Documentation in Nigeria for Export
What is the certification process to export from Nigeria? What are the documentation procedures as an exporter in Nigeria? How many documents required in Nigeria to export goods?
In many cases, the document requirement is depends on the country of origin or destination. The documents required for export from Nigeria is based on the product exporting from Nigeria, multilateral, bilateral or unilateral trade agreements, and other trade policies of Nigeria government. It also depends on the nature of good export from Nigeria.

The documentation procedure to export goods in a country is almost same in all countries worldwide. Certificates and license required for exportation of goods and services is uniformed by all WTO countries in almost all areas. Detailed information on documentation for export in a country is explained in detail as separate post in this website. Click below to read the same.
Documents required for exports
This post explains about various documents at different levels that required by every exporter need to be submitted with the Nigeria Customs Authority.
The following details also clarify:
Which documents should I provide at Calabar customs port location for export. Documents need to export cargo from Asaba, Delta port customs location. Export documentation in TINCAN ISLAND port customs. What are the documents required to export in PORT HARCOURT . What are the export document processes need to carried out with LAGOS customs. Required documents to export in Sokoto port. Customs documentation requirements to export at Sokoto port. Documents required to be submitted with Enugu customs for exportation. Documentation procedures for export at TINCAN ISLAND customs. What are the documents need to be submitted to export at Enuguh port customs.
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Directorate General of foreign Trade (DGFT)Means
CGST Act section 116 Appearance by authorised representative
CGST Act Section 117 Appeal to High Court
CGST Act Section 118Appeal to Supreme Court
CGST Act Section 119 Sums due to be paid notwithstanding appeal
CGST Act section 120 Appeal not to be filed in certain cases
CGST Act Section 121 Non-appealable decisions and orders
CGST Act Section 122 Penalty for certain offences
CGST Act Section 123 Penalty for failure to furnish information return
CGST Act Section 124 Fine for failure to furnish statistics
CGST Act section 125 General penalty
CGST Act Section 126 General disciplines related to penalty
CGST Act Section 127 Power to impose penalty in certain cases
CGST Act section 128 Power to waive penalty or fee or both
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