How to claim Export benefits from APEDA, guidelines
Posted on
26 April 2023 Category : Export incentives and benefits
Laboratory Testing software etc.
(viii) Financial assistance will be related with and computed on the basis
of entries on the Laboratory Testing software etc.
Sub-Component 6:
Support for adoption of global standards for traceability
A. Registration for Global Company Prefix Number (GCP):
(i) The beneficiaries are registered Exporters.
(ii) For availing assistance, in Principle Approval (IPA) is required.
(iii)Pattern of assistance: 25 per cent of the fee subject to a ceiling of
INR 1 lakh per beneficiary per annum
(iv)A copy of APEDA Registration Certificate (RCMC) and in case of
organic a valid certificate from an accredited certification body (CB)
along with proforma invoices
(v) In case of organic products, registration with TraceNert is mandatory
(vi)The GCP allotted by GS1 India must be regularly updated and
validated in TraceNet (validation can be verified on the TraceNet).
B. Registration For Electronic Product Code (EPC/RFID):
(i) The beneficiaries are registered Exporters.
(ii) For availing assistance, in Principle Approval (IPA) is required.
(iii) Pattern of assistance: 25 per cent of the fee subject to a ceiling of
INR 1 lakh per beneficiary per annum
(iv) A copy of APEDA Registration Certificate (RCMC) and in case of
organic a valid certificate from an accredited certification body (CB)
along with proforma invoices.
(v) In case of organic products, registration with TraceNet is mandatory
(vi) The EPC/RFID allocation certificate issued by GS1 India must be
regularly updated and validated in TraceNet (validation can be
verified on the TraceNet).
C. Registration for GLN for Farmer Clusters/ (Internal Control
System) ICS:
(i) The beneficiaries are registered Exporters.
(ii) For availing assistance, in Principle Approval (IPA) is required.
(iii) Pattern of assistance: 25 per cent of the total cost incurred by
exporter subject to a ceiling of INR 1.5 lakh per ICS per annum .
(The ICS is a cluster of farmers consisting up to 500 formers for
certification of organic cultivation).
(iv) Registration Certificate by an accredited certification body or a
registered society along with proforma invoices
D. Procurement of Equipment (specialized hand held
Devices) for capturing farm level peripheral coordinates
(i) The beneficiaries are registered exporters, Certification bodies
accredited under National Program for Organic Production (NPOP)
and APEDA recognized laboratories.
(ii) For availing assistance, In Principle Approval (IPA) is required
(iii) Pattern of assistance: 25 per cent of the cost of equipment incurred
by exporter/certification body/laboratory subject to a ceiling of iNR
2.50 lakhs per beneficiary per annum
(iv) Proforma Invoice from supplier
(v) Technical literature/brochure of the equipment
Sub-Component 7:
Setting up/up gradation/expansion of laboratories by APEDA or any other
Government or Public Sector agency
(i) The beneficiaries are National Referral Laboratories recognized by
(ii) For availing assistance, In Principle Approval (IPA) is required
(iii)Pattern of assistance: 100 per cent by APEDA
Sub-Component 1:
(A) Assistance for up-gradation of technical and managerial skills through
on spot training in India/abroad
(i) The beneficiaries are exporters, APEDA recognized laboratories,
Certification bodies accredited under National Program for Organic
Productdion (NPOP) ,State Agencies, farmers etc.
(ii) Pattern of assistance:
(a) 100 per cent of cost of the program organized by APEDA subject to a
ceiling of Rs 1.50 lakhs per representative from various organizations
such as exporters, APEDA recognized laboratories, certification
bodies and state agencies (not more than three representatives from
single organization)
(b)100% for farmers from identified clusters for export oriented
(B) Assistance for technical skill up-gradation of personnel of exporters in
India for export development:
(i) The beneficiaries are registered Exporters.
(ii) For availing assistance, in Principle Approval (IPA) is required.
(iii) Pattern of assistance:
(a) Rs 20,000/- per personnel per residential training (not more than
5 personnel from single organization per year) in a recognized
training institutes. Assistance will be limited to an average cost of
Rs 5,000/- per day per personnel
(b) 100% for APEDA representative
(iv) Exporter must submit application for in principle approval along with
complete course details from the concerned institution
Sub-Component 2:
Assistance for organizing seminar/group activities including study tour within
the country and for bringing out information literature:
(i) Pattern of Assistance : 50% of the cost subject to a ceiling of Rs 1.00
lakh for national seminar and Rs 2.00 lakhs for international seminar.
(ii) Assistance will be restricted to maximum of one national and one
international seminar per annum.
(iii) The beneficiaries are recognized trade bodies like FICCI, FIEO, CII,
Chambers of Commerce, Government agencies
(iv) For availing assistance, in Principle Approval (IPA) is required.
Sub-Component 3:
(A)Seminars organized (B)Seminars sponsored by APEDA
(i) The beneficiaries are implementing organizations , Trade Bodies.
(ii) For availing assistance, in Principle Approval (IPA) is required.
(iii) Pattern of assistance
a) 100% if organized by APEDA
b) 50% of total cost subject to a ceiling of Rs 5 lakhs for seminars
sponsored by APEDA
Sub-Component 4:
Assistance program for international study tour sponsored or organized by
APEDA and association of exporters
(i) The beneficiaries are registered Exporters.
(ii) For availing assistance, in Principle Approval (IPA) is required.
(iii) Pattern of assistance: 100% in case of APEDA sponsored activities
Sub-Component 5:
Assistance to carry out relevant applied Research & Development activities for
export enhancement:
(i) The beneficiaries are R&D Institutions, ICAR ,State Agriculture
Universities and registered Exporters.
(ii) For availing assistance, in Principle Approval (IPA) is required.
(iii) Pattern of assistance:
(a) 100% by APEDA for R&D projects implemented through ICAR
(b)50% of cost subject to a ceiling of Rs 50 lakhs per project if
conducted by registered exporters.
(iv) The assistance will be admissible to support relevant R&D for export
enhancement for specific need of particular export segment.
(v) The application must include a declaration that the same project has
not been conducted/carried out under any other program of
(vi) The program must not be for a long duration but for a maximum of
three years and must be completed within the stipulated time period.
(vii) Clear deliverables should be submitted by the concerned institution
which could be implemented to achieve the objective of the project.
i) Commercial invoices, LC (wherever applicable)
ii) Bank statement reflecting debit entries of payment released to
vendors/suppliers/foreign suppliers and such entries must be highlighted
iii) For cash payments, if any, proper receipts from vendors/suppliers/agencies
must be submitted
iv) For common infrastructure facilities running bills duly authenticated and
certified by the CA or DDO of the concerned organization.
v) For seminars/group activities, a statement of income and expenditure
related to the specific activity for which sanction is granted. Reimbursement
will be based on actual net expenditure incurred.
vi) For seminars/group activities a detailed report must also be submitted
along with photographs
vii) CA Certificate in prescribed format (Anneuxre-8)
viii) Indemnity bond on Rs 10/- Non Judicial Stamp Papers as per proforma
given in Annexure-9 for capital assets/ equipment etc.
ix) For capital equipment including civil construction for items like
shed/ETP/pack house etc photographs showing acknowledgement of APEDA?s
assistance (APEDA logo in actual colour and design along with words
“Assisted by APEDA”. It may be noted that stickers are not permitted.
x) For laboratory equipment cases, bio data of the technician
xi) Installation certificate from Excise /Chartered Engineer for capital
xii) For imported equipment copies of bill of entry , custom duty paid challan
xiii) For equipment photographs should be submitted showing APEDA logo
with words “Assisted by APEDA”. It may be noted that stickers are not
xiv) A copy of the feasibility study report wherever applicable
xv) For MDA, original ticket with boarding passes, travel agent?s bill along
with a certificate that the journey was undertaken in Economy
Excursion class. In case the applicant has a composite ticket for any
prefixed or suffixed journey schedule, the Travel Agent?s certificate must
clearly indicate the amount of Economy Excursion class far for the
sector involving the MDA related journey.
xvi) For MDA a copy of passport (self certified) showing visa and journey
dates (highlighted in colour)
xvii) A detailed report on the MDA tour and outcome along with a CA
Certificate for expenditure on the visit (Annexure-10)
xviii) The claim for MDA must be submitted within 3 months from the date of
return to India.
xix) Running bills for Common infrastructure projects along with self certified
copies of commercial invoices.
xx) Audit surveillance format for quality management systems (Annexure-
Upon receipt of claim , APEDA would conduct physical verification of the
facility before reimbursement.
As per Government of India?s directive, 5% processing fees is deducted
from all financial assistance extended under various components and sub
components of the Scheme
For cash payments exporters/implementing agencies must follow the
Government of India?s provisions for such payment in accordance with General
Finance Rules (GFR)
SN Particulars Details
1. Name of the exporter/
Central or State Government
2. Full address with contact
1. As per APEDA RCMC :
Tel (with STD Code) :
Fax (with STD Code)
Email ID :
2. Manufacturing Unit Address, if
different from corporate address:
Tel (with STD Code) :
Fax (with STD Code)
Email ID :
2. APEDA Registration-cumMembership-Certificate
(RCMC) No & Date
Copy attached
Date of Issue
Valid Upto :
3. Type of Organization 1. Manufacturer/Merchant
2. Existing/New Venture
3. Public Sector Undertaking/CoOperative
Society /Public Limited
Co/Private Limited
co/Partnership Firm/Others
4. Export performance during
the last three years (product
Qty: MTs ; Val: Rs
Product 200.... 200.... 200....
Yes No
5. Main products exported
6. Principle markets to which
7. Anticipated exports during
next five years (in value
terms – Rs Lakhs)
Val: Rs lakhs
Year Value
8. Assistance already availed
from APEDA under all
schemes during the current
(XII) Five Year Plan period
only (1.4.2012-31.3.2017)/
since registration with
Year Amoun
t- ?
9. Assistance now being
Year Amoun
t- ?
10. How do you propose to
finance the balance
requirement of funds (give
details including loans
applied or availed from
Institutions etc)
11. Indicate how this
project/activity will support
your export efforts?
12. List of enclosures (as per
check list- all enclosures to
be self attested )
1 Quotation from for Rs
2 Quotation from for Rs
4 Amendments to RCMC, if any
5 PCB Recommendation letter No
dated , in case of ETP only
6 Copy of Techno Economic
Feasibility Study in case of
composite integrated projects like
integrated pack house/Common
Infrastructure etc.
7 Copy of dummy ad for brand
8 Chartered Engineer?s
Certificate/Civil Architect?s
Estimate for Civil work in regard
to integrated pack house /ETP
9 Quotation from……………………
………..Consultancy agency for
quality management
10 Quotation/proforma invoice from
Agency in respect of Quality
11 Copies of IIP/other agency
certificates of application year for
12 Copies of IIP/other agency
certificates of previous year for
13 Copies of IIP/other agency
certificates of current/previous
year for packaging
14. CA Certificate
15 CA certificate for packaging
application year and previous
16. Statement of purchases of
17. Statement of export for packaging
1. Please strike out inapplicable
2. Please Tick the applicable points
I/We accept all the existing terms and conditions of the financial
assistance scheme of APEDA and any new terms and conditions introduced
subsequent to this application will also be binding on me/us.
It is also certified that all the information provided in the application form
are correct and that assistance for the same activity has not been applied for or
availed from APEDA or any other Central Government agency during the XII
Plan period
I/We also declare and confirm that the Monthly Party Returns have been
posted on APEDA website till the month of………201….
I/We have read and fully understood the Scheme Component/Subcomponent
under which assistance is sought and agree to abide by the
conditions of the scheme
Signature of the Authorised Signatory
Place: Name (in block letters):
Date :
Seal of organization/exporter
This Memorandum of Understanding is executed on this _____ day of the
month of ________ 2013 between The Agricultural and Processed Food
Products Export Development Authority (APEDA), constituted under
Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export Development Authority Act
1985 (No.2 of 1986), mandated with the responsibility of export promotion and
development of agricultural and processed food products, having its Head
Quarter at Third Floor, NCUI Building, 3 Siri Institutional Area, Opp. Asiad
Village, August Kranti Marg, New Delhi- 110 016 (hereinafter referred to as
…………………….(hereinafter referred to as “The Agency”) having its Head
Office at …………………………………………..
And whereas, “The Agency” has submitted a proposal for setting up of
…………………………………….at a total project cost of
And whereas APEDA has agreed to provide a grant-in-aid of Rs…………………..
(Rupees ……………………………. only) (hereinafter be called as “Grant Amount”)
to “The Agency” for the project.
The Source of Funding for the Entire Project will be as under:
1 Contribution by the Agency Rs. ……………. lakhs
2 Financial Assistance from APEDA Rs. ………….. lakhs
The component wise cost of the sanctioned project is as per the IPA letter dated
_________ issued by APEDA in this regard.
Now, therefore, both the parties to the MoU have agreed to set up and
strengthen this project and abide by the following.
1. Grant would be released by APEDA to the Agency as per the following
a) First installment equivalent to 50% of the total amount of grant
sanctioned, provided as advance against a Bank guarantee (from a
Scheduled Bank in India), of equivalent value, having of validity linked to
projected completion date In case the project execution is delayed,
APEDA may grant extension on a case to case basis. However, APEDA
reserves the right to invoke the bank guarantee in the event of project
not being executed within the time limit provided in the MOU including
extensions, if any. All grants received from APEDA would be maintained
in a separate bank account by the Agency.
a. Next installment equivalent to 40% of the total amount of grant
sanctioned shall be released by APEDA to the Agency after
submission of self certified bills and invoices along with the
Utilization Certificate (UC) in the format GFR 19A (annexed with this
MoU) from competent authority or chartered Accountant confirming
full utilization of first installment of 50% advance amount and after
physical verification conducted by APEDA.
b. Last installment of Balance 10% of total amount of grant sanctioned
shall be released by APEDA to The Agency after submission of self
certified bills and invoices, Utilization Certificate confirming full
utilization of second tranche of 40% amount and satisfactory
physical verification conducted by APEDA.
c. That after successful execution of the project on the release of the
final installment APEDA?s role is completed and it is responsibility of the
agency to monitor the project to ensure that it runs successfully.
2. In accordance with Government of India?s directive APEDA will deduct
5% of the amount of assistance released in each installment
3. The responsibility of running, operation and maintenance of the project
and all statutory liabilities (legal or financial) accruing from „The project?
rest with The Agency. The Agency will have to comply with the following
terms and conditions:
a) The funds or facility shall not be diverted or utilized for purposes
other than, for which it is sanctioned.
b) The Agency shall maintain the assets in good working condition at
all times
c) The Agency shall furnish to APEDA such statement of accounts and
of performance, or any other information called for by APEDA from
time to time.
d) The Agency shall comply with any term or condition that may be
imposed from time to time by APEDA by written notice to ensure
proper utilization of the facility in meeting the stated objective of the
Scheme and the same shall be binding on the agency.
e) The Agency shall not sell or transfer or alienate or other part with
the possession in whole or part of the assets without prior approval
f) The Agency shall allow the representative of APEDA to inspect the
assets and the place of operation of the agency from time to time;
and the agency shall allow such inspection without any hindrance
4. The charges for utilization of the facility would be decided in consultation
with APEDA and will be notified by „The Agency? These charges will be
fixed on a scientific basis after examining the relevant factors including
cost of services, maintenance/repairs, cost of hiring labour etc.,
5. A monitoring committee will be constituted by the agency, which will
provide quarterly progress reports of the projects and records will be
maintained by the Agency about the utilization of the export facility
which will be verified by The Committee from time to time. The detailed
functions of the Monitoring Committee are annexed. The Committee will
comprise of members from The Agency, APEDA(2 members) , End users
& other stakeholders (2 members)
6. The project shall be commissioned by The Agency within a period of 24
months from the date of signing of MoU.
7. In case of any delay in completion of the project a penalty of 1% will be
imposed for each month delay subject to a maximum of 5% of the
project cost.
8. However, upon written request by The Agency well ahead of expiry of the
IPA and the MoU , the Competent Authority in APEDA reserves the right
to extend the completion period of the project if proper justification is
provided by The Agency.
9. APEDA?s will monitor the project till 36 months after satisfactory
completion of the project.
10. APEDA has the right to invoke the Bank Guarantee if the project
implementation is delayed beyond the stipulated time and extension
11. Any deviation in the sanctioned Project cost and cost components will be
done after prior approval of APEDA.
12. In the event of The Agency failing to comply with terms and conditions of
the MoU, it shall be liable to refund the whole or part of the Grant for
Creation with interest @ 10% per annum thereon.
13. In case of any dispute arising on any of the matter, both the
parties agree to settle the dispute amicably. In case the issue is not
settled within a period of 3 months of issue of matter then all disputes
arising between the parties as to the interpretation, operation, or effect of
any clause in this deed or any other difference arising between the
parties, which cannot be mutually resolved shall be referred to
Competent Authority of APEDA. The decision of such an arbitrator shall
be binding on the parties.
IN WITHNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Memorandum
on the day, month and year first above written and concluded it at _______.
For and on behalf of APEDA
Agricultural & Processed Food
Products Export Development
Authority (APEDA)
3rd Floor, NCUI Building
3, Siri Institutional Area,
August Kranti Marg, New
Delhi-110 016
For and on behalf of
Witness 1…………………………………………………………
(Name, Designation and Address)
(Name, Designation and Address)
Annexure to MoU
Functions of the Monitoring Committee
? The Committee will meet once every quarter with 50% quorum.
? The Monitoring Committee shall oversee the efficient functioning of the
facility and would play an advisory role.
? The Committee will submit its report to APEDA about the status of the
? The committee will review the functioning and the user charges levied
and utilization of the facility in consultation of all the stakeholders and
suggest corrective measures as and when required
? The Committee will also utilize its existence for sensitizing the
This is to certify that M/s……………………………….having their registered
office at……………………………………………………………………
……………………..have incurred an expenditure of
towards purchase of ………………………(no) of boxes of which
………………….(no) boxes have been utilized for export during the financial year
………………………………… detailed. It is further certified that as at financial
year end on 31st March…………………………a total of (no)……………..boxes
stood as closing balance.
Box Size*
….Kg ….Kg ….Kg ….Kg
Qty Val Qty Val Qty Val Qty Val
Opening balance as on
Boxes purchased during
1st April………to 31st
Total boxes
No of boxes exported during
1st April………to 31st
Closing balance as on
? Please mention only required box sizes
Note : Details of all sizes of boxes should be provided even if it means
expanding the table accordingly.
Details of supplies and Payment particulars are given below :
Purchases :
Supplier Bill NO &
Size of Boxes No. of boxes Amount (Rs)
Payments during the financial year :
Supplier Payment
NO &
No and
Date of
Payments during the subsequent financial year related to the purchases
made during the financial year for which application pertains:
Supplier Payment
NO &
No and
Date of
Note : If required : details may be furnished in a separate annexure.
Date: Signature of Chartered Accountant ……………………………..
Membership No………………………………………………….
Seal of Chartered Accountant
Application Form for Marketing Development Assistance
For Participation in Trade Fair/Exhibitions/BSM/Trade delegation Abroad
Ref. No._____________ Date:______________
01 Name of the firm with full
IEC No._______________
02 APEDA Registration No.
03 Product Details
04 F.O.B. Value exports during the
last three financial years
Qty in MTs Value :in Rs In crores
Year Quantity Value
045 Particulars of fair/exhibition/
BSM/ Trade delegation
Name of event :
Place :
Country :
From ________________To_____________
06 Particulars of the current visit Date of departure from India
Date of arrival in India
Please attach CA Certificate
07 Details of proposals already
submitted in the same financial
year along with name of the
exhibition / BSM/ Trade
Year Event with
08 Details of earlier participation in
the same event with MDA
Year Dates Status
09 Whether national participation
organized by ITPO,EPC etc.
10 Whether participating through
11 Whether waiver certificate taken
From ITPO, EPC etc.
12 Name and designation of the person
going abroad
Place :
Date :
Signature of Participant member……………………..
Seal of the firm…………………………………………
Equipment Uses
1 HPLC with UV, DAD, RI & FLD, Kobra
cell Columns & vials
Analysis for basic drugs &
antibiotics, aflatoxins,
vitamins, minerals, etc.
2 GC with UV, DAD, RI & FLD, Kobra cell Analysis of basic Pesticide
3 Atomic Absorption spectrometer Analysis of heavy metals
4 Spectrophotometer UV and Visible
region of wavelength double beam
Chemical analysis
5 Electronic analytical balance upto 4th
Chemical and microbiological
6 Conductivity meter
7 High speed Centrifuge
8 Laboratory grinder mixer and
9 pH meter
10 Soxhlet extraction unit with heating
11 Kjeldahl Distillatrion and Digestion unit
12 Polarimeter
13 Binocular microscope
14 Membrane filtration apparatus
15 Thin Layer Chromatography Kit
16 UV Cabinet with long and short range
17 Water bath
18 Melting point apparatus
19 Quartz water Distillation
20 Hot Air Oven
21 Muffle furnace
22 Auto clave horizontal/vertical
23 Fume hoods
24 Incubators
25 Stomacher
26 Centrifuge
27 Remi
28 pH Meter
29 Magnetic Stirrers
30 Solid Phase Extractor
31 Refrigerator
32 Deep freezer
33 Microwave digestion unit
34 Micro pipette
35 Glass apparatus stand and glassware
36 Computer & Printer
37 Work stations, furniture and utilities
38 Reference standards
39 UPS
40 Air conditioners in the laboratory
41 Gas burners
42 Moisture meter
43 Visco meter
Format of fee structure for HACCP/ISO and Food Safety Management System
implementation to be obtained by exporters from APEDA recognized agencies
Cost in Rs.
Establishing and assembling in-house team
Describing product
Identifying intended uses
Establishing flow diagram
Confirming flow diagram
Establishing GMPs, GHPs, and sanitations
Listing potential hazards, conducting hazard analysis and any measures to
Determining Critical Control Points CCPs
Establishing critical limits for each CCP
Establishing monitoring system for CCPs
Establishing corrective actions
Establishing verification procedures
Establishing documentation and record keeping
Preparation of SOPs
Tentative travel & hospitality expenses
(not more than 25% of implementation cost)
Taxes as applicable
Format of fee structure for HACCP and Food Safety Management System certification
to be obtained by exporters from APEDA recognised agencies
Accredited Certification
Tentative travel and hospitality expenses
(not more than 25% of certification cost)
Cost of five half yearly surveillance for
a period of 3 years
Taxes as applicable
Consolidate Statement of Farm registration no/Invoice Contains details
of Payment/Phyto no./Container no. & Test Reports
Laboratory Payment Details Phytos
ate no.
& Date
Name no.
e no.
(To be non the letterhead of the Chartered Accountant)
Certified that an expenditure of Rs. _________________________ (in words
___________________________________________________________________) has
been incurred by
_______________________________________________________________ during
the period
_____________________________________________________________ (Date of
Sanction letter)_______________________________________________ to towards
______________________ (Project)
The following are the payment particulars:
Bill No. and date (claimed by the agency
through which the project was executed
Particulars of payment made by the exporter have been crosschecked with
bank statement and are duly verified:
Cheque Date Name of
the Party
Date of
of Cheque
Dated: Signature of Chartered Accountant
alongwith CA
number and Seal.
BOND made this day of , One Thousand Nine Hundred
Ninety Eight/Nine in favour of AGRICULTURAL AND PROCESSED FOOD
by an Act of Parliament, the Agricultural and Processed Food Products Export
Development Authority Act, 1985 having its Office at 3rd Floor, NCUI Building,
3 Siri Institutional Area, August Kranti Marg, (Opp. Asiad Village), New Delhi –
16 (hereinafter referred to as “APEDA” which expression shall, unless
repugnant to the context, include its successors and assigns) of the One Part.
INDIVIDUAL* By Shri son of Shri Resident of
(hereinafter called „the Beneficiary?, which expression shall,
unless repugnant to the context, include his heirs, legal
representatives, executors, administrators, successors and
Shri Sole Proprietor of M/S,
having place of business at ,(hereinafter
called the Beneficiary, which expression shall, unless
repugnant to the context, include his/her, legal
representatives, executors, administrators, successors and
M/S , a partnership firm duly
registered under the Indian Partnership Act, 1932 having its
place of business at
through it s registered Partner Shri/Smt.
(hereinafter called the Beneficiary, which expression
shall, unless repugnant to the context. Include all the
Partners of the Firm and their heirs, legal representatives,
executors, administrators, successors and assigns)
COMPANY* M/s , a Company registered
under the companies Act, 1956 having its registered Office at
(hereinafter called „The beneficiary which expression shall,
unless repugnant to the context, include its successors and
assigns of the Other Part.
*Strike whichever is not applicable
WHEREAS APEDA has evolved and announced a Scheme (hereinafter called
„the scheme?) on such terms and limitations as contained in the Scheme.
AND WHEREAS the Beneficiary registered with APEDA for export of
agricultural and processed food products as listed in the RCMC issued to him
AND WHEREAS the Beneficiary has implemented the project and in the
process generated the assets,
. (Specify the assets) (the assets so generated shall hereinafter be
called the assets)
AND WHEREAS the Beneficiary has incurred expenditure on the project under
the scheme towards procurement of the assets; and further submitted a report
on the activities proposed to be undertaken, the aims and objects and the
benefits expected to accrue therefrom, with the procurement/generation of the
Assets; with proof of incurring of expenditure to the tune of Rs.
(Rupees only).
AND WHEREAS in terms of the Scheme, APEDA has agreed to reimburse the
expenditure as aforestated incurred by the Beneficiary, subject to the
Beneficiary executing necessary bond valid for a period of three years assuring
and ensuring proper implementation of the Scheme and effective utilization of
the assets.
In consideration of reimbursement by APEDA of expenditure incurred under
the Scheme and in generating the assets, of Rs. (Rupees
Only), the Beneficiary shall and both hereby agree and
undertake to be bound by the terms of this bond hereinafter appearing.
It is the term of this bond that:
1. Effective
1.1 The Beneficiary shall make effective utilization of
the assets only for the purpose as visualized,
specified and understood under the Scheme.
Good working
condition at given
1.2 The Beneficiary shall maintain the assets in good
working condition at all times at the given
address of the Beneficiary;
Statement of
account and
1.3 The Beneficiary shall furnish to APEDA such
Statement of Account and of performance, or any
other information called for by APEDA from time
to time;
Acknowledgement of
1.4 The Beneficiary shall ensure that every report or
asset produced under the Scheme shall
acknowledge that the same was produced with
the financial assistance of APEDA;
Compliance of
further terms
1.5 The Beneficiary shall comply with any term or
condition that may be imposed from time to time,
by APEDA to ensure to achieve the objectives of
the Scheme; and on such condition, being
imposed on the Beneficiary by notice in writing,
the same shall be binding on the Beneficiary;
Not to put to
commercial use.
1.6 The Beneficiary shall not put the assets to
commercial use or to a purpose other than the
one under and for the implementation and
promotion of the Scheme.
Not to sell etc 1.7 The Beneficiary shall not sell or transfer or
alienate or otherwise part with the possession in
whole or part of the assets.
Not to violate terms
of inspection
1.8 The Beneficiary shall not violate any of the terms
of this bond on the Scheme during a period of
three years from the date of execution of this
bond ; and
1.9 The Beneficiary shall allow the representative of
APEDA to inspect the assets and the place of
operation of the Beneficiary from time to time;
and the Beneficiary shall allow such inspection
without any hindrance whatsoever.
2. In case of breach of any of the terms of this bond, or the
terms that may be imposed by APEDA from time to time
as aforestated and/or the terms of the Scheme, the
decision in this regard of the Chairman of APEDA shall
be at liberty to recover the full amount of reimbursement
together with interest thereon @ 12% per annum; and
shall be at liberty to take any Civil and Penal action as
may be advised including cancellation of the
Registration-cum-Membership Certificate of the
Beneficiary with APEDA, black-listing of the Beneficiary
as an exporter by public notice or otherwise, and to
informing the same to the Financial Institution, Banks
and the Chief Controller of Exports and Imports.
3. If any dispute or difference arises between APEDA and
the Beneficiary in connection with, arising out of or
touching the terms of this Bond, and/or the Scheme or
in relation to the interpretation of the terms thereof, the
same shall be referred to the Sole Arbitration of the
Chairman of APEDA: or at his discretion, to an officer
appointed by him: and the decision of the Sole Arbitrator
shall be final and binding on APEDA and the Beneficiary.
The provisions of Arbitration Act, 1940 shall be
applicable to such Arbitration; and the venture shall be
New Delhi.
Subject to clause 3 above, the jurisdiction to deal with the disputes,
claims and heights of the parties, has agreed to be confined to the Courts in
Delhi only, and no other Court shall have jurisdiction to entertain the same.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the Beneficiary has executed this bond in NEW
DELHI on the day, month and year first above written.
By the above described
In the presence of
WITNESSES: 1. Name and address
2. Name and address
I/We hereby confirm that I/We have examined the claim papers,, books of
account and the prescribed documents in respect of the claim of M/s. and
hereby certify that:
(i) The participant is regular employee/director/ partner/proprietor of the
(ii) Participation is as per the maximum permissible participations under the
MDA Scheme.
(iii) Minimum of 14 days clear advance notice had been given to the concerned
EPC/Trade Body .
(iv) The participant company/firm/concern is not under
investigation/charged/prosecuted/ debarred/black listed under Foreign Trade
(Development & Regulation) Act, 1992 , FEMA, Customs Act 1962
(v) The total number of participations in this particular trade fair/exhibition is
not exceeding three.
(vi) The date of return to India is within 45/90 days of the date of making this
(vii) The f.o.b. value export figures during the last financial year is less than Rs.
30 Crores.
(viii) It has been ensured that the information furnished is true and correct in
all respects, no part is false or misleading and no relevant information has
been concealed or withheld.
Neither I/We nor any of our partners is a partner/Director or an employee of
the above named entity or its associated concerns.
I fully understand that any submission made in this certificate if proved
incorrect or false, will render me/us liable to face any penal action or other
consequences as may be prescribed in the law or otherwise warranted.
Signature & Stamp/seal of the Signatory___________
Name_______________________________________ Membership
No.______________________________ Full
Name and address of the Institution where registered. Date: Place:
Annexure – 11
(to be submitted with reimbursement claim)
______________ (Name of the exporter) ____________________________ (address of
the unit) ____________________ (products for which certification has been
granted) shall undertake half yearly surveillance conforming to certification
procedures for the full period of validity of the certificate as mentioned in the
certificate or for three years. The periodicity of the surveillance would be as per
the scope of the certification program, but not less than half yearly. We also
agree to furnish the surveillance reports, non-conformities and compliances
thereof on completion of the surveillance to APEDA. In case the surveillance is
not undertaken by us (the exporter) our registration with APEDA may be
cancelled along with recovering financial assistance provided by APEDA.
Authorized Signatory
Date : Name of the exporter
Useful Information Links:
Application for registration under GST Act to obtain GSTIN
GST registration and returns filing procedures for PSUs and Government entities
Re-registration of GST, Goods and Service Tax.
Cancellation of registration of GST
All about registration of GST in India, FAQ
Cancellation of GST Registration in India, FAQ
Can a person without GST registration claim ITC?
Why separate Registration of GST in each state in India, for each business.
Latest date to file GST registration in India
Procedures to obtain GST registration for non-resident taxable person
Is digital signature option available under registration of GST in India?
Advantages of GST registration in India
Who has to obtain GST registration in India?
Does GST registration number of my firm change time to time in India?
Is GST registration required for a public sector undertaking?
Is amendment of GST registration allowed in India?
Cancellation of GST registration in India
Centralized GST registration of services permitted in India?
Retired from business ownership. Fresh GST registration in India?
GST Registration for Job workers in India
GST registration mechanism in India
Pre-registration of credit card necessary for GST payment in India
How to send export samples to foreign buyer? Tips to send samples to foreign buyer
How to set up an export import firm in India
What is VACIS exam in US import customs clearance
When can an exporter release bill of lading from shipping company?
When does exporter get EP copy of shipping bill after customs clearance
How to solve exchange rate variation in export business:
How to surrender ‘HBL’ House Bill of Lading
How transshipment bill of lading works?
Is letter of credit safe mode of payment?
IGM amendment (Import General Manifest Amendment)
Import clearance under high sea sales
Import customs clearance procedures
Import General Manifest (IGM)
Importance of Bill of Lading
Introduction to this web site.
Is Airway bill a documents of title?
Is Customs House Agents (CHA ) required to be appointed mandatory?
Is DP terms of payment safe in export business?
Is Letter of Credit LC safe for an Importer?
Is ON BOARD CERTIFICATE required for LC negotiation
The details of guidelines to claim scheme from Agricultural and Processed food Products Export Development Authority is given below. These details helps exporters on how to claim financial benefits from APEDA.

w.e.f. 01/04/2014
Compliance points common to all components:
1. It is mandatory for the exporters to file the application on-line on APEDA
website at the link given below and followed by submission of physical
2. The assistance under Financial Assistance Scheme of APEDA is available to
registered exporters or other organizations as mentioned under each subcomponent
and for APEDA Scheduled Products only . Details are available at
the link
3. The assistance under the scheme under various components is available
only once per unit during XII Plan period except for the sub-components
mentioned under Point No 4 where admissibility will be on per annum basis.
However, for a unit, the competent authority reserves the right to sanction
more than once under a sub-component in the plan period. However, the
assistance would not exceed the maximum limit under the sub-component
in plan period.
4. Assistance under following components of the scheme will be admissible on
per annum basis:
(a) Market Development (Component III)
(i) A. Packaging Development – sub component 2.
(ii) C. Export Promotion Market Development – Sub Component 3 & 6.
(b) Quality Development (Component IV)
(i) A. Promotion of Quality & Quality Control – sub component 5, 6 & 7.
(ii) The assistance for installing quality management/quality assurance
systems (sub-component A-2) will be applicable for a period of three
5. Application should be filed in on-line on APEDA website in the prescribed
format and only in respect of products handled by APEDA.
6. Each column in the application form should be filled in with complete
information, as required
7. Application should be accompanied with self certified copies of
(a) APEDA RCMC along with amendments, if any
(b) Quotation/proforma invoice /invoices from suppliers of equipment /
packaging boxes/ advertisement /consultants (feasibility
study/ISO/HACCP) etc.
(c) Technical brochure/literature/Pamphlet depicting equipment details in
case of infrastructure/laboratory equipment/any other assets etc
(d) The cost estimate from a Chartered Engineer or Civil Architect shall be
submitted for civil work with regard to intermediate storage shed ,
effluent treatment plant , Integrated post harvest facilities, pre cooling
facilities, CA/MA storages etc.
8. Export performance for last three years should be mentioned year-wise in
quantity (MTs) and value terms (Rs lakh) in the format given in Annexure-
1-application form. Consolidated single figure will be treated as a
9. Projected exports for next five years should also be mentioned year wise in
quantity (MTs) and value (Rs lakh) terms in the format given in Annexure-
1-application form. Consolidated single figure only will be treated as a
10. The Monthly Party Returns for the period preceding one month from the
date of application must be posted on APEDA website as a mandatory
11. Confirmation of posting of monthly export returns on APEDA website
should be sent as the declaration in the Application Form (Annexure –I).
Export Returns shall be filled even in the case of NIL exports. APEDA will
consider the application only after verification of export returns on the
website. Non-compliance on part of the applicant will result in rejection of
the application
12. Financial assistance will be considered in cases where the unit is newly
commissioned and/or the registered exporter has approached APEDA for
the first time seeking financial assistance under the schemes. However, for
subsequent applications for financial assistance, these would be considered
if the exporter has executed some exports during the preceding 12 months.
13. The physical application form and declaration must be duly signed with
stamp along with the name and designation of the authorized signatory.
14. The physical application must be accompanied by the electronic application
covering sheet bearing application Track No. which must be quoted in all
future correspondence.
15. physical applications completed in all respects only will be considered for
grant of In Principle Approval
16. Under the column seeking information on assistance availed earlier,
scheme-wise, year-wise and component-wise correct information should be
furnished. This information should be furnished only for the XII Plan period
(1.4.2012 to 31.03.2017)
17. In Principle Approval is mandatory for availing financial assistance under
APEDA schemes except for testing charges (sub-component 5 of Quality
development, Packaging material (sub-component 2) of the Component of
Market Development. The invoice must spell out the advertisement
schedule. The exporter must also clearly specify the number and schedule
of intended advertisements.
18. In-Principal Approval (IPA) issued by APEDA will generally be valid up to
31st March of the financial year. However, in cases where IPA is issued
during last quarter of the financial year (i.e. January to March), the validity
of such IPA will be up to 31st March of the next financial year.
19. For consideration of issuance of In Principle Approval by APEDA, the date
of receipt of physical documents will be treated as actual date of receipt.
Any expenditure incurred prior to the date of receipt of physical
application in APEDA would disqualify for assistance.
20. APEDA reserves the right to grant In Principle Approval based on eligible
items only and any expenditure on ineligible items would be disqualified.
The decision of APEDA relating to admissibility of claim will be final and
filing of application will not provide any right to assistance.
21. Any change in ownership/management/style of the company or any change
in supplier/equipment model/consultant/certification body etc should be
got approved by sending a written request to APEDA.
22. It is incumbent upon the applicant to file final claim documents within the
validity of the IPA letter or apprise APEDA on the progress of the activity
and seek written extension of validity of the In Principle Approval Letter,
wherever required, well ahead of expiry of the original validity of such letter.
23. If the applicant/beneficiary has more than one manufacturing unit at
different locations, APEDA will consider assistance for each such unit.
However, such units must be first incorporated in the IEC and APEDA
24. In cases where IPA is not required, assistance will be disbursed subject to
availability of funds.
Under the component, assistance is provided to achieve higher quality in
the final produce and to save post harvest wastages. The exporters are
supported for creation of requisite infrastructure for post harvest
handling, specialized cold storages like high humidity,
controlled/modified atmosphere, mechanized grading, sorting and
package forming/sealing machine etc. Establishment of common
infrastructure facilities in identified clusters by Government or public
sector agencies including PPP mode in setting up cold chain and value
added processing facilities are encouraged. Assistance is also available to
registered exporters as detailed in Parts II and III.
Common Infrastructure Development :
Assistance is available to Government or Public Sector agencies for
establishment of common infrastructure facilities which is detailed under
Part I (A & B ).
PART I : Assistance to Government or Public Sector Agencies
A - For establishment of common infrastructure facilities in the Public
Sector the following is required:
(i) The beneficiaries under 2(I) A are Central /State Government
PSUs/Government Departments etc. IPA is required and the terms and
conditions of assistance and reimbursement pattern are specified in the
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) which is to be signed before
release of assistance
(ii) Pattern of Assistance: Maximum 90% Grant-in-Aid by APEDA and 10%
from other Government or Public Sector agencies other than land.
(iii) The common facilities are intended to be set up for common benefit of
exporters of APEDA scheduled products.
(iv) A proper Detailed Project Report (DPR) containing detailed concept of
the project, details of production of intended crops to be handled ,
location advantages, availability of land in possession of the
implementing agency and free from all encumbrances, sensitivity
analysis, SWOT analysis , Cash flow Statement, Break Even Point
(BEP), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Economic Rate of Return (ERR),
Debt Service Coverage Ratio (DSCR) , Net Present Value (NPV) etc.
export orientation, Operation & Maintenance arrangement, details of
equipment, plant and machinery, socio economic benefits , backward
and forward linkages, collection of produce and transportation to the
facility arrangement etc.
(v) In the Detailed Project Report (DPR) cost of land, margin money,
working capital, contingencies, cost escalation, external electrification
etc should be clearly and separately mentioned as these expenditures
are not eligible for consideration of reimbursement from APEDA and
have to be brought in by the Implementing agency.
(vi) The DPR should clearly bring out the likely end users of the facility .
(vii) The DPR should be based on National Horticulture Mission
(NHM)/National Horticulture Board (NHB)/ National Council for Cold
Chain Development (NCCD)/ or any other Government agency norms
for cold chain systems viz refrigeration (ozone protecting refrigerants
like R-104A/404A), pre-cooling, cold store, civil work.
(viii) The project cost should also be supported by a cost estimate from
Chartered Engineer/Civil Architect for civil work and proforma
invoices/quotations from suppliers of plant and machinery,
electrification, water supply arrangement etc.
(ix) APEDA will consider providing assistance up to 90% of the project cost
excluding land. However, the upper ceiling for reimbursement will be
decided by APEDA depending upon the availability of funds and other
considerations. The balance requirements will have to be mobilized by
the project proponent from other sources and commitments in this
regard should be communicated to APEDA before the sanction of funds.
(x) The DPR should also be submitted with a confirmation letter from the
State Government/Public Sector Agency about funding at least 10%
project cost component.
(xi) Confirmation from Implementing Agency that necessary support
infrastructure like connecting roads, electricity, water supply etc would
be arranged by them .
(xii) For Common Infrastructure Facilities under the component for
Infrastructure Development, advance may be released in consonance
with the terms of payment to be stipulated under the Model
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) (Annexure-2). Subsequent
remittances will be against submission of running bills duly certified by
a financial authority e.g. CA/DDO etc and in consonance with the terms
of payment stipulated under the MoU. The MoU is an important
instrument and compliance with all terms and conditions must be
ensured by the parties. The facility should have a clear schedule for
completion not exceeding 24 months (including tendering process)
B - For establishment of common infrastructure facility in PPP mode:
Operating Guidelines under preparation.
Processing of Common Infrastructure Proposals :
(i) The project proposal will be evaluated by a Technical Committee (TC)
constituted by APEDA.
(ii) If the proposal is approved by the TC, the same will be placed before
APEDA Authority for approval.
(iii) After sanction of the proposal by the Authority, an MoU will be signed
between APEDA and the Implementing Agency (Anmnexure-2).
(iv) The responsibility of running, operation and maintenance of the project
and all statutory liabilities (legal or financial) accruing from „The project?
rest with the Implementing Agency and in strict accordance with the
terms and conditions of the MoU
Registered Exporters
A. Assistance for specialized Transport vehicles:
(i) The beneficiaries are registered Exporters.
(ii) For availing assistance, in Principle Approval (IPA) is required.
(iii) Pattern of assistance : 40% of the cost subject to a ceiling of Rs
7.50 lakhs per vehicle per beneficiary per annum (maximum 3
vehicles in the Plan Period)
(iv) The application should be accompanied by clear proforma
invoices/ quotations for the three components of the reefer van viz
(a) chassis with make and model (b) container with make and
model (c) refrigeration.
(v) The quotation/Proforma Invoice (PI) should be on the letter head of
the supplier duly signed by the authorized signatory and must
provide component wise costs along with validity and other terms
and conditions.
(vi) In case the beneficiary intends to purchase specialized transport
for other purposes, details of the intended purpose along with
invoices/quotations shall be submitted.
PART II (B) : Assistance for all APEDA scheduled products : The maximum
amount that can be availed under Part II(B) will not exceed Rs 75.00 lakhs
per beneficiary per Plan period.
B.1. Intermediate storage shed :
(i) The beneficiaries are registered Exporters.
(ii) For availing assistance, in Principle Approval (IPA) is required.
(iii) Pattern of assistance : 40% of the cost of equipment subject to a
ceiling of Rs 10.00 lakhs per beneficiary per Plan period.
(iv) The civil estimate duly certified by Chartered Engineer/Civil
Architect should be submitted clearly specifying the overall size of
the shed (LXWXH).
(v) The application should clearly indicate the grading/cleaning
/storage operations to be carried out for the produce to be handled
(vi) The equipment would include puff panels/pre fabricated panels
B.2 (a). Mechanized handling facilities :
(i) The beneficiaries are registered Exporters.
(ii) For availing assistance in Principle Approval (IPA) is required.
(iii) Pattern of assistance : 40% of the cost of equipment subject to a
ceiling of Rs 25.00 lakhs per beneficiary per Plan period.
(iv) Proforma invoices/Quotations from suppliers of equipment along
with make and model , validity and other terms and condition. The
quotation/PI should be on the letter head of the supplier duly
signed by the authorized signatory and must provide component
wise costs .
N.B: Assistance for Packaging implies assistance for box sealing /formation
machines only
B.2(b) Pre-cooling facilities with proper air handling system as well as
cold storage for storing the perishable produce
(i) The beneficiaries are registered Exporters.
(ii) For availing assistance, in Principle Approval (IPA) is required.
(iii) Pattern of assistance : 40% of the cost of equipment subject to a
ceiling of Rs 25.00 lakhs per beneficiary per Plan period.
(iv) Proforma invoices/Quotations from suppliers of equipment
specifying make and model of the pre-cooling and refrigeration
equipment and the refrigerant to be used; along with validity and
other terms and condition. The quotation/PI should be on the
letter head of the supplier duly signed by the authorized signatory
and must provide component wise costs.
(v) Civil estimate duly certified by Charted Engineer/Civil Architect for
cold store and refrigeration equipment and the refrigerant to be
(vi) Stand alone cold storages will not qualify for assistance. However,
setting up of stand alone pre cooling facility as expansion project
in an existing facility can be considered after ensuring that the
existing cold storage capacity is sufficient to meet the requirement
entailed with the new pre cooling facility within the overall ceiling
provided under the sub-component.
B.2(c): Facilities for treatment such as fumigation, X-ray screening and
other screening/detection equipment, hot water dip treatment, water
softening plant :
(i) The beneficiaries are registered Exporters.
(ii) For availing assistance, in Principle Approval (IPA) is required.
(iii) Pattern of assistance : 40% of the cost of equipment subject to a
ceiling of Rs 25.00 lakhs per beneficiary per Plan period.
(iv) Proforma invoices/Quotations from suppliers of equipment
specifying make and model along with validity and other terms and
conditions. The quotation/PI should be on the letter head of the
supplier duly signed by the authorized signatory and must provide
component wise costs.
(v) Water softening plant here implies industrial type for production
purposes and not a portable kitchen use type. Therefore, for Water
softening plant technology and technical aspects must be clearly
indicated .
(vi) Detailed product literature/technical brochure should also be
B.2(d): Setting up of integrated post harvest-handling system (pack house
with any two or more of the above facilities):
(i) The beneficiaries are registered Exporters.
(ii) For availing assistance, in Principle Approval (IPA) is required.
(iii) Pattern of assistance : 40% of the cost subject to a ceiling of
Rs 75.00 lakhs per beneficiary per Plan period.
(iv) The DPR should be based on NHM/ NHB/NCCD/ any other
Government agencies? norms for cold chain systems viz
refrigeration, pre-cooling, cold store, civil work available at the link
(v) Proforma invoices/Quotations from suppliers of equipment
specifying make and model along with validity and other terms and
condition. The quotation/PI should be on the letter head of the
supplier duly signed by the authorized signatory and must provide
component wise costs.
(vi) Detailed product literature/technical brochure should also be
(vii) Civil estimate duly certified by Charted Engineer/Civil Architect for
high humidity cold store and refrigeration equipment and the
refrigerant to be used.
(viii) Where the project is linked to Bank loan/term loan, project
appraisal report from the bank should be sent with the application.
In case of self-financed projects, appraisal of the project by a
Financial Institution/Bank/Recognized Financial consultant should
be submitted.
B.3. Setting up of cable cars (covering minimum of 50 ha of plantation) for
banana and other crops (as decided by APEDA):
(i) The beneficiaries are registered Exporters.
(ii) For availing assistance, in Principle Approval (IPA) is required.
(iii) Pattern of assistance : 40% of the cost subject to a ceiling of Rs 75.00
lakhs per beneficiary per Plan period.
(iv) Quotations/proforma invoices from the supplier clearly indicating the
number of cable hook system or any other technology that may be
developed from time to time along with their suspension and
propulsion mechanism, the component wise cost structure , after sale
service, operation and maintenance system, transmission speed etc.
(v) Detailed product literature/technical brochure should also be
B.4. Setting up of vapour heat treatment, electronic beam processing or
irradiation facilities:
i. The beneficiaries are registered Exporters.
ii. For availing assistance, in Principle Approval (IPA) is required.
iii. Pattern of assistance : 40% of the cost subject to a ceiling of Rs 50.00
lakhs per beneficiary per Plan period.
iv. Detailed Quotation / Proforma invoice from supplier .
v. For irradiation facilities statutory approvals from Ministry of
Environment & Forests / Atomic Energy Regulatory Board (AERB)
vi. For VHT, proper description of the technology and equipment details.
vii. Detailed product literature/technical brochure should also be submitted
B.5 Assistance for setting up of environment control system e.g.
pollution control, effluent treatment etc:
(i) The beneficiaries are registered Exporters.
(ii) For availing assistance, in Principle Approval (IPA) is required.
(iii) Pattern of assistance : 40% of the cost subject to a ceiling of Rs
35.00 lakhs per beneficiary per Plan period.
(iv) Performa invoices/Quotations from suppliers of equipment
specifying make and model along with validity and other terms and
(v) The quotation/Porforma Invoice should be on the letter head of the
supplier duly signed by the authorized signatory and must provide
component wise costs.
(vi) Civil estimate duly certified by Charted Engineer/Civil Architect
(vii) Statutory approval from State Pollution Control Board (SPCB)
indicating the capacity of the plant in case of Effluent Treatment
Assistance for fresh & processed horticultural produce for Setting up of
specialized storage facilities such as high humidity (Relative humidity
more than 95 per cent) cold storage, deep freezers, controlled atmosphere
(CA) or modified atmosphere (MA) storage etc:
(i) The beneficiaries are registered Exporters.
(ii) For availing assistance, in Principle Approval (IPA) is required.
(iii) Pattern of assistance : 40% of the cost subject to a ceiling of Rs
25.00 lakhs per beneficiary per Plan period.
(iv) Performa invoices/Quotations from suppliers of equipment
specifying make and model along with validity and other terms and
conditions. The quotation/PI should be on the letter head of the
supplier duly signed by the authorized signatory and must provide
component wise costs.
(v) Civil estimate duly certified by Charted Engineer/Civil Architect
(vi) The compliance Refrigeration /cold chain norms of
NHB/NHM/NCCD/ any other agency must be ensured (Please
refer to link
(vii) Detailed product literature/technical brochure should also be
This component aims at facilitating market access, to conduct feasibility
studies, export promotion events, improved packaging promotion to access
developed markets and building a strong data base with market intelligence
facilities. This involves networking with major data base world over, online
dissemination of information to guide the exporters. Besides market
intelligence, assistance is provided for brand building and publicity through
advertisement, display and in-store promotion, participation in major
international food fairs to provide a platform to its registered members for show
casing their products. New packaging standards are developed for use by
exporters .
A: Packaging Development:
Sub-Component 1 :
(i) Activity for development of packaging standards and design and
(ii) Upgradation of already developed packaging standards :
(a) Pattern of assistance: 100 per cent APEDA scheme
(b) Based on the need for development of standards of packaging ,
APEDA in consultation with stakeholders will get the standards
and design of packaging material developed by the Indian Institute
of Packaging or any other suitable organization with core
competence in this area.
Sub-Component 2:
Assistance to exporters for use of packaging material as per standards and
specifications developed or adopted by APEDA:
(i) The beneficiaries are registered Exporters.
(ii) For availing assistance, in Principle Approval (IPA) is not required.
(iii)Pattern of assistance: Assistance to registered exporters for APEDA
approved packaging standards hosted at APEDA website at the link
eport.htm @ 25 per cent of the total cost of packaging material
(including inner packaging materials viz. Punnets, sleeves, rubber
band etc), subject to a ceiling of Rs. 5 lakh per beneficiary per annum.
(iv) In principle approval is not required for this sub-component but
reimbursement is subject to availability of funds.
(v) The application must be supported by purchase invoices from
corrugators clearly indicating the box size and dimensions, IIP/Other
agency test report indicating compliance or otherwise of the sample
box clearly showing the standard and the test results against these
(vI) Copy of the indent (letter) under which sample of packaging box was
sent to the
IIP/Other agency by the beneficiary
(vii) Original or self certified copy of, IIP/Other agency certificate for each
box size
(viii) A certificate in the prescribed proforma (Annexure-3) , from a
Chartered Accountant certifying the number of cartons purchased and
exported with closing balance shall be enclosed.
(ix) A statement of purchase invoices for packaging material in the following
format should also be furnished :
(x) The purchase invoices should clearly mention the box size. In case in
some invoices the box size is missing, the exporter must get a
certificate from the supplier certifying the size of boxes .
(xi) A few invoices of purchase for sizes of boxes manufactured during
previous year along with previous year„s test certificate from IIP/other
agencies. CA Certificate should also be furnished in cases where
previous year„s balance boxes are used during subsequent year for
(xii) The Certificate of conformity of packaging with the standards from
IIP/Other agencies should be sought first; then only packaging
material shall be fabricated/manufactured and exported. It is not
mandatory to seek new IIP certificate with the change of financial year,
but the earlier certificate should have linkage with purchases and
Supplier Inv No. /dt No of boxes Size Amount-Rs
Supplier Inv No. /dt No of boxes Size Amount-Rs
Xxxxxx xxxx dt. XXXXX
9 Kg
4.5 Kg
Total Xxx
9 Kg
4.5 Kg
(xiii)A statement of export documents in the following format should be
B: Feasibility Studies, Surveys, Consultancy and Database Up-gradation
Sub-Component 1:
Development and dissemination of market information with base on products,
infrastructure etc:
? Pattern of assistance: 100 per cent to be implemented by APEDA
? To be implemented by APEDA based on trade requirement.
Sub-Component 2:
Assistance for conducting feasibility studies etc.:
(i) The beneficiaries are registered Exporters.
(ii) For availing assistance in Principle Approval (IPA) is required.
(iii)Pattern of assistance: 50 per cent of the total cost subject to a ceiling of
Rs. 10.00 lakh per beneficiary in accordance with MAI guidelines
(iv)Quotation/proforma invoice on letterhead from consultant clearly
indicating the cost ,validity of quotation, payment terms etc.
(v) Assistance is subject to and governed by MAI Guidelines available at the
Sub-Component 3:
Assistance for conducting surveys, feasibility studies etc. for the common
benefit of a number of exporters who may be the members of the
Shipping Bill
B/L Dated
Inv No./Date No. of
Size Amount-
1. S/B No xxxxxx
(Page-xxxx- xxxx)
B/L No xxxxx dt.
dt. Xxxxxx
Xxxxx 5.0 kg
4.5 Kg
9.0 Kg
Total Xxxxx
5.0 kg
4.5 Kg
9.0 Kg
Grand Total xxxxxxx
Associations/Boards/ Apex Bodies etc/belonging to a group being
assisted/serviced by Govt./Semi-Government Organization:
(i) The beneficiaries are registered Exporters.
(ii) For availing assistance, in Principle Approval (IPA) is required.
(iii) Pattern of assistance: Assistance will be in line with the guidelines of MAI
Scheme. Guidelines of Department of Commerce are available at the link;
C: Export Promotion and Market Development :
Sub-Component 1:
Supply of material, samples, product literature, development of website,
advertisement etc. for publicity and market promotion for fairs/events
organized /sponsored by APEDA:
? Pattern of assistance: 100 per cent to be implemented by APEDA
? To be implemented by APEDA for the common interest of trade and for
trade fairs /APEDA sponsored events
Sub-Component 2:
Publicity and promotion through preparation of product literature, publicity
material, advertisement, film , generic publicity of APEDA scheduled products
? Pattern of assistance: 100 per cent to be implemented by APEDA
? To be implemented by APEDA for the common interest of trade and for
trade fairs /APEDA sponsored events
Sub-Component 3:
Brand publicity (Product specific Indian Brands) through advertisement etc.
Brand promotion for those brands which are of Indian origin, advertisement in
international print/ electronic media etc.:
(i) The beneficiaries are registered Exporters.
(ii) For availing assistance, in Principle Approval (IPA) is required.
(iii) Pattern of assistance: 25 per cent of the total cost subject to a ceiling of
Rs. 50.00 lakh in a year on reimbursement basis subject to auditing of
the accounts. Not to be extended to an exporter beyond 3 consecutive
(iv) In principle approval for releasing advertisement in International
magazines/journals/publications in print media is required.
(v) The exporter must submit his application with quotation from the agency
along with dummy material. For Brand publicity through advertisement
a manuscript of the proposed film or dummy of the proposed
advertisement incorporating APEDA logo as token of assistance should
be enclosed.
(vi) The assistance for brand publicity through advertisement would be
provided to the brands of Indian origin advertised in international
print/electronic media.
Sub-Component 4:
Export promotion by APEDA for undertaking activities like buyer-seller meet,
product promotion, exchange of delegations, participation in
exhibitions/fairs/events etc.
(i) Pattern of assistance: 100% of the cost for APEDA
(ii) For exporters, assistance would be provided on the pattern of MDA
(iii) To be implemented by APEDA on the pattern of MDA Guidelines of
Department of Commerce available at the link
For assistance under MDA for participation in international trade fairs
participated by APEDA, application in prescribed format (Annexure-4) should
reach APEDA 14 days in advance (date of receipt of application and date of
actual departure from India excluded). The date of filing of application on line
will be considered as the date of receipt .
Sub-Component 6:
Market facilitation centre in major trading hubs of world:
Showrooms/warehouses /facilitation office would be set up in leased or rental
accommodation for identified products and centres identified on the basis of
marketing studies / surveys. Such showrooms/warehouses may be set up by
one or more eligible agencies and for one or more product categories.
(i) Pattern of assistance: Under the component 75%, 50% and 33%
leasing/rental charges in the first, second and the third year respectively
would be provided as assistance. There would be a ceiling of Rs. 100.00
lakhs for each market/product per annum. However, in cases of multi
product showroom/warehouse(s)/ facilitation office the ceiling would be
Rs. 500 lakhs for each market per annum. APEDA, after the review of
the performance and impact made by such interventions, may allow
financial/hiring charges support of 25% of leasing /rental charges per
year for a further period not exceeding three years.
(ii) To be implemented by APEDA in partnership with Trade bodies . This
component is derived from Market Access Initiative scheme (MAI) . The
decision for setting up such warehouses/facilitation offices would
precede a broad based study conducted by a reputed agency.
(iii) The expenditure on this sub-component would include the rental charges
of the centre as also the emoluments of the person in-charge of the
Sub-Component 6:
Assistance for development and establishment of brand image of selected high
value added processed food products in the overseas markets for generic
products only and be done in partnership with India Brand Equity Fund
(IBEF), where ever possible.
? Pattern of assistance: 100% by APEDA
? APEDA will conduct a broad based study thr0ugh a reputed agency to
decide on the product –market matrix for this component.
The component aims at creating awareness about quality amongst the
exporters and to encourage the food processing industry in adopting systems
such as ISO, HACCP, GAP, etc. Monitoring plans for residues and
contaminants in various products helps in creating higher market acceptance
in developed countries. A system of recognizing and strengthening of
laboratories is critical to support pre-shipment testing of export produce.
Capacity building through training, seminars/workshops etc. for upgrading
skills of the manpower in the supply chain is also carried out under this
component. Applied Research & Development is also supported on the specific
need of particular export segment. The component also aims at encouraging
adoption of global standards for traceability and capacity building.
Sub-Component 1:
Assistance for installing quality testing equipments:
(i) The beneficiaries are registered Exporters.
(ii) For availing assistance, in Principle Approval (IPA) is required.
(iii) Pattern of assistance: 50 per cent of the cost subject to a ceiling of Rs
25 lakh per beneficiary per Plan period. Quality standards should be
adhered to for availing the subsidy.
(iv) Quotation / proforma invoice from supplier along with cost break up of
each equipment ; technical brochure /product literature. The quotation
should be on letter head ,duly signed with validity and other terms and
conditions. Indicative list of such testing equipments is placed at
(v) Assistance is applicable only for lab scale testing equipment and not
for consumables , glassware, computers, refrigerators, Air Conditioners
Sub-Component 2:
Assistance for Quality Management, Quality Assurance & Quality Control
(i) The beneficiaries are registered Exporters.
(ii) For availing assistance, in Principle Approval (IPA) is required.
(iii) Pattern of assistance: 50 per cent of the cost subject to a ceiling of Rs. 5
lakh per beneficiary for a period of three years.
(iv) Assistance for installing quality management, quality assurance and
quality control systems such as ISO series, HACCP, BRC, GAP, etc.
including consultancy..
(v) Assistance to the exporters would be admissible on availing services of
APEDA recognized agencies for food safety management system. These
agencies are competent to implement and certify HACCP, ISO-22000,
BRC, GAP, ISO-9001 and ISO-14001. The list of APEDA recognized
agencies available on APEDA website at the link
(vi) Assistance would be admissible for certification of GAP (consultancy
charges will not be reimbursed)
(vii) For HACCP, ISO-22000, BRC, ISO-9001, ISO-14001, BRC etc .
assistance would be admissible for both consultancy and certification.
(viii) Assistance for periodic surveillance cost would also be eligible for
HACCP, ISO-22000, BRC and ISO-9001 subject to overall ceiling.
(ix) Assistance for implementation and certification of HACCP, ISO-22000,
BRC and ISO-14001 would be admissible to manufacturer exporters.
(x) Eligible assistance for HACCP, ISO-22000, BRC and ISO-9001 would be
reimbursed to the exporters in two phases (50% on submission of claim
and 50% on periodic surveillance).
(xi) Quotation from consultants(wherever applicable) and certification
(xii) The detailed component wise fee structure from Certification agency
must be provided as per Annexure-6
(xiii) Application shall be submitted for each of the above systems separately
since assistance is applicable individually for each system
Sub-Component 3:
Activities related to standardization and quality control such as preparation of
quality assurance manuals, guidelines, documents, standards, up gradation
and recognition of labs for export testing, certifying exporters as premium
quality exporters etc. pesticide management program, national and
international standardization activities
? Pattern of assistance: 100 per cent by APEDA
Sub-Component 4:
Up gradation of APEDA recognized labs for export testing
(i) Beneficiary : APEDA recognized laboratories
(ii) Pattern of assistance:
(a) 50 per cent of the cost for private labs
(b) 75 per cent for State Govt./ University lab and
( c ) 100 per cent for the Central Government labs
The above is subject to a ceiling of INR 75 lakh per Plan period
(iii) Laboratory recognition in accordance with the procedure laid down by
APEDA available at the link
(iv) The assistance should exclude building, renovation and interiors etc.
(v) The laboratories assisted by APEDA shall provide 10% rebate to APEDA
registered exporters
Sub-Component 5:
Testing of water, soil, residues of pesticide, veterinary drugs, hormones, toxins,
heavy metal contaminants in agricultural produce/ products “including all
fruits and vegetables, processed fruits and vegetables, other processed foods,
floriculture, animal products, cereals etc.:
(i) The beneficiaries are registered Exporters.
(ii) No in principle approval (IPA) required for this component but
reimbursement is subject to availability of funds .
(iii) Pattern of assistance: 50 per cent of the total cost subject to a
ceiling of INR 5000/- per sample in case where residue monitoring
activity is proposed by APEDA.
(iv) The assistance is applicable to products for which Residue
Monitoring Plan (RMP) documents have been made by APEDA on per
annum basis.
(v) The application should be filed through Laboratory Testing software.
(vi) The application should be accompanied by a linkage sheet as placed
at Annexure-7, self certified copy of bank statement showing debit
entries of payment released to the laboratory(ies)
(vii) Screen shot of laboratory showing entry of payment in accordance
with bank statement on the