Export Registration process in Switzerland
How to gather the status of an exporter in Switzerland? How to get export licence in Switzerland? What are the procedures for registration as an exporter in Switzerland? How to start an export business in Switzerland? What are the certification formalities to export to Switzerland?
Inorder export/import commercial goods, you should have a registered trade. Any legal entity can start business in Switzerland and are required to register the company or business in the commercial register.

Companies that want to engage in exportation or importation requires an UID (Customer Identification Number) and VAT number to conduct international business. Every company that wish to trade goods with Switzerland, or other non-EU countries, also must register for an EORI number. , an EORI number is compulsory. EORI means Economic Operator Registration and Identification. All importers, exporters and other transporters need to use a unique EORI reference number in all electronic communications with Customs and other government agencies involved in the international trade.
Licensing procedure to export goods to a country is almost same worldwide. Detailed information on how to obtain a licence to export to a country is explained in separate post in this website. Click below to read the same.
Export Licence and registration procedures
The details given here explain about export registration procedures to be obtained from Switzerland government authority to export from Switzerland.
The following details also clarify:
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