Difference between GSTR 7 and GSTR 8
What is GSTR 8 and GSTR 7 ? How does GSTR 7 differ from GSTR 8?

GSTR7 is the return that has to be filed with the aid of the tax deductor approximately tax deducted at source. But GSTR 8 is an E-Commerce Operator.
But GSTR 7 has to be filed on 10th of the next month. But GSTR 8 has to be filed on 10th of the next month.
GSTR 7 is filed by GST Tax Deductor. But GSTR 8 is filed by E-Commerce Operator.
Details about GSTR 8 and GSTR 7 mentioned in this web blog. You may click below links for details about GSTR 7 and GSTR 8:
GSTR 7 under GST returns filing
Details about GSTR 8 under GST returns filing
This post explains in brief about difference between GSTR 8and GSTR 7 .
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