GSTR 6 and GSTR 10
What are GSTR 10 and GSTR 6 ? How does GSTR 6 differ from GSTR10?

GSTR 6 Return is masterminded to use for Return for Input Service Distributor. Each ISD (Input Service Distributor) is required to outfit points of interest of solicitations in frame GSTR 6. But GSTR 10 is a Final Return.
GSTR 6 has to be filed on 13th of the next month. But GSTR 10 has to be filed on within three months of the date of cancellation or date of order of Cancellation, whichever is later.
GSTR 6 is filed by Input Service Distributor. But GSTR 10 is a Taxable Person whose registration has been surrendered or cancelled has to file GSTR 10.
Details about GSTR 10and GSTR 6 mentioned in this web blog. You may click below links for details about GSTR 6 and GSTR 10:
GST Final Return under GSTR 10
Details about GSTR 6
This post explains in brief about difference between GSTR 10 and GSTR 6.
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Indian GST Laws
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IGST Act Section 12 Place of supply of services , location of supplier and recipient in India
IGST Act Section 13 location of supplier or location of recipient is outside India
IGST Act section 14 Special provision for payment of tax by a supplier
IGST Act section 15 Refund of integrated tax paid on supply of goods to tourist leaving India
IGST Act section 16 Zero rated supply
IGST Act section 17 apportionment of tax and settlement of funds
IGST Act section 19 Tax wrongfully collected
IGST Act Section 2 definitions