What is GSTR 5Aand GSTR 1? How does GSTR1 differ from GSTR 5A?
GSTR 1 is monthly Statement of Outward supplies of Goods or Services filed by registered person. But GSTR-5A is Non-Resident foreign taxpayers (special cases under GST Registration) are those suppliers who have come for a short period to make supplies in India without having any business establishments here. Products are normally imported to make local supplies
GSTR 1 has to be filed on 10th day of month. But GSTR 5A is a AUTO DRAFTED DETAILS
Details about GSTR5A and GSTR1 mentioned in this web blog. You may click below links for details about GSTR1 and GSTR 5A:
GSTR 4A, AUTO DRAFTED DETAILS under GST returns filing
How does GSTR1 work under GST return filing?
This post explains in brief about difference between GSTR 1 and GSTR 5A.
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A complete guide for enrolling GST common portal for registration in India
Find HSN number or Service tariff code for GST
GST registration guidelines
Indian GST Laws
How to export your goods?
Export procedures and documentation
GST on Precious Metals, Precious Pearls and Precious Stones (HSN Chapter 71)
GST on Project Imports, Laboratory Chemicals, Passengers baggage (HSN Chapter 98)
GST on purchase or sale of Pizza bread
GST on purchase or sale of Refrigerators
GST on Raw fur skins
GST on Rear Tractor tyres and rear tractor tyre tubes
GST on Rice, Oats, Millets, Maize etc. (HSN Chapter 10)
GST on Rubber Erasers
GST on sale of Spoons, Forks, tools and base metal parts (HSN Chapter 82)
GST on sale or purchase of Aluminium wire
GST on sale or purchase of Asphalt articles
GST on sale or purchase of Base metal Padlocks and locks
GST on sale or purchase of Lantern
GST on sale or purchase of Pastries and cakes
GST on sale or purchase of sawdust and wood waste and scrap, logs, briquettes, pellets
GST on sale or purchase of Seviyan or vermicelli
GST on sale or Spark-ignition reciprocating engine
GST on Salt other than common salt
GST on Self-propelled bulldozers
GST on Sulphur of all kinds, other than sublimed sulphur, precipitated sulphur and colloidal sulphur
GST on textile articles, laminated textile fabrics, impregnated or coated textile fabrics, textile articles (HSN Chapter 59)