(ii) Sewage and waste collection, trea
Notification no 01/2018 Central Tax (Rate) date on 25th January, 2018, GST
Seeks to amend notification No. 11/2017- Central Tax (Rate) so as to notify CGST rates of various services as recommended by Goods and Services Tax Council in its 25th meeting held on 18.01.2018.
The extract of GST Notification No. 01/2018- Central Tax (Rate) is given below:
Notification No. 01/2018- Central Tax (Rate), GST
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
(Department of Revenue)
Notification No. 1/2018-Central Tax (Rate)
New Delhi, the 25thJanuary, 2018
G.S.R......(E).- In exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (1) of section 9, sub-
section (1) of section 11,sub-section (5) of section 15 and sub-section (1) of section 16 of the Central Goods and Services Tax Act, 2017 (12 of 2017), the Central Government, on the recommendations of the Council, and on being satisfied that it is necessary in the public interest so to do, hereby makes the following further amendments in the notification of the Government of India, in the Ministry of Finance (Department of Revenue) No.11/2017-Central Tax (Rate), dated the 28thJune, 2017, published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part II, Section 3, Sub-section (i), vide number G.S.R. 690(E), dated the 28thJune, 2017, namely:-
In the said notification,
(i) in the Table, -
(a) against serial number 3, in column (3), -
(A) in item (iv),-
(I) for sub-item (c), the following sub-item shall be substituted, namely: -
‘(c) a civil structure or any other original works pertaining to the “ln-situ redevelopment of existing slums using land as a resource, under the Housing for All (Urban) Mission/ Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Urban);’;
(II) after sub-item (d), the following sub-items shall be inserted, namely: -
‘(da) a civil structure or any other original works pertaining to the
“Economically Weaker Section (EWS) houses” constructed under the
Affordable Housing in partnership by State or Union territory or local authority or urban development authority under the Housing for All (Urban) Mission/ Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Urban);
(db) a civil structure or any other original works pertaining to the “houses constructed or acquired under the Credit Linked Subsidy Scheme for Economically Weaker Section (EWS)/ Lower Income Group (LIG)/ Middle Income Group-1 (MlG-1)/ Middle Income Group-2 (MlG-2)” under the Housing for All (Urban) Mission/ Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (Urban);’;
(III) after sub-item (f), the following sub-items shall be inserted, namely: -
“(g) a building owned by an entity registered under section 12AA of the Income Tax Act, 1961 (43 of 1961), which is used for carrying out the activities of providing, centralised cooking or distribution, for mid-day meals under the mid-day meal scheme sponsored by the Central Government, State Government, Union territory or local authorities.”;
(B) in item (v),
(I) in sub-item (a), for the word “excluding”, the word “including” shall be substituted;
(II) after sub-item (d), the following sub-item shall be inserted, namely: -
“(da) low-cost houses up to a carpet area of 60 square metres per house in an affordable housing project which has been given infrastructure status vide notification of Government of India, in Ministry of Finance, Department of Economic Affairs vide F. No. 13/6/2009-INF, dated the 30th March,2017;”;
(C) for item (ix) and the entries relating thereto in columns (3), (4) and (5), the following shall be substituted, namely: -
tment and
disposal and other environmental protection services
other than (i) above.
(l) against serial number 34, in column (3),-
(A) for item (iii) and the entries relating thereto in columns (3), (4) and (5), the following shall be substituted, namely: -
“(iii) Services by way of admission to amusement parks including
theme parks, water parks, joy rides, merry-go rounds, go-carting and
(iiia) Services by way of admission to entertainment events or access to
amusement facilities including exhibition of cinematograph films, casinos, race club, any sporting event such as Indian Premier League and the like.
(B) in item (vi), after the brackets and figures “(iii)”, the brackets and figures
“(iiia),” shall be inserted;
(ii) for paragraph 2, the following shall be substituted, namely: -
“2. In case of supply of service specified in column (3), in item (i); sub-item (b), sub-item (c), sub-item (d), sub-item (da) and sub-item (db) of item (iv); sub-item (b), sub-item (c), sub-item (d) and sub-item (da) of item (v); and sub-item (c) of item (vi), against serial number 3 of the Table above, involving transfer of land or undivided share of land, as the case may be, the value of such supply shall be equivalent to the total amount charged for such supply less the value of transfer of land or undivided share of land, as the case may be, and the value of such transfer of land or undivided share of land, as the case may be, in such supply shall be deemed to be one third of the total amount charged for such supply.
Explanation. –For the purposes of this paragraph, “total amount” means the sum total of,-
(a) consideration charged for aforesaid service; and
(b) amount charged for transfer of land or undivided share of land, as the case may be including by way of lease or sublease.”.
[F. No.354/13/2018-TRU]
(Ruchi Bisht)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Note: -The principal notification was published in the Gazette of India, Extraordinary, vide notification No. 11/2017 - Central Tax(Rate), dated the 28thJune, 2017, vide number G.S.R. 690 (E), dated the 28th June, 2017 and was last amended by notification No. 46/2017-Central Tax (Rate), dated the 14th November, 2017 vide number G.S.R. 1405(E), dated the14th November, 2017.
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Section 102 of CGST Act, 2017 Rectification of advance ruling
Sec 98 of CGST Act, 2017 Procedure on receipt of application
Authority for advance ruling, Section 96 of CGST Act, 2017
Section 94 of CGST Act, 2017 Liability in other cases
Liability to pay tax, interest or penalty in certain cases, Sec 93 CGST Act
Section 90 Liability of partners of firm to pay tax, CGST Act, 2017
Liability of agent and principal, Sec 86 of CGST Act, 2017
Provisional attachment to protect revenue in certain cases, Sec 83 of CGST Act, 2017
Recovery of tax, Section 79 of CGST Act, 2017
GST exemptions for SME
GST, Composition scheme changes
Tax wrongfully collected and paid to Central Government or State Government, Sec 77 of CGST Act, 2017
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