Difference between GSTR1 and GSTR 7

What is GSTR1 and GSTR 7? How does GSTR1 differ from GSTR 7?
GSTR 1 is month to month Statement of Outward supplies of Goods or Services recorded by enrolled individual, while GSTR 7 is a Monthly Return for experts deducting charge at source.
GSTR 1 must be recorded documented on tenth day of month. In any case, GSTR 7 must be documented on tenth of the following month.
GSTR 1 must be recorded each citizen aside from Composition Scheme citizens, Non-Resident Foreign citizens, TDS deductor, E business Operators and Input Service Distributors as there are separate returns for them, whereas, GSTR 7 is documented by A GST Tax Deductor.
Insights about GSTR 7and GSTR 1 specified in this web blog. You may click beneath joins for insights about GSTR1 and GSTR 7:
GSTR 7 under GST returns filing
How does GSTR1 work under GST return filing?
This post clarifies in a word about distinction between GSTR 1 and GSTR 7.
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GST rate payable for goods or service, click here
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GST registration guidelines
Indian GST Laws
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Export procedures and documentation
IGST exemption on items specified under notfn 151/94, Click here for details
IGST exemption on re-import as specified under Notification 43/96
IGST exemption on re-import of goods not produced in India specified under Notfn 174/66
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IGST exemption to imports relating to defence and internal security forces, click here for details
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IGST exemption to passenger baggage and transfer of residence
Impact of GST on imports in India
Import by charitable organization as free gift is exempted from IGST, click here for details
Import Goods attract IGST, CVD and Compensation Cess under GST regime
Import goods attracts IGST and CVD under GST regime
Import goods used for display on returnable basis exempts from IGST
Import of containers of durable nature for re-export are exempted from IGST, click here
Import of goods attracts IGST but not CVD under GST regime