What is GSTR 5A and GSTR 4A ? How does GSTR 4A differ from GSTR 5A?
GSTR-4A is generated quarterly for composition scheme taxpayers. It has the details of the inward supplies as reported by suppliers in GSTR-1.But GSTR-5A is Non-Resident foreign taxpayers (special cases under GST Registration) are those suppliers who have come for a short period to make supplies in India without having any business establishments here. Products are normally imported to make local supplies
GSTR 4A is an AUTO DRAFTED DETAILS. But GSTR 5A is a taxpayers can take credit for supplies made by them and filed in Form GSTR 5A.
Details about GSTR 5A and GSTR 4A mentioned in this web blog. You may click below links for details about GSTR4A and GSTR 5A:
Non-Resident foreign taxpayers has to file GSTR 5A in Indian
GSTR 4A, AUTO DRAFTED DETAILS under GST returns filing
This post explains in brief about difference between GSTR 5Aand GSTR 4A.
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Indian GST Laws
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Export procedures and documentation
CGST Act, Appointment of officers
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Final return, CGST Act
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CGST Act, Payment of tax, interest, penalty and other amounts
CGST Act, Power of officers
CGST Act, Interest on delayed payment of tax
Tax deduction at source, CGST Act
Collection of tax at source, CGST Act
Transfer of input tax credit, CGST Act
Refund of tax, CGST Act