Cooked Molluscs is exempted from paying GST
Does Cooked Molluscs fall under GST exemption list? I am doing Cooked Molluscs selling business, should I need to pay GST? Is GST payable on sale of Cooked Molluscs?

Goods and Service Tax on Cooked Molluscs under HSN Chapter 0307
As per GST Law, there is no GST payable on Cooked Molluscs.
So the rate of GST payable on Cooked Molluscs is nil rate.
Four main GST rate slabs framed with Essential goods and services, Standard goods and services and luxury goods and services with 5%, 12%, 18% and 28% respectively. Commonly used Goods and Services at 5%, Standard Goods and Services fall under 1st slab at 12%, Standard Goods and Services fall under 2nd Slab at 18% and Special category of Goods and Services including luxury - 28%. The most essential goods and services attract nil rate of GST under Exempted Categories. Luxury goods and services and certain specific goods and services attract additional cess than 28% GST.
This information is about GST on Cooked Molluscs. Would you like to add more information about GST rate tariff on Cooked Molluscs? Share below your comments about Goods and Service Tax levied on sale or purchase of Cooked Molluscs.
The above details about GST rate tariff on Cooked Molluscs is only for information.
The validity of above information and amendments about GST rate on Cooked Molluscs may be verified before any business dealing.
Click here to know GST rate on Goods and Services
GST Exemption list of goods and services
Nil rate of GST on sale of Fresh Shrimp
No need to pay GST on sale of Fresh Lobsters
Zero percentage of GST on sale of Fresh Crayfish
Exempted GST on sale of fresh crabs
Nil rate of GST on sale of Crustaceans whether in shell or not
Waived GST on sale of cooked woodlice
Nil rate tariff GST on sale of cooked shrimp
Nil rate of GST on sale of cooked lobsters
Nil rate of GST on sale of cooked crayfish
No need to pay GST on sale of chilled woodlice
Nil tariff GST on sale of chilled shrimp
Zero percentage GST chilled lobsters
No need to pay GST on sale of chilled krill
Nil rate of GST on purchase of chilled crayfish
No GST on purchase of chilled crabs
Exempted GST on sale of chilled barnacles
No need to pay GST on sale of Boiled shrimp
No need pay GST on sale of Boiled barnacles
No need to pay GST on purchase of live shrimps
Zero rate of GST on sale of live crabs
No need to pay GST on sale of Fresh barnacles
Zero rate of GST on purchase of cooked crabs
No GST on sale of Boiled crayfish
No need pays GST on sale of Boiled woodlice
Nil tariff GST on sale of Boiled lobsters
No need to pay GST on sale of Boiled krill
No need to pay GST on sale of Boiled crabs
No need to pay GST on sale of Plant bark
No need to pay GST on sale of Herb Plant
Zero percentage GST on purchase of Fresh Molluscs
Nil rate tariff of GST on Chilled Molluscs
Zero rate of GST on purchase of Live Molluscs
Zero percent GST on purchase of Cooked Molluscs
Zero rate of GST on sale of Live Aquatic invertebrates
No need to pay GST on sales of Cooked Aquatic invertebrates
Nil rate of GST on sale of Chilled Aquatic invertebrates
No need to pay GST on Fresh Aquatic invertebrates
No GST on purchase of Crustaceans cooked
How to export your goods?
Learn exports imports free of cost
Modes of payment for GST payments
Features of GST payment process system
Types of Challan in GST payments
Process of GST returns
GST Annual Return (GSTR-8)
GST Return for Casual and Non-Resident Taxpayers