Step by step way to import to Croatia
What are the import procedures in Croatia to move goods? Explain about import registration process, cargo movement to Croatia from overseas countries, Import delivery process in Croatia etc. Detail the import methodology in Croatia. How to import to Croatia?
This post explains about step by step procedures that need to be finished with Croatia government authority for importation to Croatia.

Croatia is a member state of European Union. So it has certain similar procedures as like the other member states in the Union. As Croatia falls under EU countries, a common trade policy is adopted to import/export most of the products. A separate rules and regulations are applied to specific products when importing and exporting in the European Union called Integrated Tariff of the European Communities (TARIC code). For any import, export or transit in EU countries, an EORI number is compulsory. EORI means Economic Operator Registration and Identification. The European Union (EU) legislation has required all member states to adopt the Economic Operators Registration and Identification (EORI) scheme. All importers, exporters and other transporters need to use a unique EORI reference number in all electronic communications with Customs and other government agencies involved in the international trade. This means that anyone involved with export, transit or import operations need to have EORI number.
For starting an import export business you should enlist as a taxpayer with Tax authority in Croatia. A registered trade with concerned license as per the business is must for exporting and importing of commercial products from and into Croatia.
All customs administration works are pursued under Croatian Customs Administration belonging to The Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Croatia. Also, the Administration conducts the control of foreign goods, prepares professional foundations for the determination of economic and development policy in the field of the system of customs duties and excise duties and of tariff and non-tariff protection, adopts measures for the implementation thereof, organizes and supervises the work of the customs service, monitors and processes data on export, import and transit passage, carries out customs supervision in the transport of goods and passengers between Croatia and foreign countries and control over the products susceptible to special taxes etc.
The Union Customs Code (UCC) is part of the modernisation of customs and serves as the new framework regulation on the rules and procedures for customs throughout the EU. The Operators are required to fill out an Entry Summary Declaration (ENS) to the customs of the country of entry, prior to the goods are brought into the customs territory of the Union, using the electronic procedure (Union Customs Code - UCC).
The importer can likewise declare the goods by presenting a finished Single Administrative Document (SAD form) to Croatian Customs. The official model for written declarations to customs is the Single Administrative Document (SAD). The SAD delineates products and their movement around the world and is fundamental for trade outside the EU, or of non-EU merchandise. Merchandise brought into the EU customs area is, from the time of their entrance, subject to customs supervision until customs formalities are finished. Items are secured by a Summary Declaration which is documented once the things have been shown to customs authorities.
The Summary Declaration can be made on a form gave by the customs authorities. In any case, customs authorities may in like manner allow the utilization of any commercial or official document that contains the specific data required to perceive the merchandise. The SAD fills in as the EU importer's declaration. It incorporates both customs duties and VAT and is considerable in all EU member states. The declaration is made by whoever is clearing the good, typically the importer of record or his/her agent.
For the most part in all nations there are three phases of process for import. One time enrolment method to acquire import permit, documentation required for importation and Import customs clearance procedures. Point by point data on these three phases of imports has been specified independently in this site. You may click underneath those data connects to find out about well ordered techniques on the most proficient method to import:
License required for Import
Import documents required
Import Customs Process
This post explains about different phases in import process that every importer needs to go through in Croatia.
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