How to import to Hong Kong ?
What are the import procedures in Hong Kong to move goods? How to import to Hong Kong? Explain about import registration process, cargo movement to Hong Kong from overseas countries, Import delivery process in Hong Kong etc.
This post explains about step by step procedures that need to be finished with Hong Kong government authority for importation to Hong Kong.

The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) of the People's Republic of China is firmly committed to an open market policy. Any Hong Kong organization or individual has the privilege to deal with products import and export, and isn't required to apply for or enlist such appropriate with the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region government. Yet at the same time, the import and fare of products must consent to specific controls. Organizations set up by terrain undertakings in Hong Kong can likewise appreciate a similar right. Hong Kong is a free port without any confinements on the privilege of working the import and fare of merchandise.
Exchange and Industry Department encourages and helps potential merchants in universal exchange of Hong Kong.
Customs & Excise Department looks after the customs procedures. For goods entering Hong Kong, the importer must complete customs clearance and declaration formalities with the Hong Kong Customs and Excise Department either by themselves or through an agent.
The documentation may vary depending on the country of origin or destination. The documents required for import to Hong Kong to take delivery of import cargo is based on the product importing, multilateral, bilateral or unilateral trade agreements, and other trade policies of Hong Kong government. Thus, documents may have to be prepared in a particular way to comply with the requirements of the import or export country.
For the most part in all nations there are three phases of process for import. One time enrolment method to acquire import permit, documentation required for importation and Import customs clearance procedures. Point by point data on these three phases of imports has been specified independently in this site. You may click underneath those data connects to find out about well ordered techniques on the most proficient method to import:
License required for Import
Import documents required
Import Customs Process
This post explains about different phases in import process that every importer needs to go through in Hong Kong.
The following details also clarify:
Step by step process to import to Hong kong. Methods to import to Hong kong. Guidelines to import to Hong kong Please guide to import to Hong kong. How to import to Hong kong? Formalities for import to Hong kong. Procedures to import to Hong kong. Need to import to Hong kong. Explain to import to Hong kong. Information to import to Hong kong.
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