Terms used in central excise such as Request for Qualifications,Request for Proposal,Right of Way,Rural Transit , Right of Way etc.
This post explains about terms used in central excise such as Revenue Bonds , Revenue,Request for Qualifications,Request for Proposal,Right of Way,Rural Transit , Right of Way,Substance Abuse Professional,Subcontractor ,State Highway Agency etc.These terms used in international business are arranged in alphabetical order and you may add more information about terms used in export business at the end of this article, if you wish.
Terms used in central excise
RB - Revenue Bonds - Are used of proprietary functions such as sewage treatment and refuse disposal equipment by all levels and all types of local governments. Governments are not limited in the amount of revenue bond debt they may incur.
RBBCSC - Richland-Bean Blossom Community School Corporation - The school corporation responsible for five schools in northwestern Monroe County including Ellettsville and Stinesville.
RC&D - Resource Conservation and Development - This program is to accelerate the conservation, development and utilization of natural resources, improve the general level of economic activity, and to enhance the environment and standard of living in designated (RC&D) areas. It improves the capability of State, tribal and local units of government and local nonprofit organizations in rural areas to plan, develop and carry out programs for resource conservation and development. The program also establishes or improves coordination systems in rural areas
RCRA - Resource Conservation Recovery Act - Federal legislation that: protect public from harm caused by waste disposal, to encourage reuse, reduction, and recycling, and to clean up spilled or improperly stored wastes.
RDA - Regional Development Authority - A legally recognized agency whose goal is the development/redevelopment of a region.

REDO - Regional Economic Development Organization - A private-public agency recognized by a city or county as the lead agency within that city or county for planning and implementation of economic development and job creation involving business expansion, business retention, and new business development.
REV - Revenue - All operating funds associated with the provision of transit service. Includes fares, charter, school bus revenue; auxiliary and non-transportation revenues.
RFP - Request for Proposal - A legal notice to be run in an area newspaper, which is a request or invitation to provide a proposal for service. It is used to communicate grantee requirements to potential bidders.
RFQ - Request for Qualifications - A legal notice to be run in an area newspaper, which is a request or invitation to provide qualifications to provide a service that might be pursued.
ROG - Reactive Organic Gases - Organic compounds that are assumed to be reactive at urban (and possibly regional) scales. By definition, taken to be those organic compounds that are regulated because they lead to ozone formation. Does not include methane.
ROW - Right of Way - The land (usually a strip) acquired for or devoted to highway transportation purposes.
RP - Real Property - Land, political, subdivision, instrumentality, or any public or private agency, institution, department or other organization unit, to whom financial assistance is directly extended by Federal Transit Administration (FTA).
RPC - Regional Planning Commission - A regional intergovernmental agency established to foster cooperative, coordinated and comprehensive planning activities, similar to a Council of Governments (COG).
RT - Rural Transit - In some BMCMPO documents like the TIP, RT is short for Rural Transit.
RTA - Regional Transportation Authority - A regional intergovernmental agency established to foster cooperative, coordinated and comprehensive transit planning/operational activities.
RTAP - Rural Transit Assistance Program - A Federal Transit Administration (FTA) program offering aid for rural transit system. Allocates federal funds to further the development of skills and abilities for persons involved in providing transit service to the state's rural and small urban areas.
RTP - Regional Transportation Plan - A regional transportation plan that is not required by law, but is the transportation plan for a defined region.
RVP - Reid Vapor Pressure - A method of characterizing the vapor pressure of petroleum products.
RW - Right of Way - The land (usually a strip) acquired for or devoted to highway transportation purposes.
RWB - Regional Workforce Board - The goal of the workforce board is to build a workforce to meet the needs of employers, workers, and communities. The board is responsible for the planning, implementation, and oversight of strategies to expand employment opportunities, workforce development, and thereby promote regional economic growth. Boards typically include representatives from economic development, private businesses, education, community-based organization, labor, etc. Local elected officials select members to this board.
SAFETEALU - Safe, Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act- A Legacy for Users - Authorizes the Federal surface transportation programs for highways, highway safety, and transit for the 5-year period 2005-2009. Formerly Federal Aid Highway Program (FAHP).
SAID - Substance Abuse Information Database - An online repository of hundreds of documents related to workplace alcohol and drug abuse, including sample policies, surveys, research reports, training and educational materials, and legal and regulatory information.
SAMHSA - Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration - Has established a clear vision for its work -- a life in the community for everyone. To realize this vision, the Agency has sharply focused its mission on building resilience and facilitating recovery for people with or at risk for mental or substance use disorders. (SAMHSA) is gearing all of its resources, programs, policies and grants toward that outcome.
SAP - Substance Abuse Professional - Authority in charge of the return-to-duty process for the Department of Transportation (DOT) drug and alcohol program.
SAPAA - Substance Abuse Program Administrators Association - Mission is to establish, promote, and communicate the highest standards of quality, integrity, and professionalism in the administration of workplace substance abuse prevention programs through education, training and the exchange of ideas.
SBA - Small Business Administration - Was created in 1953 as an independent agency of the federal government to aid, counsel, assist and protect the interests of small business concerns, to preserve free competitive enterprise and to maintain and strengthen the overall economy.
SBA - State Board of Accounts - Agency of the State executive branch, the State Board of Accounts audits the financial statements of all government units within the state, including cities, towns, utilities , schools, counties, license branches, state agencies, hospitals, libraries, townships, and state colleges and universities.
SC - Subcontractor - Any entity or organization which has entered into a subcontract relating to transit service delivery with a contractor to provide a service in connection with a program or activity initiated by an applicant, recipient, or sub recipient.
SDWA - Safe Drinking Water Act - Under SDWA, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) sets standards for drinking water quality and oversees the states, localities, and water suppliers who implement those standards.
SHA - State Highway Agency - The state agency responsible for highways.
SHPO - State Historic Preservation Officer - Administrator of the national historic preservation program at the State level, review National Register of Historic Places nominations, maintain data on historic properties that have been identified but not yet nominated, and consult with Federal agencies during Section 106 review.
The above details describes about terms called in central excise such as Revenue Bonds , Revenue,Request for Qualifications,Request for Proposal,Right of Way,Rural Transit , Right of Way,Substance Abuse Professional,Subcontractor ,State Highway Agency etc. These phrases may help importers and exporters on their day to day business activities. The readers can also add more information about terms used in overseas trade below this post.Terms used in central excise such as Parks Master Plan,Program of Projects,Personal Property,Procurement,Rural Areas
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