Complete procedures to export goods from Spain
How to export from Spain? What are the export registration procedures, export customs process, export cargo movement methods in Spain? Explain the export methodology in Spain.
Information given here explains about step by step procedures that need to be finished with Spain government authority for exportation from Spain.

For starting an import or export business, you should enlist as a taxpayer with Spanish Tax Agency. A registered trade with concerned license as per the business is must for exporting and importing of commercial products from and into Spain.
Since Spain falls under EU countries, a common trade policy is adopted to import/export most of the products . A separate rules and regulations are applied to specific products when importing and exporting in the European Union called Integrated Tariff of the European Communities (TARIC code). For any import, export or transit in EU countries, an EORI number is compulsory. EORI means Economic Operator Registration and Identification. The European Union (EU) legislation has required all member states to adopt the Economic Operators Registration and Identification (EORI) scheme. All importers, exporters and other transporters need to use a unique EORI reference number in all electronic communications with Customs and other government agencies involved in the international trade. This means that anyone involved with export, transit or import operations need to have EORI number.
The Agencia Estatal de Administración Tributaria (AEAT) or Agencia Tributaria manages Spanish Customs Service department. They are responsible for administering customs procedures in Spain, the collection of taxes and VAT, work for economic development of Spain, controls illegal trade and is facilitator of genuine trade.
An export declaration must be lodged when goods are exported to regions outside the fiscal region of the EU. Export declaration is lodged electronically either as a message declaration or using the Export Declaration Service. It can submit on SAD (Single Administrative Document) form.
The documents have to be prepared in a special way to comply with the requirements of the import or export country. Understanding the right documents is essential for smooth import and export procedures. The exporter should make sure that they made all of the accurate export documents that are required to get the goods delivered through the port, cleared customs, satisfy all compliance and regulations, then loaded on board the pre determined carrier.
Generally in all countries there are three stages of process for export. One time registration procedure to obtain export licence, documentation needed for exportation and Export customs clearance formalities. Detailed information on these three stages of exports has been mentioned separately in this website. You may click below those information links to know more about step by step procedures on how to export:
Export Registration and Licence procedures
Export Customs procedures
Export documents required
This post explains about different phases in export process that every exporter needs to go through for completing export from Spain.
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