Export Registration process in South Africa
How to get export licence in South Africa? How to gather the status of an exporter in South Africa? What are the procedures for registration as an exporter in South Africa? How to start an export business in South Africa? What are the certification formalities to export to South Africa?
This post explains about export registration procedures to be obtained from South Africa government authority to export from South Africa.

All natural persons or legal entities are approved to conduct export and import process in South Africa. For commercial purpose, a registered trade with concerned license (if required) as per the business and have enlisted in the Trade and Company Register of the country is must for exporting and importing of products from and to South Africa.
Licensing procedure to export goods to a country is almost same worldwide. Detailed information on how to obtain a licence to export to a country is explained in separate post in this website. Click below to read the same.
Export Licence and registration procedures
The details given here explain about export registration procedures to be obtained from South Africa government authority to export from South Africa.
The following details also clarify:
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CGST Act Section 34 Credit and debit notes
CGST Act Section 35 Accounts and other records
CGST Act section 36 Period of retention of accounts
CGST Act Section 37 Furnishing details of outward supplies
CGST Act section 38 Furnishing details of inward supplies
CGST Act Section 39 Furnishing of returns
CGST Act section 40 First return
CGST Act section 41 Claim of input tax credit and provisional acceptance thereof
CGST Act Section 42 Matching, reversal and reclaim of input tax credit
CGST Act section 43 Matching, reversal and reclaim of reduction in output tax liability
CGST Act section 44 Annual return
CGST Act section 45 Final return
CGST Act section 46 Notice to return defaulters
CGST Act Section 47 Levy of late fee
CGST Act section 48 Goods and services tax practitioners
CGST Act Section 49 Payment of tax, interest, penalty and other amounts
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