CPIN and CIN number under GST Tax in India
What is CPIN in GST tax system? How does CIN work under GST in India? How many digits in CPIN? How many days’ validity for CPIN? How many digits in CIN? What is the validity period of CIN number?
CPIN stands for Common Portal Identification Number where as CIN stands for Challan Identification Number. The CPIN number generates before payment of GST tax and CIN is issued after payment of GST tax.
Detailed information about CIN number and CPIN number has been mentioned in this website, you may click below to read:
What is CPIN under GST tax payment system in India?
How does CIN work under GST?
The above posts clearly differentiate between CIN and CPIN number under GST tax payment system in India. If you would like to add more details on difference between CPIN and CIN, please share below your views:
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