Terms used in export custom clearance such as Power Of Attorney,Port of Departure, Program Fees,Prohibited Goods, Representative Card etc.
This post explains about terms used in custom clearance such as Payment to your Seller,Power Of Attorney,Port of Departure,Program Fees,Prohibited Goods, Representative Card,Restricted Goods,Rail etc.These terms used in international business are arranged in alphabetical order and you may add more information about terms used in export business at the end of this article, if you wish.
Terms used in custom clearance
Payment to your Seller: PayPal will transmit to your Seller's PayPal account that portion of your payment consisting of the GSP Item price and the amount (if any) charged by your Seller to ship the GSP Item to the US or UK Shipping Center as applicable.
Pitney Bowes' Role as Your Forwarding Agent: By purchasing the GSP Item and consenting to these Terms, you authorize Pitney Bowes to act as your agent for the shipment and delivery of the GSP Item. As your appointed forwarding agent, Pitney Bowes will: (A) make export classifications and complete export filings, including but not limited to, preparing and transmitting any Electronic Export Information or other documents or records required to be filed by the US Census Bureau, US Customs and Border Protection, Bureau of Industry and Security, and/or any other US government agency, (B) arrange for the importation of the GSP Item, including, but not limited to, assigning Harmonized System classification codes to each GSP Item and filing a completed customs entry and related documents with the customs authorities of the country into which the GSP Item is being imported, (C) account for and pay the assessed import duties and other taxes due upon importation of the GSP Item, each on your behalf, (D) manage any dispute with such authorities regarding customs classifications,
applicable duties and/or taxes, and (E) perform any other act that may be required by law or regulation in connection with the exportation, importation and/or transportation of any GSP Item purchased by you for shipment out of the United States and into any other country. The making of export classifications and assigning Harmonized System classification codes requires expertise. You will defer to the expertise of Pitney Bowes in performing this task and will not question the export classifications made by Pitney Bowes on your behalf or the Harmonized System classification codes so assigned by Pitney Bowes.
POA:Power Of Attorney, an authorization granted by consignee or importer to its customs broker for the processing of customs clearance on its behalf.

POD: Proof Of Delivery, or a cargo/package receipt with the signature of recipient. This term has been widely used in courier and express industry and also gaining more attention and implementation at air cargo industry.
POL: Port Of Loading
Port of Departure:International main carriage departure port (air or ocean).
Port of Discharge:Port where aircraft/vessel is off loaded and shipments are dispersed to their ship-to delivery locations. It may or may not be the US destination port. Also called port of unloading/unlading.
Post Entry Adjustment: A request from an importer to obtain corrections to an entry filed with U.S. Customs and Border Protection prior to liquidation.
Post Entry Services: Protest: A request from an importer to recoup the overpayment of duty to U.S. Customs and Border Protection due to a description discrepancy or misclassification on the customs entry.
Power of Attorney. You grant to Pitney Bowes (and, to the extent necessary, its third party service providers) a "Power of Attorney" authorizing Pitney Bowes and/or its service providers to act as your agent(s). Pursuant to 15 CFR § 30.3 (b)(3), in a routed export transaction the authorized agent can be the "exporter" for export control purposes as defined in 15 CFR 772.1 of the US Department of Commerce Export Administration Regulations ("EAR"). In its role as agent, Pitney Bowes will be authorized to retain customs brokers and/or freight forwarders for the purpose of transacting customs business with all relevant export, customs and revenue authorities on your behalf. In addition, you authorize the customs brokers and/or freight forwarders selected by Pitney Bowes to make, endorse, sign, declare and/or swear to any customs, entry, withdrawal, declaration, certificate, bill of lading and/or any other documents required by law or regulation in connection with the exportation, importation and/or transportation of the GSP Item that is shipped or consigned to you or your designee for shipment out of the United States and into any other country. However, you will bear the liability for any violation of US export laws and regulations or import laws in the destination jurisdiction, with the exception of violations caused by incorrect information provided by your Seller.
Pre-carriage or Inland carriage (not preferred term):Transportation of freight from supplier's shipping point to international departure port (door to port). First leg of the shipment journey. See also Main carriage and On-carriage.
Pre-Release Notification for Import Shipments: A fee assessed when a customer contacts UPS regarding an import shipment and requires notification prior to releasing the shipment.
Pro Forma Invoice: An invoice provided by a supplier prior to the shipment of merchandise, informing the buyer of the kinds and quantities of goods to be sent, their value, and important specifications (weight, size, and similar characteristics). When an importer applies for Letter of Credit as the means of payment, a Pro Forma Invoice from the beneficiary of such Letter of Credit, usually the exporter, is required by the L/C issuing bank.
Program Fees: The pricing that is displayed to you at checkout is inclusive of all shipping and import charges associated with the Services ("Program Fees"). More information about Program Fees may be found here.
Program Updates and Discontinuation:eBay has the right, but not the obligation, to alter, amend, replace, suspend temporarily, and/or discontinue permanently, GSP, the name of GSP, any of the Services, features, and/or functionality offered under GSP, and/or the service providers used to provide any or all of the Services under GSP, at any time, in its sole discretion, with or without notice to you.
Prohibited Goods :Any goods that import, export or movement of which is prohibited under the provisions of any law, notice, order or system issued by a legally authorized agency.
Purchase Order (PO):Refers to the sales contract between buyer and seller.
Quotas and Quota System: Absolute quotas permit a limited number of units of specified merchandise to be entered or withdrawn for consumption during specified periods. Tariff-rate quotas permit a specified quantity of merchandise to be entered or withdrawn at a reduced rate during a specified period. Quotas are established by Presidential Proclamations, Executive Orders, or other legislation. The Quota System, a part of Customs' Automated Commercial System, controls quota levels (quantities authorized) and quantities entered against those levels. Visas control exports from the country of origin. Visa authorizations are received from other countries and quantities entered against those visas are transmitted back to them. Control of visas and quotas simplify reconciliation of other countries' exports and U.S. imports.
Rail:The mode of transportation where goods move by train.
range stipulated where the carrier shall take the goods into his charge. When the seller's assistance is required in making the contract with the carrier the seller may act at the buyers risk and expense. This term can be used across all modes of transport.
Relationship between eBay and Pitney Bowes: eBay Inc. and eBay International AG ("eBay") and Pitney Bowes are independent contractors and have entered into an agreement with one another in order to make the Services available to you. eBay is not providing any of the Services and is not responsible for the Services provided by Pitney Bowes. Pitney Bowes is neither owned by, nor affiliated with, eBay.
Representative Card:A card issued by the customs administration authorizing a person to clear customs transactions. An official Customs ID issued to the representative of an organization/business that authorises him/her to represent his organization in respect of Customs documentation and clearance and allow access to certain Customs controlled areas.
Restricted Goods: Those goods the import, export or movement of which is restricted under a system issued by a legally authorized agency.
Return Authorization (RA):Refers to the authorization (permission) given by the seller to the buyer to return goods to the seller's named location. An RA confirmation number (RA#) may be provided by seller to buyer to link the authorized return back to its original Purchase Order.
Risk of Loss:The risk of loss or damage to a GSP Item shall remain with your Seller until the GSP Item is accepted at the US or UK Shipping Center or has been returned to your Seller by Pitney Bowes from the US or UK Shipping Center. Subject to any statutory rights you may have, the risk of loss or damage to a GSP Item shall transfer to you when the GSP Item leaves the US or UK Shipping Center for export.
Second Notify Party:Is usually a secondary stakeholder or interested party in the importation of goods to the US. In the event the Notify Party is not Kodak Import Services, Kodak Import Services will be named as the 2nd Notify Party. The 2nd Notify Party may be responsible for arranging pre-carriage.
The above details describes about terms called in custom clearance such as Payment to your Seller,Power Of Attorney,Port of Departure,Program Fees,Prohibited Goods, Representative Card,Restricted Goods,Rail etc. These phrases may help importers and exporters on their day to day business activities. The readers can also add more information about terms used in custom clearance below this post.Terms used in export custom clearance such Main carriage, Manufacturer, Miscellaneous,Non-Commercial Use,Ocean Bill of Lading
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