ catalogue in writing along with a dummy catalogue at
least 10 days in advance of undertaking the activity excluding the
date of receipt of application and date of release of
catalogue/brochure in the event abroad.
3. The production of catalogue should be for use abroad.
4. Coir Board shall acknowledge and intimate approval or otherwise
of the application.
5. The work should be entrusted to the lowest bidder after inviting
quotations from at least a minimum of three printers.
6. This assistance shall be extended once in a financial year.
7. The claim in the prescribed format along with a copy of the product
brochure/catalogue (self certified), copies of quotations from
printers (Minimum three - self certified), self certified copy of the
invoice, self certified copy of receipt/bank advise towards proof of
payment, pre-stamped receipt, declaration etc. in the prescribed
format shall be submitted immediately after completion of the
8. The exporter or company shall not be under
investigation/charged/prosecuted/debarred/ blacklisted under the
Exim policy or by the Coir Board.
9. Claim form received after three months of the production of
publicity materials or deficiencies not fully rectified within 30 days
of the date of directions given would not be entertained.
10.The reimbursement of the claim shall be subject to availability of
funds allotted by the Government of India for implementation of
the Scheme.
2.5.7 Coir Board would take the following measures for effective
implementation of the Scheme:-
(i) Publicize the scheme among the exporters and entrepreneurs
through appropriate media and the programmes organized by
Coir Board field offices.
(ii) Stipulate suitable measures to facilitate smooth
implementation of the scheme.
(iii) Stipulate the documentation procedures for preliminary
application and claim application to the extent possible.
(iv) Evolve suitable modalities for speedy implementation of the
scheme by disposing the applications and claims as stipulated
in the Citizen Charter and ISO documents.
(v) Maintain a data bank on assistance applied for and
(i) Assistance would be permissible for one senior level
employee/Director/ Partner/Proprietor of a Company for air
travel in Economy Class through the shortest route.
(ii) Depending upon the budget available, Coir Board should
take enterprises/exporters to the events in which Coir Board
organizes participation. Coir Board shall ensure that the
best quality products are displayed in the international
events by the beneficiaries of this scheme.
(iii) Adequate representation would be given to
SC/ST/Minority/Women entrepreneurs/exporters and
entrepreneurs from NE Region in such international fairs
and exhibitions, subject to the condition that best products
would be showcased.
(iv) In the event of more applications, while selecting
enterprises/exporters, priority should be given to those
persons who have not participated in such events earlier,
women, SC/ST and NER entrepreneurs/ exporters.
(v) If any other financial assistance has been received from Coir
Board for the same purpose, the assistance already received
will be deducted from the eligible amount of assistance and
balance alone shall be paid.
(vi) The application for assistance under External market
development assistance scheme should be given by the
beneficiary/exporter to the Coir Board at least 14 days before
departure from India to attend the exhibition/Sales Tour.
Date of receipt of application in Coir Board and date of
departure from India will be excluded for the calculation of
advance notice.
(vii) The Enterprise/exporter shall not have been
charged/debarred/ prosecuted/ blacklisted under the
Foreign Trade Policy of the Government of India or by the
Coir Board.
(viii) Documentation for availing assistance under the
International Cooperation Scheme including preliminary and
claim applications shall be furnished as prescribed by Coir
Board from time to time.
(ix) The companies/ enterprises/ exporters availing the
assistance under the scheme should invariably submit a
report containing the firm business orders canvassed,
expected business from the participation including recurring
orders, number of buyers interacted, problems raised by the
buyers on the Indian coir products, if any, to the Coir Board.
2.6 Coir Industry Award
2.6.1 Objective
The objective of conferring the Coir Industry Award is to
recognize outstanding performance in various fields connected with<
constructed/ equipments purchased shall not be leased or hired out
to or part with the possession of it without prior approval of the Coir
4) The unit shall not create any mortgage or change by way of
hypothecation, pledge or otherwise create encumbrances of any kind
whatsoever and shall maintain the property free from encumbrances
or liability whatsoever.
5) The assistance will be given in one installment.
6) The unit shall construct the work shed as per the type and design
approved by the Coir Board and shall execute the work in accordance
with the directions of officers of the Coir Board.
7) The equipments purchased/modernized shall conform to the
standards laid down by the Coir Board.
8) The Coir Unit availing grant to start production immediately on
construction of building and installation of machinery and the Coir
Unit should make available the premises for inspection by officers of
the Coir Board or Officers of the Government of states in which the
unit is located.
9) The Coir Unit shall maintain separate accounts with appropriate
bills and vouchers and the accounts shall be opened for inspection
and audit by Auditors/ officers authorized in this behalf of the Coir
Board. The Coir Unit shall furnish to the Coir Board as certificate from
the competent Engineer to the effect that work of work shed has been
completed as per the approved plan and estimate. The Coir Unit shall
arrange the inspection of the equipments by the officers authorized by
the Coir Board and the certificate issued by the officers authorized by
the Coir Board should be forwarded to the Coir Board.
10) The Coir Unit shall within 30 days from the completion of the
construction of the shed/ possession of the equipments insure the
same against loss or damage by fire or flood for an amount not less
than the amount of assistance, with an Insurance Company and the
Policy shall be assigned in favour of the Coir Board, the unit shall keep
the policy alive paying the insurance premia promptly for five years
from the date of receipt of subsidy.
11) In case of the Coir Unit commits breach of any of the terms and
conditions herein contained or those contained in the Rules of the said
order in any case the Coir Unit fails to utilize the grant-in-aid for the
purpose for which it is granted, the entire grant amount paid to the
Coir Unit shall be refunded to the Coir Board immediately and the
proprietor shall be personally liable for the refund to the Coir Board of
the said grant amount.
12) “Any dispute arising out of this agreement or issue will be subject
to jurisdiction at Cochin”.
13) The above agreement has been executed by the parties at
…………………….. in the presence the following witnesses”.
14) In witness whereof Sri/ Smt………..on behalf
of M/s…………………………and Secretary, Coir Board or his nominee for
and on behalf of the Coir Board have here unto set their hands with seal
of the Coir Unit and Coir Board affixed on the day and year first above
Signed by ………….
in the presence of witness ……………..
Signed by,
(Regional/ Sub Regional Office in charge, Coir
Form No.1
(Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises, Government of
Part -A
1. Name of Applicant
2. Other Details
(i) Date of Birth
(ii) Community : SC/ST/OBC/Minority/Others
3. Address for Communication
Address1 :
Address2 :
Post office :
Taluk :
Village :
State :
District :
PIN code :
Tele Phone No :
5. PAN Card / AADHAR number:-
Part -B
1. (a) Type of Organisation
Proprietor / Partnership / SHG /NGO / Pvt. Ltd. Co./ Public Ltd.
Co./ Co-operative Society / Others
Specify :-
(b) Type of Unit
(c) Date of Establishment
(d) Coir Board Registration under Registration Rules 2008
(e) MSMED Acknowledgement from DIC
(f) Date of commencement of production as per DIC certificate
If Partnership concern, please attach the registered partnership deed
attested by notary
If Company, attach copies of the Registration Certificate from
Registrar of Companies along with Memorandum of Association &
Articles of Association
If Co-operative Society, the registration issued by competent
authority, may be attached.
2. If NGO/ SHG, the Registration Certificate issued by competent
authority may be attached.
3. Source of Raw
Husk Fibre Pith Others
4. Whether SC/ ST/ OBC/ Women/ Minority/ Others
5. Total Investment (Excluding Land)
i) Building * a) Type of Construction
b) Total Plinth area
c) Total value
d) Approval of local
ii) Soaking Tank *
iii) Well & Pumpset
* iv) Drying Yard *
Area (Sq.
v) Diesel Generator / Diesel Engine/ Expenditure towards drawing
power line from Rural Feeder for the Unit. (If generator, copy of
sanction from competent authority to be enclosed)
vi) Machinery and Equipment **
Name of Machine Capacity Year of mfr. Name of the mfr. Regn.
No. Value
*Detailed drawing, estimate, valuation certificate and stability certificate (for
a minimum period of 10 years from a Chartered Civil Engineer), copies of
invoices/ bills/receipt, details of machinery etc. to be attached.
** Attested copies of bills, cash receipts, copy of the performance
certificate of the machinery manufacturer, documents from electricity
authority to be attached.
6. Source of funding
Bank Own Other source
7. Source of Power (3 phase)
Date of Power
Connection Consumer
Card No.
8. a) Land
b) Land
Own Lease Extent
Survey No.
9. a) No. of persons employed
b) Whether trained/ qualified persons available
Yes No
c) Whether child labour is resorted to
Yes No
a) Whether any assistance availed by this unit
Yes No
b) If yes, please furnish the details and dates on which
assistance was received
12. Whether Pollution Abatement Formalities
13. Details of Bank account
c) Bank Name & Branch:-
d) Account no. :-
(Copy of the Bank Pass Book to be
Name and Signature of the
Place (Seal)
Date of receipt of the application by RO/ SRO………………
Note: 1. Copy of the Original Land Deed should be enclosed
2. English version of the land document should be attested
by notary public is to be enclosed
3. Legal opinion from an advocate stating that land
documents are in order to avail financial
assistance from Coir Board.
4. If the land is leased, copy of the lease agreement attested
by notary
5. Machinery, workshed etc. to be put up should be as per the
standards prescribed by the Coir Board.
Form No.II
(Ministry of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises, Government of
Part -A
1. Name of Applicant
2. Other Details
(i) Date of Birth
(ii) Community : SC/ST/OBC/Minority/Others
3. Address for Communication
Address1 :
Address2 :
Post office :
Taluk :
Village :
State :
District :
PIN code :
Tele Phone No :
PAN Card / AADHAR number:-
Part -B
1. (a) Type of Organisation
Proprietor / Partnership / SHG /NGO / Pvt. Ltd. Co./ Public Ltd.
Co./ Co-operative Society / Others *
* Specify :-
(b) Type of Unit
(c) Date of Establishment
(d) Date on which the assistance was availed of earlier
(e) Coir Board Registration under Registration Rules 2008
(f) MSMED Acknowledgement from DIC
(g) Date of commencement of production as per DIC certificate
1. If Partnership concern, please attach the registered partnership
deed attested by notary
2. If Company, attach copies of the Registration Certificate from
Registrar of Companies along with Memorandum of Association &
Articles of Association
3. If Co-operative Society, the registration issued by competent
authority may be attached.
4. If NGO/ SHG, the Registration Certificate issued by competent
authority may be attached.
2. Whether SC/ ST/ OBC/ Women/ Minority/ Others
3. Total Investment
(Excluding Land)
i) Building
* ii) Soaking Tank
* iii) Well & Pumpset
* iv) Drying Yard *
Area (sq.
v) Diesel Generator / Diesel Engine/ Expenditure towards drawing
power line from Rural Feeder for the Unit
vi) List of existing Machinery and Equipment available
Name of Machine Capacity Year of mfr. Name of the mfr. Value
vii) Give details of equipment/ machinery proposed to be
installed **(additionally or as replacement)
Name of Machine Capacity Year of mfr. Name of the mfr. Value
5. No. of days the unit worked during the last three
years (year wise)
* Detailed drawing, estimate, valuation certificate and stability certificate (for
a minimum period of 10 years from a Chartered Civil Engineer), copies of
invoices/ bills/receipt, details of machinery etc. to be attached.
** Attested copies of bills, cash receipts, copy of the performance
certificate of the machinery manufacturer, documents from electricity
authority to be attached.
6. Production, financial status for the last three years
(Qty. in MTs)
(Financial statements for the last three years attested by a
Chartered Accountant to be attached)
7. If the unit was not working to the full capacity, reason thereof
8. Whether existing infrastructural facilities (viz. building, soak pits
etc.) are to be improved. If so, furnish details and cost thereof.
9. Whether additional infrastructural facilities are proposed to be
provided (viz. extension of building, well, pumpset etc.) If so, furnish
details and cost Thereof
10. Source of additional funding
Bank Own Other source
Own Lease Extent
11. Source of power supply
Electricity Board Generator
12. a) No. of persons employed
b) Whether any child labour is resorted to
Yes No
13. Whether any assistance availed for this unit from any banks / other
financial institutions, if so attach details
Yes No
14. Details of Bank account
a) Bank Name & Branch:-
b) Account no. :-
(Copy of the Bank Pass Book to be enclosed)
Name & Signature of the applicant
Place Date
Note: Machinery, workshed etc. to be put up should be as per the standards
prescribed by the Coir Board.
F.No. 5(1)/2014-Coir
Coir Industry, originated in the erstwhile Travancore state of pre
independent India one and a half centuries ago, was considered to be an
export oriented industry. The Industry, in its initial stages, was developed
and nurtured in an organized manner by the Europeans.
The Coir industry over the years, especially due to the developmental
initiatives of the Central Government from the 7th plan period onwards, has
proliferated to other parts of the country. As of now there are 14 states /
Union Territories in the country engaged in coir production activities. There
is tremendous untapped potential for extension of the coir industry
throughout the coconut producing regions and for enhanced utilization of
raw material. The industry has very good prospects for employment /
enterprises creation in the rural India which can contribute to the income
generation of the economically weaker sections especially the women
Development of a strong and stable domestic market for coir and coir
goods would certainly go a long way towards increased returns to the
manufactures, employment / entrepreneurship development, increased
raw material utilization etc. A strong Domestic market would also help to
tide over any possible adversities in the export market due to competitions,
economic slowdowns, trade / tariff barriers etc.
Even though the coir industry has proliferated to different parts of the
country it remains as a highly unorganized and scattered sector. The
industry continues to be one with low production and low technology in
many parts. The manufactures predominantly being house hold/tiny and
small scale units, cannot afford to take up publicity and propaganda to
capture the market and to establish regular marketing channels. The Coir
Board, as the national agency for the development of coir industry has to
take the lead In this regard with necessary support and promotional
measures. In addition to providing supporting measures in the marketing
of products necessary steps for the creation of awareness of the product,
technology, prospects, employment opportunities through appropriate
publicity and propaganda efforts too are required. These efforts assumes
greater importance for the achievement of the overall objectives envisaged
during the 12th five year plan like enhanced raw material utilization, value
addition of raw material, employment creation, increased GDP on coir etc.
In pursuance of Section 10(1) of Coir Industry Act 1953, Coir Board has
been taking various measures for popularizing coir and coir products and
expanding the domestic market. Establishment and maintenance of
Showroom and Sales depots, participation in fairs / exhibitions organized by
other agencies and organizing exclusive fairs for Coir and coir goods within
the country, providing Market Development Assistance to State supported
organizations for enlarging marketing network, organizing generic publicity
through press, television, website and radio and erection of hoardings, fixing
of quality standards, inspection and a certification of quality of coir goods
are some of the measures taken by Coir Board towards achieving the
The scheme will have to following three components.
The Market Development Assistance Scheme has been introduced
by the Coir Board w.e.f. 2000-2001 in lieu of the Rebate Scheme that was in
operation in the Coir Sector till 1999-2000. The MDA is linked with the sales
performance of the concerned beneficiary organization and aims at providing
incentives for better performance.
The Objectives are:
i) To promote the sale of coir and coir products manufactured
by the Co-operatives and Public Sector Enterprises
committed to payment of minimum wages and other
obligatory benefits to the coir workers and thereby
encouraging sustained production and better employment
ii) To provide financial support on a continuing basis round the
year to the Co-operatives and Public Sector Enterprises who
undertake market development programme in coir.
The Scheme proposes to provide financial assistance to the Apex
Co-operative Societies, Central Co-op. Societies, Primary Co-operative
Societies, Public Sector Enterprises in the coir industry and the
Showroom and Sales Depots / Hindustan Coir of the Coir Board. The
MDA is granted at the rate of 10% of their average annual sales turnover
of coir products including coir fibre, coir pith, coir pith block, coir pith
products, coir pith organic manure, coir yarn, mats, mattings, rubberized
coir goods, coir geotextiel, garden articles, coir Bags, coir umbrella, coir
chapel, coir ornaments, coir handicrafts, coir wood and other innovative
products during the preceding three financial years. This Assistance will
be shared on 1:1 basis between the Central Government and the
concerned State/Union Territory Government. The disbursement of
Central share of MDA will be subject to the budgetary outlay available
with the Coir Board under the relevant schemes.
The assistance provided under the Scheme must essentially be
utilized for the following purposes:
i) Publicity
ii) Opening of New Showroom/Sales Outlet
iii) Renovation of existing Sales Outlets
iv) Market study
v) Setting up of Market Intelligence net work/ up-gradation of
design facilities like installation of Computer, Aided Design
Centre, engagement of qualified designers, introduction of
e-commerce facilities, computerization of Showrooms etc.
vi) Godown
vii) Innovative Marketing Strategies including payment of
i) The State/UT Government shall communicate in advance
their willingness to participate in the MDA Scheme subject
to the conditions stipulated under the Guidelines.
ii) The State/UT Government may issue specific orders in this
regard and provide adequate budgetary provisions.
iii) The Central Share of 50% of the Market Development
Assistance will be disbursed by the Coir Board in lumpsum
to the State/ UT Governments subject to availability of
necessary funds in the Annual Plan budget of the Coir
Board. It shall be the responsibility of the State/UT
Governments to disburse the assistance to the concerned
beneficiary organizations.
iv) In the case of claims from the Apex Societies, Central
Societies, State owned Agencies and Corporations, the
claims will be settled on the basis of the audited accounts of
the preceding three years. The beneficiary organization shall
submit their claims to the concerned State/UT Government
who in turn will submit the claim in the prescribed proforma
(Annexure A) along with the supporting documents
mentioned therein to the Coir Board. The claims should be
accompanied by the documentary proof of matching share
released by the State/UT Government, and Utilization
v) While preferring the claims through the concerned State/UT
Government, the beneficiary organizations shall submit a
utilization certificate to the effect that the assistance
received under the scheme during the preceding year was
utilized exclusively for the approved purposes as stipulated
under para-3 above. This utilization certificate should be
countersigned by the State/UT Government authority
designated for the purpose.
vi) In the case of Primary Coir Societies the assistance claimed
by the individual Co-operative Society shall be submitted to
the State/UT Government who in turn shall submit a
consolidated claim in the prescribed proforma (Annexure B)
with the recommendation on behalf of all eligible Primary
Societies through the designated competent authority.
vii) The sale of Coir fibre and coir yarn made by the Primary
Society to the Apex/Central Society or in the open market
will be eligible for MDA. However, the Apex / Central Society
would not be eligible for MDA on the sale of coir fibre or coir
yarn purchased from the Primary Societies as they claimed
viii) The beneficiary Primary Society shall submit a Utilization
Certificate to the State/UT Government to the effect that the
assistance granted during the preceding year was utilized
exclusively for the purposes prescribed under para 3 above.
The State/UT Government shall accordingly submit a
consolidated utilization certificate on behalf of all the
Primary Societies through the competent authority
designated for the purpose.
ix) The concerned State/UT Government may evolve suitable
mechanism to collect the claims periodically from the
Societies for being consolidated into half yearly/ annual
basis so as to prefer the statement of MDA claims in time.
x) Notwithstanding anything contained herein above, the
disbursement of central share of the MDA would be subject
to availability of funds in the annual allocation for the
purpose to the Coir Board.
xi) Government of India has approved release of MDA by way of
“on account payment” basis to States against their claim for
MDA. Accordingly, on receipt of fund allocation from the
Ministry, the State-wise allocation will be released in
advance on a quarterly or half yearly or yearly basis
]subject to availability of funds earmarked for Plan
programmes and limiting to the State-wise allocation of
central share of MDA. The concerned State Government
should monitor the Utilization of the assistance as per the
MDA guidelines.
xii) The concerned State Government should settle the “on
account payment” made during a particular year in the first
quarter of the succeeding year by providing Utilization
Certificate in the manner as prescribed in the guidelines.
Further release of MDA by way of on account payment
during the subsequent year would be considered only on
settlement of the payment made last year.
xiii) Along with preparing the Utilization Certificate relating to a
particular year an estimated claim for the next year will also
be indicated so as to enable the Board to release the On
Account Payment of MDA on that basis.
i) The Central share of the Market Development Assistance
will be disbursed on a financial year basis.
ii) The claims of the beneficiary organizations being forwarded
by the State/UT Government in the manner prescribed
above should be completed in all respects and should reach
Secretary, Coir Board, P.B.No.1752, Kochi-682.
iii) The State/UT Governments shall furnish promptly any
information sought for by the Coir Board in connection with
the implementation of the MDA Scheme, so as to ensure
speedier disbursement and effective implementation of the
Organization of exclusive fairs / exhibition for coir and participation
in exhibitions organized by other agencies in India could be a component
Domestic Market Development. Trade Fairs/Exhibitions provide effective
tools of promotion of product with the unique advantage of direct interaction
with the prospective customers. It provides opportunity to see the range
and assess the product direct in the context of their requirements, thereby
facilitating the decision making easier. It also helps to boost up sales
through the Board?s Showrooms & Sales Depots as well. The Board would be
participating in important domestic exhibition, international exhibitions in
India and can also organize exhibitions on its own, exclusively for coir and
coir products in India. Under both these activities the Board will be offering
facilities and providing space to the small scale producers to exhibit and sell
their products. In all the activities connected with participating in /
organizing domestic exhibitions the GFR procedures and other rules and
regulations for procurement of goods and services will be followed by Coir
One of the major activities of the Board is to give ample publicity
for the popularization of Coir and Coir products in the domestic market.
Popularization and marketing of the research and development products,
customer orientation, popularization of coir products in new user areas,
popularization of Board?s schemes and services etc. through various
publicity measures like release of advertisement in the print and electronic
media at DAVP rates, erection of hoardings at vantage points in various
parts of the country, printing and distribution of publicity materials like
brochures, catalogues etc., release of press/casual advertisements,
production of TV commercial for communication to the target audience for
providing message on the products and its applications, printing of an in
house magazine “Coir News” for circulation among the trade and industry
will be pursued under publicity. The Board will also pursue appropriate
publicity and propaganda through innovative media like internet social
media Industrial extension, employment / enterprise creation, enhanced
raw material utilization etc. would also form thrust areas for publicity in
addition to creation of product awareness and marketing.
All the advertisements will be released either through DAVP or at
DAVP rates as per the media plan prepared each year.
The Board would follow the GFR and other relevant rules and
regulations of government of India for purchase of goods and serves required
for publicity.
Encl: Annexure-A&B
Submission of MDA claims of Apex Society / Public Sector Undertakings.
1. Name of the State :
2. Name of the Apex Society / PSU :
3. Year to which the claim relates to :
4. Sales Turnover (Rs. in lakhs) :
Sl.No Year Coir
5.Average Sales Turnover of last three years : `
6. MDA eligibility at 10% of
the average sales turnover : `
7. Share of the State/UT Government
and the No: and date of order in which :
the share was disbursed
Sanction Order No. & Date:
8. Amount of MDA claimed from : `
the Central Government
9.Details of enclosures to
be attached with the certificate :
i. Utilization Certificate No…………..Date-------------
(for previous year?s releases under MDAs)
ii. Original copy of audited certificate signed by CA /
Statutory Authority with seal
iii. Copy of sanction order referred to in column No. 6 above
Consolidated Statement of MDA Claims of Coir Primary Societies
1. Name of the State :
2. Year to which the claim relates to :
3. Sales Turnover :
Item : Coir Yarn / Products ( Specify) :
Name & Regn. No: of
Sales during the last three years
( year to be specified)
4.Average sales turnover of all Primary Societies
together during the last three years : `
5. MDA eligibility at 10% of the average sales turnover : `
6.Share of the State / UT Govt. and the No: and date of
order in which the share was disbursed Sanction order No & Date :
7. Amount of MDA claimed from the Central Govt. : `
8. Details of enclosures to be attached with the Certificate :
i. Utilization Certificate No…………….Date……………………..
(for previous year?s releases under MDAs)
ii. Original copy of audited certificate signed by CA/Statutory
Authority with seal
iii. Copy of sanction order referred to in column No.7 above
(Name & Signature of the Competent
Certified that no MDA has been claimed for the sale of coir yarn/
products procured from Primary Societies for which MDA has been claimed
by such Primary Societies.
Date: (Name & Signature of the Competent Authority)
No. 5(1)/2014-Coir
1. Background
Development of coir industry in India is vested with the Coir Board under
the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, Government of India.
With the passage of time, the global environment for coir sector has become
highly competitive. In the fast changing global economic scenario, the coir
industry has to face a lot of challenges and the industry has to be modernized
according to the changing needs. The trade now need to be assisted to adopt
market oriented reforms to enhance their capability for marketing the product
and to possibly to promote public private partnerships. Collection of statistical
data pertaining to various aspects like production, productivity, labour
infrastructure, raw material, marketing etc. is required for providing feedback
to the trade and industry and for evolving appropriate policy for the overall
organized and systematic development of the coir industry. Introduction of
updated and effective IT related management information system can be
ignored only at the peril of development in this competitive sector. The past
few years in particular have witnessed growth in production, product
diversification and other areas of development including technology, marketing
and skill development, which has also necessitated a systematic feedback of
information assisted by modern information technology to impose the
effectiveness of delivery of services and identifying appropriate policy initiatives
by Coir Board for the planned and rapid development of Coir Industry.
The need for HRD requires implementation of new development
techniques. In view of this background, a need has been felt to continue the
“Trade & Industry Related Functional Support Services” during the XIIth Plan
period for which Coir Board, Cochin will continue to be the nodal agency for
2. Components
The scheme „Trade and Industry Related Functional Support Services?
have the following sub-components viz;
i. Knowledge Management
ii. Information Management
iii. Infrastructure Creation
iv. Human Resource Development.
3. Knowledge Management
3.1 Coir Industry Survey
Collection and compilation of various aspects pertaining to the coir
industry is the main objective of conducting coir industry survey in the major
coir producing states of the country. Survey will be outsourced by the Coir
Board for ascertaining the availability of raw material for the coir industry,
utilization of the raw material, production of coir fibre and allied product,
infrastructure availability and the man power available for the coir sector of the
respective states and the existence of the coir units in the country.
The survey shall be conducted once in five years and suggestions and
recommendations incorporated in the survey report will be taken as a guiding
parameter for the preparation of schemes and programmes in respect of the
coir industry according to the requirement of the respective area and their
subsequent implementation.
3.1.1 The outcome of the implementation of the schemes and other activities
will be reviewed by Coir Board by taking up an evaluation study through
3.2 Market Analysis
Market analysis study will be undertaken by outsourcing the services by
Coir Board for the specific product range and market targeting both the
domestic and international markets. Such market analysis will help the
industry for effective diversification of the product range for better end use and
value realisation. This is also essential for preparation of focussed and well
directed schemes and programmes by Coir Board that are relevant to the coir
industry, including those activities that are market driven and intended for
expanding the domestic market for coir and allied products.
3.3 Techno Economic Feasibility Studies
Techno Economic Feasibility studies will be undertaken, through
outsourcing for the development of coir industry including non-traditional
areas. This will help in development of prospective-entrepreneurs for setting up
of coir based units and increased utilization of raw material potential besides
enhancing the market demand for coir and allied products through studies on
logistics support, market feasibility economics and scales of production,
skilled man power requirement etc. Economic feasibility study report will form
a part of the base document for the respective states of Coir Board for
formulating schemes and programmes to adopt implementation procedure as
per regional environment.
3.4 Economic Research
The role of the Coir Board has to be seen increasingly as a promoter and
facilitator of the industry and its focus should be on facilitating market
oriented development of the coir sector. Promoting the use and consumption of
coir, both in domestic and international market, would have to be facilitated by
the Board through activities that would provide a sound understanding of the
products, markets, economic scenario – India and International, competition,
technology, sales promotion, etc. This would require that meaningful
information is available to the Board and industry that would facilitate proper
planning and framing of policy so as to achieve the objectives. Coir Board
would also need to shift the focus of the Industry from supply management role
to the role of demand creator. Similarly, creation of additional demand for coir
products in both domestic and international market would call for an in-depth
understanding of:-
? Customer needs, trends and preferences
? Products
? Competition from both substitutes and synthetic products and other coir
or natural hard fibre producing countries
? Technology to meet customer needs
? Promotional techniques
? Branding
? Government Promotional Assistance
? Logistics
? Other areas to augment the consultancy services of field experts, catering
to the requests of Board to facilitate the industry.
With a view to achieving the above objectives, market research studies
and technical consultancy will be organized by Coir Board through
outsourcing/the field experts/ consultants and agencies.
4. Information Management
4.1 Data Collection
Periodical Collection and compilation of data on production of coir
material and coir products, domestic consumption, export and other trade
related information will be done by Coir Board. Details of export of coir and coir
products will be collected by Coir Board from various ports and customs offices
located in India, compiled, analyzed and disseminated to the Ministry, trade
and public for the development of the industry. The expenditure in this regard
shall be met by the Board from the Head earmarked for the scheme as per the
Government of India norms.
4.2 Data Management
An integrated management system with the following advantages will be
o Facility for online leave application and approval
o Integration of procurement function
o Integrated financial accounting system
o Human resource management system
o File tracking and monitoring system
o Planning and budgeting tools
o Database management system
o Data storage application
o Inter-phase for data collected from external source
o Tools for data analysis
o E-tracking, E-Office, ISO 9001 implementation
For discharging the above works software development the service of the
empanelled agencies will be availed and the work will be executed with the
supervision of IT department of the Board. EDP/ data entry personnel will be
engaged on contract basis to implement the works related with the IT activities
like E-tracking, E-office, ISO 9001 etc.
4.3 Library
The existing library will be covered through the integrated e-governance
system and also proposed to introduce web based library so that every
employee can easily access the details of the books/ periodicals available at
library. Inorder to update the knowledge/developments in various fields,
essential books will be procured after following the prescribed procedures.
4.4 Connectivity
Development of a web based E-governance system will help the public for
exchange the information in a speedy manner and this will provide a platform
for online interaction with the Coir Board to all external stake holders. The
work of web based E-governance system will be carried out from the
empanelled outside agencies.
4.5 Hardware & Networking
The hardware such as computers, printers network equipments are
essential for strengthening the overall IT functions of the Board. The Annual
Maintenance Contract for the existing hardware is also to be carried out for the
smooth functioning of Board?s IT activities. The computer and other hardware
equipments will be procured as per the Government norms after observing
usual formalities in GFR.
The internet leased line for the Board is to be renewed every year for the
inter and intra connectivity. The same will be done through the Internet Service
Provider on payment basis.
4.6 Necessary improvement/ Updation of the Website/Portal of the Board
will be made under the supervision of National Informatics Centre, meeting the
expenditure from this plan head.
5. Infrastructure Creation
For developing infrastructure for trade related activities and the essential
physical requirements for the implementation of IT related and other activities
will be undertaken by the Board at its Head Quarters and Sub- Offices. The
expenditure on the following items is proposed.
i. Creation/ Maintenance of the physical structure and providing
infrastructure facilities at the Head Quarters/ Sub-offices.
ii. Developing trade facility centres at coir producing areas
iii. Construction of Secretary Quarters/ Guest House.
iv. Module for furnishing IT related infrastructure.
6. Human Resource Development
i. A well structured human resources development programme for the
Board?s officials, stake holders of the industry, manufacturers, coir workers
and major market players will be formulated.
ii. As a part of the above requirement, Coir Board will organize tailor made
HRD programmes through well equipped Organization of reputed firms
including Central/State/others for improving the capabilities of the human
resource of the Board as a part of capacity building and, inter- alia, to provide
effective market promotion support to industry.
iii. Central/ State Government organizations engaged in organizing HRD
programmes will be approved by Coir Board for providing training to its/
officials in trade related/ administration/ IT/ Marketing/ Technology/ RTI Act
matters etc.
iv. The Board will also organize, in consultation with trade and industry,
training programmes for the stake holders engaged in the industry in market.
Promotional activities and creating awareness about incentives available under
different schemes of Government of India.
v. Coir Board will outsource the work of preparation of manuals, project
reports and other documents for capacity building developmental activities etc.
The expenditure on each of the components, subcomponents and
interventions of this scheme will be met by Coir Board strictly as per the
provisions of General Financial Rules (GFRs) and instructions issued by the
Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance, Government of India from
time to time, within the approval allocations.
F. No. 5(1)/2014-Coir
1. Introduction
1.1 Coir Industry is a traditional cottage industry employing more than 7
lakh coir workers of which 80% are women and belong to the poorest
sections of the society. The coir processing activities such as extraction of
fibre, spinning of coir yarn, manufacture of rope and finished products
involve drudgery, strain and hardship. Basic amenities of life are very often
not available in this sector and the people are unable to find their own
resources to acquire such facilities. Though mechanization / modernization
are taking place in some sectors of the industry, the fibre extraction in white
fibre sector is still being undertaken manually under different working
conditions. The coir workers engaged in the extraction of fibre with the aid
of machinery like crusher, disintegrator, defibering machine, decorticating
machine, spinning on motorized ratt and fully automatic machine, and
manufacture of products on looms etc, are prone to minor and major
accidents. In the background of demands for limited resources from various
interests, it is essential to implement a developmental scheme for the benefit
of marginalized group like coir workers. Because of the economic
backwardness, coir workers are not in a position to get them covered under
any insurance scheme for securing their life against accident/accidental
death. It was in 1998 that the Coir Board Coir Workers Group Personal
Accident Insurance Scheme was first introduced in coir sector to secure the
life of coir workers against accidents. The scheme has been got evaluated
through an independent agency and based on its recommendations and
other factors, the scheme is proposed to be continued during XII Plan.
1.2 The Group Personal Accident Insurance Scheme for Coir Workers is
aimed at providing insurance coverage against accidental death, permanent
total disability and permanent partial disability to the coir workers in all coir
producing states in India. The insurance coverage will be taken on an
annual basis by Coir Board by inviting bids from the Insurance Companies
registered under the IRDA from time to time.
2. Scheme Coverage
2.1 Coir Workers working anywhere in India are covered under the
scheme. Coir worker means any person who is employed for wages to do
any work in connection with the various processes in coir industry and who
gets his wages directly or indirectly from the employer, dealer or producers
of coir products and includes any person employed by or through a
contractor or through an agent and depends mainly on coir industry for his
2.2 The coir worker may be self-employed, employed in the organized coir
industry working in the organization of any of the recognized body or
unrecognized body but identifiable by the Coir Board as being a bonafide
coir worker.
2.3 Coir worker aged 18 years and above engaged in the industry (no
upper age limit) are covered under the Insurance Scheme.
2.4 If there arises a question as to whether a person is a coir worker or
not for the purpose of insurance coverage, the decision of the Coir Board
shall be the final
3. Benefits of the Scheme
3.1 The Insurance Company shall provide financial compensation to the
nominee of the deceased/disabled person. The cover provided is only for
accidental death and disability caused by any external violent and visible
means. Drowning, snake bite, automobile accident, poisoning, falling from
tree, lightning and other natural calamities, accident at worksite while using
machine etc. are some of the accidents which will come under the purview of
the Insurance Company. In addition to the definition of the accident, given
here, considering welfare of the women who form majority of the group
proposed, the accident in their case will include death and disablement
arising out of and traceable to sterilization and consequent complications,
arising out of pregnancy, child birth, caesarian hysterectomy, removal of
breast as well as murder and rape etc.
3.2 Compensation payable:
Accidental Death Rs.50,000/-
Permanent Total Disability
a) Loss of two limbs / two eyes Rs.50,000/-
b) Loss of one limb and one eye Rs.50,000/- Permanent Partial Disability
a) Loss of one limb / one eye Rs.25,000/-
b) Provision for finger cut Depending upon the finger and limited to applicable percentages of
capital sum.
4. Premium
4.1 The Coir Board will pay full amount of premium for Group Insurance of Coir Workers to the Insurance Company every year.
4.2 The Insurance Company will issue one policy favouring Coir Board indicating other interested agencies and various beneficiaries in numbers as proposed by the Coir Board. It would not be necessary to furnish individual name of coir workers proposed for insurance.
5. Claim Procedure
5.1 In the event of an eligible admissible claim, the claim intimation shall be routed through Coir Board. The documents required to be produced are as follows:
1. Accidental Death 1. Death Certificate
2. Police Report/FIR
3. Post Mortem Report wherever available
4. Identification of beneficiary, certificate issued by the Coir Society/Unit/Establishment/ Nominated Officer of Coir
5. Recognized Photo ID proof of beneficiary and nominee
2. Permanent Total Disability
1. Disability Certificate from a registered Medical Practitioner
2. Identification of beneficiary, certificate issued by the Coir Society/Unit/Establishment/ Nominated Officer of Coir
3. Photograph of the claimant showing the disability
4. Recognized Photo ID proof of beneficiary
3. Permanent Partial Disability
1. Disability Certificate from a registered Medical Practitioner
2. Identification of beneficiary, certificate issued by the Coir Society/Unit/Establishment/ Nominated Officer of Coir
3. Photograph of the claimant showing the disability
4. Recognized Photo ID proof of beneficiary
In all above cases, the beneficiary/nominee?s Bank Account number and proof to be given with claim for transfer of compensation to bank account.
5.2 In the event of an eligible admissible claim, the claim form should be submitted through the following Officers of Coir Board authorized for the purpose:
Authorized Officer Jurisdiction
The Regional Officer,
Coir Board Regional Office,
Door No.103, Vallalar Street,
Venkatesha Colony,
Pollachi - 642001
Tel/Fax : 04259-222450
Tamil Nadu, Andaman & Nicobar
Islands, Puducherry
The Regional Officer,
Coir Board Regional Office,
Swaraj Nagar.A.C. Gardens
Rajahmundry-533 101
Andhra Pradesh
The Regional Officer,
Coir Board Regional Office,
Near Attingal Municipal Town Hall,
Attingal.P.O. Trivandrum - 695
Phone: 0470-2628624
Lakshadweep, all Districts of
Kerala except Alappuzha, Kottayam
and Idukki
The Regional Officer,
Coir Board Regional Office,
No. 3A, Peenya Industrial Area,
Near TVS Cross, Peenya,
Bangalore - 560
Phone : 080 – 28375023
The Regional Officer,
Coir Board Regional Office,
Jagamara (Udyogpuri),
P.O.Khandagiri, Bhubaneswar-751
030, Odisha Phone:0674-2350078
The Sub Regional Officer,
Coir Board Sub Regional Office,
New Secretariat Building, C-Block,
Ground Floor, 1 Kiran Sankar Roy
Kolkata-700 001
West Bengal
The Sub Regional Officer, North Eastern Region other than
Coir Board Sub Regional Office,
ASIDC Complex, Bhamuni Maidan,
Tripura and Sikkim
The Extension Service Officer,
Office of the Coir Mark Scheme,
Ababeel Complex, 1st Floor,
Near SBT Main Branch, CCSB
Alleppey - 688 011
Phone: 0477 - 2254325
Alappuzha, Kottayam and Idukki
districts of Kerala
The Manager,
Coir Board Showroom & Sales
5, Stadium House, Church Gate,
Mumbai Pin-400 020
Phone : 022-22821575
Maharashtra and Goa
The Manager,
Coir Board Showroom & Sales
"Pran Vijay" Ashram Road,
Ahmedabad 380 009, Gujarat
Phone: +91-79-26580226
The Manager,
Coir Board Showroom & Sales
House No.153
Shif Nagar, College Road,
Ward No.19 Agarthala 799
Phone: +91-381-2518017
The Manager,
Coir Board Showroom & Sales
Indira Bye Pass, Near AMDO Golai
P. O. Tadong-Gangtok , Sikkim
Phone: +91-3592-280690
The Manager,
Coir Board Showroom & Sales
Raveendra Bhavan,
Opp. AIR, M.I. Road ,
Jaipur-302 001, Rajasthan.
Phone : +91-141-2365427
5.3 Settlement of Claim
The claim will be settled by the Insurance Company within 15 days from the date of receipt of claim, full in all respects, from the authorizedofficer of the Coir Board. The Insurance Company will transfer thecompensation to the beneficiary?s / nominee?s bank account underintimation to the authorized officer of the Board.
Useful Information Links:
Procedures to get GST Registration number for IT exempted proprietorship firms.
Process of application for registration under GST Act to obtain GSTIN
Different application Forms for registration under Goods and Service Tax Act (GSTIN)
Application for registration under GST Act to obtain GSTIN
GST registration and returns filing procedures for PSUs and Government entities
Re-registration of GST, Goods and Service Tax.
Cancellation of registration of GST
All about registration of GST in India, FAQ
Cancellation of GST Registration in India, FAQ
Can a person without GST registration claim ITC?
Why separate Registration of GST in each state in India, for each business.
Latest date to file GST registration in India
Procedures to obtain GST registration for non-resident taxable person
Is digital signature option available under registration of GST in India?
Advantages of GST registration in India
Who has to obtain GST registration in India?
Does GST registration number of my firm change time to time in India?
Transferability of Bill of Lading
Transhipment - A redefinition
Travelers to India under import duty exemption, Frequently Asked Questions Part 2
Triangular export
Types of Insurance Documents.
How to amend measurements in IGM (Import General Manifest) in India
How to amend number of packages in Import General Manifest (IGM)
How to amend quantity of goods in Import General Manifest (IGM)
How to amend shipper name in Import General Manifest (IGM)
How to amend spelling error in IGM. in India
How to avoid delay in receiving OBL Original Bill of Lading?
How to avoid two import DO charges at destination
Transferability of Bill of Lading
Transhipment - A redefinition
ng Programmes, candidates shall
be sponsored by coir units registered under Coir Industry Registration Rules,
2008 of Coir Board or by State Govts./ NGOs/ Educational Institutions/
Research Organisations etc. Selection of trainees for training programmes
conducted at Regional Extension Centre will be made by the officer-in-charge of
the centre through sponsoring of candidates by Trade Associations, Unit
owners, Industries Department, NGOs, SFURTI Cluster SPVS, Co-operatives etc.
and from open forum with suitable paper advertisements.
4.1.6 In the case of field level training programmes, selection of the training
sponsoring agency will be vested with Regional/ Sub-regional Officers of Coir
Board. Before appointing the agency an undertaking will be obtained from the
sponsoring agency in the prescribed format (Annexure II). After proper
scrutiny of the application, an agreement will be entered into between the
sponsoring agency and Regional/ Sub-regional Officer for organizing the
training programme as per the guidelines. The sponsoring agency shall submit
the name with full address and bank account details of the candidate along
with recent passport size photographs (two copies) and with ID proof (Election
ID Card / Ration Card / Aadhar Card / PAN Card / Certificate of identification
from any authorized Government agency/SC/ST/PWD). The Election ID /
Aadhar Card shall be insisted upon in all cases and other proof of ID may also
be accepted. One photograph will be affixed on the certificate issued on
successful completion of the training and other will be kept at the office for
reference. The certificate will be issued by the Regional/Sub-regional Officer
after conducting a test as per the norms prescribed by the Coir Board.
4.1.7 The in-house training programme will be conducted by the technical
persons of the Coir Board and its Research Institutes. In certain cases,
outsourcing can also be made according to the requirement. Theory and
practical tests will be conducted and evaluated by the faculty of the National
Coir Training and Design Centre and results will be published on approval of
the Director, RDTE under his signature on behalf of Secretary, Coir Board.
4.1.8 The Officer-in-Charge of the Training Institute can outsource faculty for
undertaking specialized studies on payment of honorarium with the approval
of the Competent Authority. Training programmes conducted at National Coir
Training & Design Centre, Kalavoor, Alappuzha will be under the direct
supervision of Director, RDTE and the training programmes conducted by the
Regional Offices/ Sub Regional Offices and Regional Extension Centers will be
under the direct supervision of the respective Regional Officers. In the case of
Trainers Training Programme and Mahila Coir Yojana, the practical test will be
conducted by the technical staff of these Centers and the certificate will be
issued with the concurrence of the respective Regional Officers/SROs under
the signature on behalf of Secretary, Coir Board.
4.1.9 Specialized training programmes will be organized by the respective
Regional Officer and Director, RDTE with the concurrence of the Chairman,
Coir Board. The syllabus for the specialized training programmes will be
prepared in consultation with Director, RDTE and approved by the Chairman,
Coir Board. The trainers will be selected by the Regional/ Sub-Regional
Officers from the list of trainers who have successfully completed the Trainers
Training Programme.
4.1.10 Infrastructure for Training: To achieve the objectives of skill
upgradation in the coir sector, creation of proper infrastructure for training
like strengthening/setting up of demonstration-cum-training
institutes/centres will be undertaken by the Coir Board independently or in
collaboration with the State Universities/State Governments etc. This also
includes purchase of machinery and equipments for training, preparation of
soaking tank, etc. The expenditure on this component will be limited to the
annual budgetary allocations for the component.
4.2 Entrepreneur Development Programmes (EDPs) , Exposure Tours,
Awareness Programmes, Workshop & National Seminar
4.2.1 Entrepreneur Development Programmes (EDPs)
The details for conducting EDPs are given below:-
(i) The EDPs will be organised by the Regional/ Sub-regional Offices
according to the targeted programmes. The Regional/ Sub-regional
Officer of Coir Board will select a professional agency, which has
sufficient expertise for conducting the EDP. The Regional/ Sub-regional
Officer will enter into an agreement with the agency for organizing the
(ii) The agency shall invite prospective entrepreneurs through regional level
press advertisement. The agency will prepare all the necessary study
materials in consultation with the Regional/ Sub-regional Officers. The
agency will outsource faculty for conducting technical sessions as per
the norms prescribed by Coir Board.
(iii) A field visit to a nearby coir processing centre will be organized at the
end of EDP. It will be funded with 50% assistance on Traveling expenses
on bus/sleeper class and rest to be organized by the agency from the
participants or other sources.
(iv) The duration of the EDP will be 3 days covering the following sessions:
a. Entrepreneur Motivation
b. Setting up of Industry
c. Coir Based Industries
d. Mobilization of Finance and Finance Management
e. Domestic Market requirements
f. Salesmanship
g. Industrial Rules and Regulations
h. Consortium approach and cluster networking in coir
i. Project preparation and cost analysis
j. Zero wastage concept in coir industry
k. Export Market Analysis
l. Personality Development and Confidence Building Experience
m. Awareness of Schemes implemented by Coir Board and Ministry
(v) Expenditure for conducting each EDP will be limited to Rs.60,000/- as
per details given in Annexure - IV. The terms of references for organizing
EDP are appended as Annexure – III.
(vi) Those who have undergone EDP will be supplied with applications for
availing assistance under MCY, CUY, etc. and the agency should ensure
that at least 40% of the participants become entrepreneurs.
4.2.2 Exposure Tours and Awareness Programmes:- Exposure Tours will
be organized for the benefit of prospective entrepreneurs and artisans of coir
processing centres to visit other coir producing centres engaged in the
production of value added products and the functioning of the unit engaged
in coir industry. In the case of entrepreneurs, 50% of the actual travel cost
subject to II Class train fare and in the case of artisans engaged in the coir
processing activities under cooperative society/SHG/NGOs and sponsored by
the State Government 90% of the actual travel cost / subject to sleeper class
fare will be reimbursed by the Board.. The duration of the Exposure Tour will
be five working days excluding travel time. The duration of the Exposure Tour
will be five working days excluding travel time. The expenditure for
conducting an Exposure Tour including to and fro bus/train fare, service tax,
permit for entering neighboring States, toll tax etc. will be limited to Rs.
75,000/- as per details given in Annexure - IV.
An Awareness Programme will be organised for the general public for
their introduction to the Plan Schemes of the Coir Board. The expenditure for
conducting an awareness programme will be limited to Rs. 26,000/- as per
details given in Annexure - IV.
4.2.3 Workshop :- The expenditure for conducting a Workshop will be
limited to Rs. 50,000/- as per details given in Annexure – IV.
4.2.4 National Seminar :- The expenditure for conducting a National Level
Seminar will be limited to Rs. 2 lakh as per details given in Annexure – IV.
4.3.1This scheme is intended to provide self employment opportunities to
rural women artisans in regions processing coconut husk. Over the last two
decades, production of coir fibre has substantially increased in India.
Conversion of coir fibre into yarn on motorized ratts in rural households
provides scope for large scale employment, improvement in productivity and
quality of coir fibre, better working conditions and higher income, which
ultimately leads to the improvement of standard of living of rural woman
artisans. The scheme envisages distribution of motorized ratts/ motorized
traditional ratts / electronic ratt for spinning coir yarn; equipments for weaving
spinning and production and value added products to trained women artisans.
Not more than one artisan per household would be eligible to receive
assistance under the scheme. The application form for availing subsidy under
Mahila Coir Yojana is given at Annexure V.
4.3.2 The Coir Board will provide spinning equipments at subsidized rates for
women artisans who have successfully completed training programme in
spinning of coir yarn through any of the training centers of the Board. The
details of subsidy allowed for procurement of various spinning equipments are
given below.
The motorized ratt/ motorized traditional ratt / electronic ratt purchased by
utilizing the subsidy under the scheme shall conform to the IS standards for its
spare parts and motors.
4.3.3 The Board will also provide following machineries under MCY scheme in
subsidised rate to the women candidates who have successfully completed the
training programme. The subsidy proposed is 75 % of the cost of equipment /
machinery subject to maximum of Rs.7,500/-. The balance fund has to be
raised by the beneficiary.
Machinery items Indicative
rate in
subsidy allowed
1 Anugraha Loom for weaving coir Geo
textiles & matting
45,000 7500
2 Cotton Handloom Stitching machine &
accessories for manufacturing Janatha
45,000 7500
3 Willowing machine 35,000 7500
4 Manufacture of all type of frame mats,
SS dye Vatt 10 kg -1 no., Salem charka -
2 sets)
45,000 7500
Maximum subsidy allowed
1 Motorized Ratt 25% of the
7,500/- (75% of the purchasing cost or
Rs. 7,500/- whichever is less)
2 Motorized
25% of the
3,200/- (75% of the purchasing cost or
Rs. 3,200/- whichever is less)
3 Electronic Ratt 25% of the
3,200/- (75% of the purchasing cost or
Rs. 3,200/- whichever is less)
5 Single head automatic yarn spinning
50,000 7500
6 Brush making unit with twisted wire 45,000 7500
7 Hand press garden articles making unit 50,000 7500
8 Coir wood moulded articles
manufacturing unit
50,000 7500
9 Coir pith compost unit with accessories 50,000 7500
10 Coir handicraft and jewellery
manufacturing unit with accessories
including dye vatt
50,000 7500
11 Unit for Stitching of Coir
50,000 7500
12 Coir craft Article making unit 50,000 7500
13 Manual Dyeing / Bleaching Unit 50,000 7500
14 Mats/ Matting Unit 50,000 7500
15 Kitchen garden Unit kit (using Coir pith)
with accessories
10,000 7500
16 Coco Pole and Pot making Unit 50,000 7500
17 Any other unit or machinery developed/
approved by the Board suitable to create
employment to women entrepreneurs,
but not covered under any other
will be
fixed by
the Board
75 % of cost of
subject to a
maximum of
4.3.4 A separate bank account will be opened by the Coir Board Regional
Officer / Sub Regional Officer for operation of Mahila Coir Yojana (MCY)
transactions. The individual beneficiary of the MCY scheme will open a
separate account in a nationalized bank /post office in the locality and deposit
25% beneficiary contribution in the account. The respective pass book and
cheque book of the beneficiary will be kept in the implementing office of the
Board. The invoice for the supply of motorized ratts / motorized traditional
ratts / electronic ratt and other machinery / kit will be collected by the
beneficiary from a machinery manufacturer according to her choice. The
Regional Officer will forward the proposal with his recommendation and proof
of beneficiary contribution account to HO of the Board for sanction of eligible
subsidy for the supply of motorized / motorized traditional / electronic ratts
and other machinery items mentioned at 4.3.2 & 4.3.3. The HO after scrutiny
and verification will obtain the sanction of the competent authority and release
eligible subsidy to the respective Regional / Sub Regional Office. Thereafter, the
machinery manufacturer will supply the machinery at the premises of the
beneficiary. On completion of inspection of the machinery items by the
Regional/ Sub Regional Office and after obtaining, performance
certificate/receipt from the beneficiary; Performance Guarantee, bill/receipt
etc. from the supplier, the RO/Sub-RO will release eligible subsidy for the cost
of the machinery supplied to the account of the beneficiary. The machinery
manufacturer will collect the amount from the beneficiary immediately through
a/c. payee cheque/DD/online transfer. The supply of machinery to
beneficiaries will be ensured by the Board within a period of two months after
completion of the training. The beneficiary is having the choice of selecting the
machinery supplier, etc. subject to the subsidy limits fixed by Coir Board.
4.3.5 In the event of implementation of the Mahila Coir Yojana Scheme by
State Government sponsoring agency, apex body of the coir industrial cooperatives,
Coir Workers' Welfare Fund Board, Government PSUs etc., the
grant amount limited to the maximum ceiling as prescribed at para 4.3.2. &
4.3.3 for the equipment selected by the beneficiary with an undertaking by the
concerned State Government will be passed on to the organization under
intimation of the respective State Government. The Utilisation Certificate for
the subsidy amount passed on to the organization with the valid certification
by the respective State Government or Organisation will be obtained by the
Board with the list of beneficiaries and other documents viz. Performance
Certificate of the equipment, invoice from the machinery manufacturers,
acknowledgement from the beneficiary, etc. The RO/SRO of Coir Board will
conduct field level inspection of machinery/ equipments supplied.
4.3.6 Subsidy sanctioned under the scheme shall be recoverable from the
i. Where the assistance under the scheme has been obtained by
misrepresentation of facts or by furnishing of false information; or
where the machineries and premises of the unit are used for other
purposes than the assistance availed for during the currency period of
the assistance. i.e., for 3 years
ii. Where the unit goes out of production within 3 years from the date of
commencement of production, except in case where the unit remains out of
production for short periods extending to 6 months due to reasons beyond
its control, such as shortage of raw material, power, natural calamities etc.
4.3.7 Regular monitoring of the scheme will be undertaken by Joint Director
(Planning)/Senior Accounts Officer of Coir Board and reported to the Ministry of
5. Coir Board will follow GFR provisions for procurement and economy
instructions and norms issued by the Department of Expenditure on different
items, like organization of lunch etc.
Executive instructions for
”Skill Upgradation and Mahila Coir Yojana Scheme”
(a) Skill Upgradation
1. The Scheme, “Skill Upgradation & Mahila Coir Yojana Scheme”
consists of two distinct components. Viz. (a) Skill Upgradation, (b)
Mahila Coir Yojana. The Scheme to be continued for implementation
during the remaining years of the XII Plan period also.
2. The Scheme to be continued for implementation during the remaining
years of the XII Plan period also.
3. Technical intervention wherever necessary will be provided by the
CCRI/CICT and other institutes engaged in the development of coir
4. The fund earmarked and placed with the Field Offices / Sub Office of
the Board on should be utilized for that purpose only and no
deviation/diversion of fund for other programme.
5. Under Skill Upgradation, the following programmes have the approval
during the remaining years of the XII Plan period.
(a) Training (b) EDP (c) Awareness programme (d) Exposure Tour
(e) National Seminars/workshop & (f) Mahila Coir Yojana (MCY)
6. The stipend of Rs.1,000/- per month to the trainee will be paid
through bank account of the trainee falling in line with the Govt.
instructions or through crossed cheques in the name of the trainee by
the RO/SRO and the honorarium to the trainers will be reimbursed to
the sponsoring agency by the RO/SRO through bank/post office
account on production of official payees? receipt showing the cheque
no. date etc.
7. The operational cost of the training including raw material, electricity
charges, other incidental etc. should be reimbursed through
bank/post office savings account on submission of self certification
from the sponsoring agency which will be verified by the RO/SRO.
The total quantity of yarn/products manufactured during the
training and its disposal details shall be indicated in the certification
by RO/SRO.
8. An agreement should be made between the sponsoring agency and
RO/SRO for organizing the training programme as per guidelines.
9. The sponsoring agency shall submit the names with full address of
the candidate along with recent passport size photographs (2 copies)
and with proof of Election ID Card/Ration Card/Adhar Card, PAN
Card, Certificate of identification from authorized Government
Agency/SC/ST/PWD. The Election ID card shall be insisted upon
invariably in all cases and other proof of ID may be accepted
against special cases alone.
10. One photo may be affixed on the certificate issued after completion of
the training and other may be sent to HQ for records.
11. The RO/SRO shall verify the attendance registers and the stipend will
be calculated on pro-rata basis of their attendance. This should be
certified by the trainer and the sponsoring agency and countersigned
by RO/SRO as the case may be.
12. The stipend acquaintance duly certified by the sponsoring agency and
the trainer and counter certified by the RO/SRO should also
accompany along with other documents for settlement of the stipend
13. In the cases of Seminar/ Workshop/ EDP/Quality Awareness
programmes etc , the expenditure should be limited within the
sanctioned budget for the each programme. After completion of each
programme a report of the programme conducted alongwith
photographs, list of participants, statement of expenditure with proper
supporting bills/ payees? receipts etc duly certified by the
organizers/the concerned RO/SRO should be sent to H O for
settlement of advance.
(b) Mahila Coir Yojana
14. Each candidate will be provided with only one MR/MTR/Electronic
Ratt and other machinery/equipments under the MCY scheme.
15. MTR/MR/Electronic ratt and other equipment / machinery will be
given only to those who have undergone the respective training and
successfully passed.
16. The beneficiary selected under the scheme shall not mortgage the
MTR/MR/Electronic ratt and other equipment / machinery except to
financing agency/other institutions from whom she avails loan/grant
for procurement of machinery.
17. The beneficiary should make available the relevant records relating to
the specification, cost of the machinery, source of finance and amount
sanctioned to the authorized officer to determine the quantum of
subsidy under the scheme.
18. The assistance from the Coir Board will be in the form of one time
subsidy limited to 75% of the cost of the MR/MTR/Electronic ratt
subject to a maximum of Rs.7500/- for motorized ratt, Rs.3200/- for
motorized traditional ratt/electronic ratt. In the case of other
machinery items the maximum ceiling would be 75 % of the cost of
machinery subject to a ceiling of Rs.7,500/-. The balance amount has
to be raised by the beneficiary through her own sources/financial
institutions/voluntary organizations.
19. Separate Bank account should be opened for the Mahila Coir Yojana
transactions by the RO/SRO.
20. The individual beneficiary of the MCY scheme will open a separate
account in a scheduled bank/post office in the locality and deposit
beneficiary contribution in the account. The respective passbook and
cheque book of the beneficiary will be kept in the implementing office
of the Board.
21. The motors / spares of machinery supplied by the manufacturers
should be as per specifications stipulated by BIS.
22. The beneficiary contribution should be remitted by the beneficiary in a
separate account opened for the purpose. Proof of remittance of 25%
beneficiary contribution along with individual invoice for supply of the
machinery from the machinery manufacturer according to the choice
of the beneficiary will be collected by the RO/Sub-RO and kept in
their safe custody for audit of Coir Board and C&AG. The RO/ SRO
will submit request along with details of remittance of beneficiary
contribution to Head Office for releasing 75% subsidy amount and
Head Office will sanction the amount to concerned RO/SRO. The
RO/SRO will release subsidy to beneficiary account as per Scheme
23. On receipt of sanction letter and the subsidy amount from H.O by the
RO/Sub-RO, the Machinery Manufacturer shall supply the machinery
to the beneficiaries at their premises and thereafter an inspection
will be carried out by the officials of Coir Board for confirmation of the
standards and performance of the equipments.
24. On completion of the inspection of the machinery items by the
Regional/ Sub Regional Office and after obtaining, performance
certificate/receipt from the beneficiary; Performance Guarantee,
bill/receipt etc. from the supplier, the RO/Sub-RO will release
subsidy amount for the cost of the machinery supplied to the account
of the beneficiary.
25. The machinery manufacturer will collect the amount from the
beneficiary immediately through a/c. payee cheque/DD/on line
transfer. The supply of machinery to beneficiaries will be made by the
Board within a period of two months after completion of the training.
26. RO/ SRO will submit the expenditure statement along with utilization
certificate to Head Office for settlement.
27. The regular inspection of the machinery will be carried out by the
technical officers of RO/SROs and random inspection will be made by
the Technical hands from CCRI/CICT to confirm the technical
specifications/performance which may be decided by Chairman, Coir
Board, wherever necessary.
28. Any delay in the supply of machineries by the Machinery
Manufacturer shall invite cancellation of orders, blacklisting of the
manufacturers and other legal action.
29. A committee consisting of Joint Director, CCRI/CICT and one of the
Regional Officers nominated and an Officer of the Accounts Wing of
the Board shall review the cost of the machinery for finalizing the cost
as and when required with the approval of Chairman, Coir Board.
Annexure – I
Details of Training course
Name of training course Regular or
short term
Duration of
A – Regular Training courses
1 Advanced Training Course Regular 12months Yes
2 Artisans Training Course Regular 6 months Yes
B – Incubation Training course
3 Manufacture of Coir Carpets Short
1 month Yes
4 Manufacture of Loom Mats Short
2 months Yes
5 Bleaching, Dyeing &
Shade Matching
1 month Yes
6 Manufacture of Coir Mattings Short
2 months Yes
7 Manufacture of Coir Composites Short
1 month Yes
8 Yes
9 Spinning on automatic
spinning machine
1 month Yes
10 Manufacture of Rubber
Backed Coir Products
1 month Yes
11 Fibre Treatment Processes Short
15 days Yes
12 Testing of Coir & Coir Products Short
15 days Yes
13 Maintenance of Coir Machinery Short
1 month Yes
14 Spinning on Motorized /
Motorized Traditional
/Electronic Ratt
2 months Yes
15 Manufacture of Frame Mats Short
2 months Yes
16 Manufacture of Coir Handicrafts Short
2 months Yes
17 Pith Composting & Block Making Short
1 month Yes
18 Manufacture of Coir Brushes
& Garden Articles
1 month Yes
19 Manufacture of Nontraditional
products and
its applications
2 month Yes
20 Effluent Treatment in Coir
1 month Yes
21 Automatic spinning Short
1 month Yes
22 Spinning of finer yarn Short
1month Yes
23 Bio softening of fibre Short
15 days Yes
24 Weaving Anugraha Loom Short
1 month Yes
25 Weaving Anupam Loom Short
1 month Yes
26 Manufacture of handicrafts and
coir jewellery
2 months Yes
27 Manufacture of Janatha mattress
& bags, U/V protection umbrella
1 month Yes
28 Coir wood gift articles
1 month Yes
29 Moulded garden articles Short
1 month Yes
30 Coir pith manure and home
garden making
1 month Yes
31 Weaving / Spinning/ Production
of value added products by
equipments which could be
operated by women under Mahila
Coir Yojana Scheme
2 months Yes
C. Trainers Training Courses
32 Trainers? Training Course in
Coir Handicrafts
1 month Yes
33 Trainers? Training Course
in Maintenance of Coir
1 month Yes
34 Trainers? Refresher Training
1 month Yes
D. Field Training courses
35 Uday Loom for mat Short 1 month Yes
manufacturing Term
36 Anugraha/Anupam Loom
1 month Yes
37 Maintenance of
1 month Yes
38 Coir handicraft, jewellery, toys
etc. manufacturing
2 months Yes
39 Training on manufacturing of
Janatha Mattress, coir bags, u/v
protection umbrella, chappals
1 month Yes
40 Training on frame mats Short
1 month Yes
41 Coir pith compost manufacturing
and home garden making
1 month Yes
42 Bio softening of coir Short
15 days Yes
E. Other Training Courses
43 Orientation Training Course Short
15 days Yes
44 Validation Training Course Short
15 days Yes
In addition to the regular programmes, following skill development
programmes are also conducted:
i. Training in spinning/weaving of coir mats, mattings etc. in the Field
Training Units
in the potential regions in coir producing States in association with
PSUs/Co-operative Societies/NGOs/ SHGs.
ii. Special training to State Govt. officials/craft teachers/functionaries
of coir cooperative Societies.
iii. Tailor made training programmes in coir making for prisoners in
jails and tribal in tribal areas.
iv. Training programmes in the preparation of new designs, pattern and
diversified uses of coir in association with National Institute of
(2) The Regional Extension Centres of Coir Board at Thanjavur in
Tamil Nadu and Regional Office at Rajahmundry in Andhra Pradesh,
Bhubaneswar in Orissa Bangaluru in Karnataka and Pollachi in TamilNadu
will organize Trainers Training Programme, Orientation Training Course,
Incubation Training Courses, etc. on need basis for the development of coir
industry at regional levels:-
Name of training course Regular or
short term
Duration Stipend to
be given or
1 Manufacture of Coir Mattings Short Term 1 month Yes
2 Spinning on automatic
spinning machine
Short term 1 month Yes
3 Fibre treatment processes Short Term 1 month Yes
4 Maintenance of coir machinery Short Term 1 month Yes
5 Spinning on Motorised /
motorized traditional /
electronic ratt
Short Term 2 months Yes
6 Manufacture of Frame Mats Short Term 2 months Yes
7 Manufacture of Coir
Short Term 2 months Yes
8 Trainers? training course in
Coir Handicrafts
Short Term 1 month Yes
9 Trainers training course in
maintenance of Coir
Short Term 1 month Yes
10 Orientation Training Course Short Term 15 days Yes
11 Weaving / Spinning/
Production of value added
products by equipments
which could be operated by
women under Mahila Coir
Short Term 2 months Yes
(3) Field Training Programmes will be organized by respective Regional
Offices/Sub Regional Offices through State Govt. Agencies, Coir Cooperative
Societies, NGOs, Self Help Groups etc.
Name of Training
Type of
Duration Stipend to be
given or not
1 Spinning on Motorised
/ Motorised Traditional
/Electronic ratt for the
production of 2 plyx3
ply coir yarn
Field level Upto 2
may be fixed
as one month
in traditional
2 Production of coir
Geotextiles, frame
mats, matting, carpets
Field level 2 months Yes
3 Coir pith composting Field level 15 days Yes
4 Coir
Field level 2 months Yes
Note: The Board will be at liberty to reduce or increase the period of training
wherever needed and to add newer areas for training based on R & D
progress/ innovation from time to time.
Annexure- II
Skill Development Training Programme Under taking by the Training
sponsoring agency
I…………………S/o. Sri………………residing at (Complete address) on behalf of
M/s….. ..(Name of the sponsoring agency) on….. (Date) is furnishing the
undertaking with details as shown below to Coir Board.
1. Name of the Sponsor :
2. Address with phone/fax/email :
Principal Co-ordinator of the Name : group of
trainees/SHG/NGO Address:
3. No. of candidates :
4. Period & Type of training :
5. Source of Raw material for training : locally available / to be purchased
out side
6. Details of power connection :
7. Availability of machineries for training:
8. Whether the trained candidates will
be provided employment in the unit
of the sponsors or facilitate employment
in other unit. :
If starting own units, the type of unit
9. Credit support, if any envisaged,
for starting Units :
10. Whether the trainees have any
infrastructural facility.(furnish details) :
11. If not, the mode of acquiring the basic Infrastructure :
Nature of marketing support that could be Provided.
The agency undertakes the full responsibility of ensuring the raw material,
credit flow and market support with gainful employment or staring own units by
linking the trainees with Boards scheme like Mahila Coir Yojana, Rejuvenation,
Modernization & Technology upgradation of coir Industry, Financial Assistance,
PMEGP etc with Banks.
Authorized Signatory Witness:
1) Regional Officer/ESO, Coir Board.
Annexure- III
The duties and responsibilities of the organizing agency are:-
1. The participants are to be identified through local paper
notification/other media.
2. Location for organizing the EDP will be identified by the organizing
agency in consultation with the concerned Regional Officers and the
arrangement for the venue of the programme should be made by the
organizing agency.
3. Minimum number of candidates should be 50.
4. Tea and snacks, working lunch etc, have to be arranged to the
participants during the EDP.
5. Honorarium and other expense like local hospitality, conveyance
etc. of the Faculties has to be met by the organizing agency.
6. The agency should provide study material etc. to the participants.
7. The rest/excess expenditure to be borne by the agency/candidate
and the detailed expenditure statement with details to be submitted
by the Agency. The local advertisement in newspaper for calling
candidate/EDP to be given in Coir Board website also and agency to
send copy of advertisement to Coir Board.
All topics except Coir Based Industry are to be dealt by external
faculties. With reference to coir, the Coir Board will provide faculty and
they can take from the coir trade basing expertise.
Schemes and programmes of KVIC, NSIC, MSME (DC) etc., may be
covered in the EDPs conducted by the Board. A suitable session for this
also may be included and programme be scheduled accordingly.
The exposure tour will be funded with 50% on Traveling expenses
on bus/train II class and rest to be organized by the agency from the
participants or other sources.
The success ratio as below to be built up by the agency:
The participants application : 150
Selection of application for EDP : 100%
Attendance on EDP : 90% minimum candidate
Exposure tour : 60%
The successful entrepreneur : 25%
The payment of 10% on the EDP cost will be made on completion of
report and on reaching duly filled response sheet of candidate and the
prospective entrepreneur identified.
Bifurcation of programmes under Skill Upgradation & Mahila Coir
These component-wise financial limits can be further regulated
based on field level needs by Coir Board restricting overall cost within the
limits prescribed
1. Workshop
Components Tentative
financial limit
1 Publicity through media on organizing of
workshop Printing of invitations and organizing
the function
2 Printing of invitations and organizing the function 5,000.00
3 Stationary, printing of workshop materials,
technical Papers etc
4 Rent for the venue, audio and video 10,000.00
5 Display of newly developed coir products and
modern technology etc.
6 Honorarium to resource speakers 8,000.00
7 Tea and Lunch for 50 persons 5,000.00
8 Documentation of the workshop 3,500.00
Total 50,000.00
* Item wise reappropriations permitted subject to the overall ceiling of Rs.
2. Seminars.
Components Tentative
financial limit
(Rs.) *
1 Printing of invitations, banners, photographs,
stationery, etc.
2 Rent for hall, tables, chairs, PA System, etc. 25,000.00
3 Local hospitality and honorarium to the resource
4 Working lunch and Tea & snacks for 200 persons 35,000.00
5 Seminar kit including copies of Technical papers,
schemes implemented by Coir Board/ KVIC/
6 Press release through important dailies 10,000.00
7 Publicity and Press meet 15,000.00
8 Demonstration for Technology Transfer (Techno
9 Professional charges for organizing the Seminar 10,000.00
10 Local conveyance 3,000.00
Total 2,00,000.00
* Item wise reappropriations permitted subject to the overall ceiling of Rs.
3. E D P
Component Tentative
financial limit
1 Press advertisement inviting participants for
EDP through local dailies
2 Working lunch, tea & refreshment @ Rs. 100/-
per head (for 3 days for 50 persons)
3 Hall rent for 3 days 6,000.00
4 Preparation of reference materials, printing
charges, stationery, etc.
5 Expenditure towards faculty 8,000.00
6 Expenditure towards the field visit 10,000.00
7 Miscellaneous 3,000.00
Total 60,000.00
* Item wise reappropriations permitted subject to the overall ceiling of Rs.
4. Exposure Tour
1. The expenditure towards exposure tour is limited to
Rs.75,000/- per tour.
2. The above amount includes to and fro bus fare/train fare,
service tax, permit for entering neighboring States, toll etc.
3. The minimum number of entrepreneurs required for organizing
the exposure tour will be 20.
4. In the case of entrepreneurs, 50% of the actual travel cost
subject to second class training will be reimbursed and in
the case of artisans engaged in the coir processing activities
under co-operative Society/SHG/NGO and sponsored by the
State Government 90% of the actual travel cost subject to
second class train fare will be reimbursed by Coir Board and
the exposure tour has to be organized by the State
Government agencies /Coir Industrial Cooperative Societies
with proper recommendation of the Regional Office/SubRegional
5. The bill should be counter certified by the RO/SRO for
recommendation of eligible payment and the payment will be
released to the parties by Demand Draft/Cheque only.
5 .Awareness Programme
Component Tentative
financial limit
1 Advertisement in local dailies 4,500.00
2 Printing of reading materials, writing pads, pen
3 Tea, snacks, lunch (50x150) 7,500.00
4 Honorarium for guest speakers, local
conveyance etc.
5 Documentation 1,000.00
6 Hall rent, chairs and PA system 4,500.00
Total 26,000.00
* Item wise re-appropriations permitted subject to the overall ceiling of Rs.
Application for availing assistance for procurement of Coir
Processing equipments / machineries / kit under Mahila Coir
Part –A
1. Name of Applicant
2. Other Details
(i) Date of Birth
(ii) Community : SC/ST/OBC/Minority/Others
3. Address for Communication
Address1 :
Address2 :
Post office :
Taluk :
Village :
State :
District :
PIN code :
Tele Phone No :
4. PAN Card / AADHAR number:-
Part B
1. Details of training undergone
i) Type of training :
ii) Date/ Duration :
iii) Serial No. and date of the certificate
from Coir Board :
iv) Whether training undergone in Board?s Training centre : Yes
/ No
v) If no, details of the FTC and NGO sponsored for the
training :
2. Machinery proposed to be procured :
3. Name of the machinery manufacturer :
4. Cost of the machinery
(Attach invoice from the machinery manufacturer)
5. Details of remittance of beneficiary contribution :
i) Amount remitted :
ii) Details of Bank account
a) Bank Name & Branch:-
b) Account no. :-
(Copy of the Bank Pass Book to be enclosed)
6. Details of items proposed to be manufactured :
7. Whether raw material is available in your area :
8. Whether electricity Power Connection available :
(Attach copy of bills/Electricity Board card)
9. Whether marketing facilities available, Give details :
Name and Signature of the
F. NO. 5(1)/2014-COIR
India is the largest producer and exporter of coir (yarn, coir pith, coir
mats, matting, carpets and rugs) in the world with a share of 70% of coir
yarn, semi finished raw materials and 75% of finished coir products in
global trade. However, with the advent of liberalization, coir faces stiff
competition not only from cheap synthetic substitutes but also fibres like
Jute, sisal, abaca, cotton, wool, etc. The cascading effects of economic
recession happened particularly in US and in other countries of the world
in general have seriously affected the prosperity of Indian coir sector in the
export front. The Euro Zone Crisis is another area of concern. The main
destinations for export of coir products are Republic of China, USA,
Netherlands, UK, South Korea, Germany, Italy, Australia, Spain and
France. Most of the above export destinations are facing the adversities of
economic recession. Even then, there is considerable scope for furthering
the exports through product diversification and exploration of new
markets for conventional and non-conventional end use applications.
Creation of additional employment opportunities to rural artisans through
promotion of exports, especially cold countries by exploiting the growing
affinity towards eco-friendly products and consequent increased utilization
of raw material which is available in plenty also calls for continued
governmental support to this sector.
Adoption of strategic and aggressive product-specific and marketspecific
promotional programmes for popularizing coir and coir products in
markets abroad, supporting the export fraternity and export oriented
industry with capacity building and modernization programme so that the
Coir Industry attains sustainable development, are the broad objectives of
this Scheme.
2. Components of the Scheme during XII Plan
The activities implemented during XI Plan will continue to be
implemented under the scheme of Export Market Promotion during the XII
Five Year Plan:
Thus the components of this Scheme during XII Plan period would be
as below:
(i) Delegations, Consultancy & Information Sourcing
(ii) Participation in International seminars and conferences and
organizing capacity building programmes in export related areas
(iii) Participation in international fairs / product promotion
programmes, catalogue shows and organizing exclusive
international fairs and buyer-seller meets for coir
(iv) Publicity abroad
(v) External market development assistance scheme
(vi) Coir Industry Awards
2.1 Delegation, Consultancy & Information Sourcing
2.1.1 The objectives of this component of the scheme are as follows:
(i) To expand the share of Indian coir products in global market;
(ii) To assess main competitors, product ranges, price, general
setting and promotional strategies;
(iii) To motivate distribution channels to promote coir products;
(iv) To assess tariff/non tariff barriers on coir vis-a-vis competing
products and pursue their possible elimination/reduction
through bilateral negotiations;
(v) To explore virgin markets;
(vi) Identify next-tier markets through proper study for
implementation of aggressive marketing strategies;
(vii) To build up common platform sharing information among the
coir producing countries;
(viii) To assess the various methods of production prevailing in other
coir producing countries and to compare the product ranges;
(ix) To augment modernization through technology transfer;
(x) To engage consultancy services/professional agents for specific
assignments/projects relating to export promotion;
(xi) To seek expert and professional advice on export related matters,
foreign trade, etc.; and
(xii) To hold trade talks with decision makers in
Governments/Chambers of Commerce & Industry, market/
distribution network and vendor development mechanisms.
2.1.2 The activities to be undertaken under this component of the
scheme are as below: -
(i) Sponsoring industry & market delegations to assess market
realities and prepare appropriate marketing strategy to
promote export to those markets.
(ii) Analyzing market specific and product specific problems and
formulate product specific and market specific promotional
(iii) Sponsor market missions to capture virgin markets where
there is scope for marketing coir products
(iv) Identify next-tier markets for implementation of aggressive
marketing strategies for expanding market share of Indian
Coir in such countries.
(v) Organizing Reverse Delegations
(vi) Engage consultancy services through eminent
institutions/persons for chalking out export promotion
strategies and solving export related problems
(vii) Source market information including tariff and non tariff
barriers from international marketing consultants.
2.1.3 The following measures will be taken for effective implementation
of this component of the scheme:-
(i) Invite active cooperation and guidance from Indian missions.
(ii) Giving thrust for sponsoring market missions to virgin markets and
next-tier markets where there is scope for marketing coir products
(iii) Engage agencies/persons with proven track record for export
related consultancy assignments, contracts or projects.
(iv) Link the findings of the market delegations to the promotional
2.2 Participation in the International Seminars and Conferences
2.2.1 The objectives of this component of the scheme are as below:
(i) To obtain up-to-date information on developments in soil and water
management technologies developed and accepted for erosion
control and bio-engineering applications.
(ii) To enhance market acceptability of coir geotextile and promote its
use in erosion control, soil stabilization, rural road construction
and other bio-engineering applications all over the world.
(iii) To review the performance and prospects of coir in comparison to
other hard fibres all over the world and to formulate an appropriate
development strategy.
(iv) To present the case of Indian coir and mobilize funding support
from International agencies like Common Fund for Commodities,
Inter Governmental Group on Hard fibres, United Nations
Development Programme, International Natural Fibre Organization
(INFO), World Association for Small & Medium Enterprises
(WASME) etc., for research and modernization targeting expansion
of share in global market of Indian coir.
(v) Organizing capacity building programmes with a view to assist the
exporters to acquaint with the international trade practices and to
do successful international business.
2.2.2 The activities to be undertaken under this component of the
scheme are as follows:-
(i) Participation in the annual conference of International Erosion
Control Association (IECA).
(ii) Participation in the intercessional meetings of Inter
Governmental Group on Hard Fibres of FAO.
(iii) Participation in the seminars & conferences of International Natural
Fibre Organization, WASME etc.
(iv) Participation in the global conferences of other related international
(v) Organize and host international seminars and conferences both in
India and abroad for promoting exports.
(vi) Organizing interactive meetings with Embassies/Consulates of
various countries for disseminating information on doing trade with
the respective countries.
(vii) Organizing capacity building programmes in export related areas
and subjects.
(viii) Facilitate participation of manufacturers in international seminars
and conferences.
(ix) Organizing dissemination sessions/publicize experience and
findings after participation in Seminars & Conferences so as to
derive maximum advantage from such events.
Note: The above participation would be subject to economy and other
instructions issued by the Government from time to time.
2.2.3 The following measures will be taken for effective implementation
of this component of the scheme:-
(i) Invite the assistance and guidance of Indian Missions
(ii) Increase visibility among the market players.
(iii) Hold meetings with decision makers and stakeholders.
(iv) Organizing buyer-seller-meets wherever possible
(v) Source funds from international agencies, with approvals of
competent authority.
(vi) Outsource competent resource persons with proven track records
from eminent institutions like IIFT for conduct of capacity building
2.3 Participation in Fairs/Product Promotion Programmes &
Catalogue Shows and organizing exclusive international fairs for
2.3.1 The objectives of this component of the scheme are as under:
(i) To propagate the message of coir as an eco-friendly natural fibre.
(ii) To showcase the capabilities of Indian coir sector through display of
(iii) To introduce coir and coir products in new markets abroad.
(iv) To expand the share of Indian coir products in existing markets.
(v) To capture virgin markets
(vi) To graduate coir manufacturers as successful exporters by making
them familiar with the international trade practices.
(vii) To introduce innovative products and various end use applications
to new users of coir products.
2.3.2 The activities to be undertaken under this component of the
scheme are as follows:-
(i) Organize national participation in international fairs abroad,
(ii) Organize participation in international fairs in India,
(iii) Organize participation in catalogue shows abroad
(iv) Organize participation in product promotion programmes abroad.
(v) Organize exclusive international fairs for coir in India and abroad.
(vi) Organize Buyer Seller Meets abroad for coir
(vii) Organize reverse Buyer Seller Meets in India.
(viii) Set up temporary/permanent display centres
(ix) Organize display of coir products in the premises of Indian Missions
(x) Undertake product promotion programmes like implementing
demonstrations projects on a pilot scale, conducting seminars etc
based on a focus product/ focus market approach with a view to
educate and establish the end use applications of specific products
like coir geo-textiles among the target audience.
(xi) Undertake publicity programmes for the above
2.3.3 The following measures will be taken for effective implementation
of this component of the scheme:-
(i) Undertake wide publicity coinciding with participation
(ii) Organize Buyers? meet wherever possible
(iii) Seek the guidance and cooperation of Indian Missions
(iv) Organize pre-fairs and post fair meetings with participants
(v) Ensure the presence of a multilingual interpreter in Coir Board
(vi) Obtain approval well in advance
(vii) Hire the space in prime locations to attract buyers in large numbers
(viii) Customize Coir Board pavilion to increase its visibility
(ix) Give thrust to introduce the product in virgin markets
(x) Give priority for events in next-tier markets.
(xi) Introduce innovative products and new end use applications in
traditional markets
(xii) Select countries of events on the basis of marketability of coir
products, country?s financial stability and the possibility of
penetrating neighboring markets.
(xiii) Select events on the basis of its track record in attracting real
buyers and generating volume business
(xiv) Organize participation in international fairs by following a focuscountry,
focus-product approach.
2.3.4 The Guidelines for participation of Coir Board in International
Fairs / Exhibitions are as follows:
(i) In the case of Coir Board /Ministry official deputed to lead the
delegations, DA would be sanctioned as per the rates prescribed
by the Ministry of External Affairs for the period of deputation
approved by the Ministry.
(ii) Air fare of the official of the Coir Board/Ministry shall be
incurred after obtaining competitive rates from different airlines
or as per instructions issued by the Government on the subject
and also according to the class eligible to each officer.
(iii) Officials would be entitledp;Is GST registration required for a public sector undertaking?
Is amendment of GST registration allowed in India?
Cancellation of GST registration in India
Centralized GST registration of services permitted in India?
Retired from business ownership. Fresh GST registration in India?
GST Registration for Job workers in India
What happens if your buyer rejects cargo? What are the major problems if consignee not taken delivery of cargo?
How to get export order from foreign buyers?
How to get RCMC from Export Promotion Councils
How to hide invoice value of original contract under high sea sale transactions
How to know the quality, quantity or contents of goods before import customs clearance
How to know volume of LCL cargo if not measured at factory
Transferability of Bill of Lading
Transhipment - A redefinition
Travelers to India under import duty exemption, Frequently Asked Questions Part 2
Triangular export
Types of Insurance Documents.
How to make DA mode of payment safe
How to make delay in delivery of Shipment?
How to minimize import cargo clearance time? An open logic proposal to WTO
How to obtain a duplicate BL, if original bill of lading lost.
How to obtain GSP - Certificate of Origin?
How to obtain Phyto sanitary certificate. What is phytosanitary certification
How to obtain waiver on detention/ demurrage on imported goods/container from Shipping company/CFS
How to open an LC? Procedures to open a Letter of Credit
to stay in single room in hotels.
Expenditure on hotel accommodation in respect of Coir
Board/Ministry official(s) will be allowed as per existing
Government rules and within the rental ceiling of hotel
empanelled by Indian Embassy for official of his/her status.
(iv) Local travel expenses will be as per actual, supported by
vouchers, subject to a maximum of US $ 50 per day.
(v) Fees for common interpreter and Secretarial service including
Phone/fax/internet etc. will be as per actual supported by
vouchers subject to a maximum of US $ 50 per day.
(vi) Cost of Advertisement/Display aids/Publicity/Printing of
common catalogue will be as per actual supported by vouchers
subject to a maximum of Rs. 50,000/-.
(vii) Normally one minimum bookable area of 9/12 sqm booth shall
be reserved for Coir Board for coordinating and facilitating
participation of micro, small & medium enterprises and
registered exporters from Indian coir sector and to disseminate
the product message of Indian coir. However, in major fairs and
fairs for particular products like coir pith, coir geo-textiles
adequate space shall be reserved for organizing common
participation, not exceeding 24 sq. meters or two minimum
bookable booths as the case may be.
(viii) In the case of enterprises/exporters who are desirous of
reserving their own booth, the same will be reserved and allotted
in their name at their cost, which will enable them to avail the
facilities of fascia in own name, catalogue entry and listing in the
website of the organizers. These participants shall be extended
assistance under the EMDA component of the scheme subject to
their eligibility and complying with various provisions of the
(ix) In the case of enterprises/exporters who are unable to hire own
separate booth, but desire to display their products through the
Board's stall, 50% of the space rent of Board's stall (minimum
bookable area) shall be levied collectively from such participants,
subject to availability of the required number of such
participants. These participants will have to display collectively
in the half portion of the booth, and the other portion being
utilized for display of brochures, pamphlets and exhibits by the
Board and also for organizing meetings.
(x) Quality exhibits shall be procured/purchased by Coir Board by
following the procedure prescribed in GFR.
(xi) Exhibits will be sent to the Fair venue under courier mode after
obtaining competitive rates from internationally reputed courier
companies/freight forwarders.
(xii) The expenditure on interior decoration of the Board?s stall shall
be as per actual, subject to a maximum of 10% of space rental
where the built up stalls are hired.
(xiii) The minimum number of enterprises/exporters for participation
in a fair viable and effective shall be “five”.
(xiv) Deputation of officials: Only one officer shall be deputed from
Coir Board.
(xv) Wherever appropriate, the Ministry may nominate its
representative from Ministry or any of its organizations, as its
nominee in the delegation.
(xvi) The orders/instructions issued by the Ministry of
Finance/External Affairs in the matter of foreign deputation, etc.
will have over-riding effects on the provisions made in the
2.4 Publicity Abroad
2.4.1 The objectives of this component of the scheme are as
(i) Communicate the product message.
(ii) To increase the consumer acceptability.
(iii) To position coir products as environment friendly „home décor
(iv) Project “Indian Coir” as Handmade Product with Traditional
(v) To educate on the varied end use applications of coir.
(vi) To publicize novel and innovative products developed by the
(vii) Increase visibility for Indian coir products and product ranges
grabbing advantages of Geographical Indicators.
2.4.2 The activities to be undertaken under this component are as
(i) Production of publicity material projecting the environment
friendly aspects of coir
(ii) Release of generic advertisements in trade magazines/specialized
journals/electronic media as per the media policy of the
(iii) Undertake co-operative generic publicity in association with
Importers Associations under the guidance and supervision of
Indian Missions, eg. Publicity in Buses/Railway Coaches etc.
(iv) Production of publicity brochures, blow ups/posters/catalogue.
(v) Undertake publicity through hoardings, banners, towers, fair
catalogue etc in major fairs in which Coir Board organizes
(vi) Bringing out updated directory of exporters and other export
related publications.
(vii) Release generic ads through search engines and other internet
sources like online media, professional website etc.
(viii) Sponsor reputed events with sizable international participation
after ensuring suitable modalities for increasing visibility for coir
(ix) Release of ads on buses, trams, trains, tubes etc. on the
functional applications of coir products through Indian
Missions/professional agencies.
(x) Joint publicity efforts with State Governments, Tourism
Departments, Apex Organizations, Chambers of Commerce,
Importers Associations etc.
(xi) Use social media network for educating the attributes and
advantages of coir.
(xii) Engage Professional social media agencies and Consultants for
undertaking various innovative publicity campaigns.
2.4.3 The following measures will be taken for effective
implementation of this component:
(i) Chalk out a media plan on an annual basis
(ii) Bring out advertisements on product specific/country specific
basis as per the media policy of the Government.
(iii) Ensure release of ad visuals highlighting functional applications.
(iv) Seek the guidance of Indian Missions in planning ad-campaign
and selecting media.
(v) Produce quality posters, blow ups, catalogues, corporate films etc.
for use in International Trade Fairs.
(vi) Ensure release of ads in directories/catalogues of important fairs
& events
(vii) Select search engines and social media which have wide reach
among the public for undertaking ad campaigns.
2.5 External Market Development Assistance (EMDA)
2.5.1 The objective of this component is as under:
“To encourage the small scale exporters to enter global market and
to expand the export of Indian coir products”.
2.5.2.Activities covered for assistance under the Scheme are as follows:
(i) To participate in Buyer Seller Meet/Trade Delegation/seminars &
conferences abroad;
(ii) For participation in Trade Fairs & Exhibitions abroad;
(iii) Assistance to exporters/entrepreneurs for production of publicity
material (Production of product brochure / catalogue).
(iv) For participation in international trade fairs in India, approved by
Coir Board, which have substantial overseas buyers traffic.
2.5.3 The assistance shall be limited to the funds available for
implementation of this scheme under the head Export Market
Promotion during the XII Five Year Plan period 2012-13 to 2016-17.
2.5.4.Eligibility parameters under the scheme are as follows:-
All exporters with FOB turnover of less than Rs.2 crore worth coir
and coir products in the previous year and micro, small & medium
entrepreneurs of coir and coir products, registered with the Coir
Board, would be eligible for assistance under the scheme, provided
they have not availed the facility from any other source for the same
purpose or participated three times in the same exhibition or
undertaken sales promotion tour to the same destination thrice
with government assistance.
Maximum three events shall be assisted under this scheme in a
financial year i.e. a combination of events including Trade
Delegation/Buyer Seller Meet/participation in exhibition/seminar
& conferences will be eligible for assistance. Further,
participation in any particular event by the same beneficiary shall
not exceed three times in all.
(a) Scales of assistance for participation in BSMs/ delegations/
Seminars & Conferences
Eligible items Scale of assistance
1 Participation charges
including airfare
(for one representative from
one enterprise/ exporter).
100% economy class air fare
In the case of any registration/
participation charges for BSMs/
delegations/ Seminars it would
also be reimbursed along with air
2 Maximum amount of
assistance towards
participation charges
including airfare
The maximum amount of
assistance admissible shall be
Rs.1.50 Lakh.
(b) Scales of assistance for participation in fairs abroad:
Eligible items Scale of assistance
1. Space rent (built up stall)
Charges fixed by the
organizers and to be
verified by Coir Board
before making payment
100% of the space rent subject to
a maximum of Rs. 1.00 lakh or
actual rent paid, whichever is
lower (for one representative
from each participating
2 Airfare in economy class
(for one representative
from one enterprise/
100% of the economy class airfare
subject to a maximum of Rs. 1.50
lakhs or actual fare paid,
whichever is lower
3 Freight charges Actual subject to a maximum of
Rs. 20,000/-
4 Maximum amount of
assistance towards air
fare, space rental, freight
forwarding charges
The maximum amount of
assistance admissible shall be
Rs.2.50 Lakh
(c) Scale of assistance for participation in international trade
fairs in India
Eligible items Scale of assistance
1 Space rent (built up stall)
Charges fixed by the
organizers and to be
verified by Coir Board
before making payment
100% of the space rent subject to
a maximum of Rs. 1.00 lakhs or
actual rent paid, whichever is
lower (for one representative
from each enterprise).
3 Freight charges Actual subject to a maximum of
Rs. 20,000/- per participant
enterprises/ exporter per event
4 Maximum amount of
assistance towards space
rental and freight charges.
The maximum of amount of
assistance admissible shall be
Rs.1.00 Lakh
(d) Organization of International Conferences/Seminars in India
Assistance may be provided under the scheme for orga