Difference between GSTR1 and GSTR 8

What is GSTR1 and GSTR 8? How does GSTR1 differ from GSTR 8?
GSTR 1 is monthly Statement of Outward supplies of Goods or Services filed by registered person, whereas GSTR 8 is filed by a E-Commerce Operator.
GSTR 1 has to be filed on 10th day of month, while GSTR 8 has to be filed on 10th of the next month.
GSTR 1 has to be filed every taxpayer except Composition Scheme taxpayers, Non-Resident Foreign taxpayers, TDS deductor, E commerce Operators and Input Service Distributors as there are separate returns for them. But GSTR 8 is filed by E-Commerce Operator.
Details about GSTR 8and GSTR 1 mentioned in this web blog. You may click below links for details about GSTR1 and GSTR 8:
Details about GSTR 8 under GST returns filing
How does GSTR1 work under GST return filing?
This post explains in brief about difference between GSTR 1 and GSTR 8.
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GST rate payable for goods or service, click here
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Indian GST Laws
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Export procedures and documentation
IGST Act Section 4 Authorisation of officers
IGST Act Section 5 Levy and Collection
IGST Act section 6 Power to grant exemption from tax
IGST Act section 7 Inter-State supply
IGST Act section 8 Intra-State supply
IGST Act section 9 Supplies in territorial waters
IGST Act section Transfer of input tax credit
IGST Act section21 Import of services made on or after the appointed day
IGST exempted on re-imported goods specified under notification 241/82
IGST exempted to engine and parts of aircraft as per Notification 117/61
IGST exemption on exhibition items benefited for government museums.
IGST exemption on exhibition items benefited for government museums.
IGST exemption on Goods imported for being tested in specified test centres
IGST exemption on Goods imported for being tested in specified test centres
IGST exemption on import of goods to and from Nepal, Bhutan
IGST exemption on import of repairs, reconditioning, reengineering etc. as per Notification 134/94
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