Minimized GST slab rate on purchase or sale of all goods under HSN 8308
Is GST rate on all goods under HSN 8308reduced? What is the present GST rate tariff on all goods under HSN 8308? How much GST tax payable on all goods under HSN 8308?

The below information details about Minimized GST slab rate on purchase or sale of all goods under HSN 8308
All goods falls under GST HSN code chapter 8308. The GST rate fixed on all goods under HSN 8308 by GST council on 18th May, 2017 was 28%. However, GST council Reduced GST on sale or purchase of all goods under HSN 8308and the Minimized GST slab rate on purchase or sale of all goods under HSN 8308to 18 % as per GST council meet held on 11th June, 2017.
GST rate fixed on all goods under HSN 8308 as per GST council meet on 18th May, 2017 is 28 %
GST rate reduced on all goods under HSN 8308 according to GST council meet held on 11th June, 2017 is 18 %.
The above details about Minimized GST slab rate on purchase or sale of all goods under HSN 8308 is only for information.
The validity of above information and amendments about Minimized GST slab rate on purchase or sale of all goods under HSN 8308 may be verified before any business dealing.
We already know that the GST slabs are pegged at 5%, 12%, 18% & 28%. under GST- 5 percent for essential goods, standard rate of 12 and 18 percent, high rate of 28 percent and peak rate of 28 percent plus cess for luxury items. The most essential goods and services attract nil rate of GST under Exempted Categories.
In this article the details of Minimized GST slab rate on purchase or sale of all goods under HSN 8308. Would you like to add more information about Minimized GST slab rate on purchase or sale of all goods under HSN 8308? Share below your thoughts about Minimized GST slab rate on purchase or sale of all goods under HSN 8308.
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